Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  मां , मांई , माई , माउली , मावली


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A mother. 2 A name of Lakshmí.<br>


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  A mother. generally in poetry.<br>


  स्त्री. <br> क्रि.वि.  नको ; नाहीं . तेह वेळीं मा - भणौणि न घसरें चालतां । दुनी देहुडी आंगें घालितां । - शिशु ५६२ .<br>   आम्ही . - मुधो . ( अर .)<br>   नकार . न यावया मा जिभ लाज ना दे । - आविश्वा २३ .<br>   माता ; आई .<br>   लक्ष्मी ; विष्णुपत्नी . भंगे अश्वत्थामा अश्वत्था मा क्वचित सदा हरिला । - मोविराट ५ . ३८ . [ सं . मातृ ; प्रा . माइ , माउ ]<br>   ना ; होय ना ? ( प्रश्नार्थक अव्यय ). तुम्ही बकाकरवीं चांदिणें । चरऊं पहा मा । - ज्ञा ११ . १५६ .<br>   मग ; नंतर . मा एक जन्म येथें दीजोका । मा काई होइल ते पाहिजे । - चक्रधर सि . सू . सूर्योरात्री पा मारील । मां आपणया उदो करील । - अमृ ६ . २१ .<br>०साहेब  स्त्री. राणी ; राजमाता .<br>   जरी ; यद्यपि . तान्हेलया मृगतृष्णा । न भल्या सीण जे सणा । मा भेटलया कोणा । काय भेटलें । - अमृ ७ . २१० .<br>   तरी पण . मा चंद्रासि उणें । स्फुरतें कां । - अमृ ७ . १७२ .<br>   तर मग . तेवीं हरिभक्तां देहाचा अभावा । मा काळ कणवा घालील घावो । - एभा २ . ६८३ . [ सं . ]<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मा  f. af. a mother, [L.] <br>   measure, [L.] <br>-त्व  n. authority (n.), [Nyāyam.] <br>
   light, [L.] <br>   knowledge, [L.] <br>   binding, fettering, [L.] <br>   death, [L.] <br>   a woman's waist, [L.] <br>मा  n. 1.ind. (causing a following छ् to be changed to च्छ्, [Pāṇ. 6-1, 74] ) not, that not, lest, would that not, [RV.] &c. &c.<br>मा नो वधीर् इन्द्र   a particle of prohibition or negation = Gk.μή, most commonly joined with the subjunctive i.e. the augmentless form of a past tense (esp. of the aor.e.g., do not slay us, O इन्द्र, [RV.] ; मा भैषीः or मा भैः, do not be afraid, ---11--- ; तपोवन-वासिनाम् उपरोधो मा भूत्, let there not be any disturbance of the inhabitants of the sacred grove, [Śak.] ; often also with स्मe.g.मा स्म गमः, do not go, [Bhag.] compare.">cf.175; 176">---14--- in the sense of, ‘that not, lestalso यथा माe.g.यथा मा वो मृत्युः परि-व्यत्का इति, that death may not disturb you, [PraśnaUp.] ; or मायथाe.g.मा भूत् काला-त्ययो यथा, lest there be any loss of time, [R.] ; मा न with aor.Subj. = Ind, without a negative e.g.मा द्विषो न वधीर् मम, do slay my enemies, [Bhaṭṭ.] compare.">cf.[Vām. v, 1, 9] ; rarely with the augmentless tense.">impf. with or without स्मe.g.मै-नम् अभिभाषथाः, do not speak to him, [R.] ; मा स्म करोत्, let him not do it, 74 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 6-4, 74] Sch.; exceptionally also with the Ind. of the aor.e.g., मा कालस् त्वाम् अत्य्-अगात्, may not the season pass by thee, [MBh.] ; compare.">cf.75 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 6-4, 75] Sch.)<br>मा नो हृणीताम्   or with the Impv. (in, only viii, 103, 6">[RV. only viii, 103, 6] , [[SV.] हृणीतास्] अग्नि॑, may अग्नि not be angry with us; but very often in later language e.g.मा क्रन्द do not cry, [MBh.] ; गच्छ वा मा वा, you can go or not go, ib.; रिपुर् अयम् मा जायताम्, may not this foe arise, [Śāntiś.] ; also with स्मe.g.मा स्म किं चिद् वचो वद do not speak a word, ---27--- )<br>मा यमम् पश्येयम्   or with the pot. (e.g., may l not see यम; esp.माभुजेम in [RV.] )<br>मा भूयात्   or with the Prec. (only once in , may it not be, ii, 75, 45">[R. [B.] ii75, 45])<br>मा त्वां शप्स्ये   or sometimes with the fut. (= that not, lest e.g., lest I curse thee, ---29--- compare.">cf.xxv, 27">[Vop. xxv, 27] )<br>मा जीवन्यो दुःखदग्धो जीवति   or with a participle (e.g., he ought not to live who lives consumed by pain, [Pañcat.] ; गतः स मा, he cannot have gone, [Kathās.] ; मई-वम्प्रा-र्थ्यम्, it must not be so requested, ---33--- )<br>   sometimes for the simple negative (e.g.कथम् मा भूत्, how may it not be, [Kathās.] ; मा गन्तुम् अर्हसि, thou oughtest not to go, R; मा भूद् आगतः, can he not i.e. surely he must have arrived, [Amar.] )<br>मा शब्दः   occasionally without a verb (e. g. or शब्दम्, do not make a noise, [Hariv.] ; मा नाम रक्षिणः, may it not be the watchmen, [Mṛcch.] ; मा भवन्तम् अनलः पवनो वा, may not fire or wind harm thee, ---38--- ; esp. = not so e.g.मा प्रातृद, not so, O Pr°, [ŚBr.] ; in this meaning also मा मा, मा मै-वम्, मा तावत्)<br>   in the वेद often with (मो॑-) = and not, nor (e.g.मा॑ मघो॑नः प॑रि ख्यतम् मो- अस्मा॑कम् ऋ॑ष्णाम्, do not forget the rich lords nor us the poets, 65, 6">[RV. v, 65, 6] ; and then usually followed by षु॑ = सु॑e.g.मो- षु॑ णः नि॑रृतिर् वधीत्, let not on any account destroy us, 38, 6">i, 38, 6)<br>स्म मा   in [ŚBr.] - मो॑ स्म = neither - nor (in a prohibitive sense).<br>मा   2.cl. 3. P.मि॑माति (accord. to xxv, 6">[Dhātup. xxv, 6] Ā.मिमीते, [SV.] मिमेति; pot.मिमीयत्, [Kāṭh.] ; tense.">pf., मिमाय; aor.अ॑मीमेत्Subj.मीमयत्; mood.">inf.मा॑तवै॑),
to sound, bellow, roar, bleat (esp. said of cows, calves, goats &c.), ---45--- ; [AV.] ; [Br.] :
Intens., only pr. p.मे॑म्यत्, bleating (as a goat), [RV. i, 162, 2.] <br>मा   3.cl. 2. P. (xxiv, 54">[Dhātup. xxiv, 54] ) माति;
cl. 3. Ā. (xxv, 6) मि॑मीते;
cl. 4. Ā. (xxvi, 33) मायते (Ved. and ep. also मिमातिpot.मिमीयात्Impv., मिमीहि; pot.मिमेत्, [Br.] ; tense.">pf.ममौ॑, ममे, ममिरे॑, [RV.] ; aor.अ॑मासिSubj.मा॑सातै, [AV.] ; अमासीत्Gr.; Prec.मासीष्ट, मेयात्, ib.; fut.माता; मास्यति, मास्यते, ib.; mood.">inf.मे॑-मै॑, [RV.] ; मातुम्, ---54--- ; ind.p.मित्वा॑, -मा॑य, [RV.] &c. &c.),
to measure, mete out, mark off, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to measure across = traverse, [RV.] ;
to measure (by any standard), compare with (instr.), ---58--- ;
(माति) to correspond in measure (either with gen., ‘to be large or long enough for’ ---59--- ; or with loc., ‘to find room or be contained in’ [Inscr.] ; [Kāv.] ; or with and instr., ‘to be beside one's self with’ [Vcar.] ; [Kathās.] );
to measure out, apportion, grant, [RV.] ;
to help any one (acc.) to anything (dat.), ib., i, 120, 9;
to prepare, arrange, fashion, form, build, make, ---65--- ;
to show, display, exhibit (अमिमीत, ‘he displayed or developed himself’, 29, 11">iii, 29, 11), ib.;
(in phil.) to infer, conclude;
to pray (याच्ञा-कर्मणि), iii, 59">---66--- :
pass.मीय॑ते (aor.अमायि);
to be measured &c., [RV.] ; &c. Caus., मापयति, °ते (aor.अमीमपत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 93] , Vārtt. 2 [Pat.] ),
to cause to be measured or built, measure, build, erect, [Up.] ; [GṛS.] ; [MBh.] &c.:
Desid.मित्सति, °ते, 54; 58">[Pāṇ. 7-4, 54; 58] (compare.">cf.निर्-√ मा) :
Intens.मेमीयते66.">---74--- <br>मा   [compare.">cf.Zd.word is part of Etymology of ">; Gk.μέτρον, μετρέω; Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">mētior, word is part of Etymology of ">mensus, word is part of Etymology of ">mensura; Slav.word is part of Etymology of ">mĕra; Lith.word is part of Etymology of ">mērá.]<br>मा  f. 4.f. see under 4. , p. 771, col. 2. <br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मा   r. 2nd. cl. (माति)<br>   r. 3rd cl. (मिमीते)<br>   r. 4th cl. (मायते)<br>   1. To mete, to measure.<br>   2. To be contained:<br>   with अनु prefixed, to infer, to con- clude;<br>   with उप, to resemble;<br>   with परि, to measure;<br>   with प्र, to be evidence or authority;<br>   with सम, to compare, to equalize.<br>मा   Ind.<br>   1. A prohibitive and negative particle.<br>   2. A particle imply- ing doubt.<br>   E. मा to measure, aff. क्किप्; this particle is chiefly prexfied to verbs, in the imperative mood, as माकुरु do not do, (any act.) &c.; it is also read sometimes, माङ् the final being redundant.<br>
मा क्किप्; माकुरु माङ्
मा  f.  (-मा)<br>   1. LAKSHMĪ.<br>   2. A mother.<br>   3. A measure.<br>   4. An elephant.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  कस्यापि वस्तुनः विस्तरस्य घनत्वस्य वा परिमाणस्य साहाय्येन मापनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. सः वस्त्रं मीटर इति परिमाणम् अनु माति। <br>
act उदाहरण :- आक्रमण करना इत्यादि (VOA)">कार्यसूचक (act)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (verb of Action)क्रिया (verb)
   see : लक्ष्मीः<br>

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