OUGHT , v.irreg.
(Be bound, be obliged, be necessary) ex- pressed by the fut. pass. part.; as,
‘you ought to marry the damsel,’ त्वया कन्या वोढव्या;
‘we ought to restrain an- ger,’ अस्माभिः कोपः नियन्तव्यः;
‘I ought not to do that,’ मयातत् न कर्त्तव्यं or करणीयं or कार्य्यं, or sometimes by the po- tential mood; as,
‘he ought to treat his son like a friend,’ पुत्रं मित्रवद् आचरेत्, or by the use of the verb अर्ह्; as,
‘he ought to give,’ दातुम् अर्हति;
‘to act as one ought,’ यथो-चितं or यथायोग्यं or यथार्हं कृ.