अघ [agha] a. a. [अघ्-कर्तरि अच्] bad, sinful, evil, wicked; अघायुरिन्द्रियारामो मोघं पार्थ स जीवति [Bg.3.16.] -घम् [अघ् भावे अच्] sin; अघं स केवलं भुङ्क्ते यः पचत्यात्मकारणात् [Ms. 3.118,] [Bg.3.13;] अघौघविध्वंसविधौ पटीयसीः [Śi.1.18,] हरत्यघं सम्प्रति हेतुरेष्यतः 26; ˚मर्षण &c.; misdeed, fault, crime; श्रेयान् द्विजातिरिव हन्तुमघानि दक्षम् [Śi.4.37] sins and griefs also. An evil, mishap, misfortune, accident, injury, harm; न वधूष्वघानि विमृशन्ति धियः [Ki.6.45.] do not think of doing harm or evil; क्रियादघानां मघवा विघातम् 3.52; अघोपघातं मघवा विभूत्यै 11.8; प्रजानां तमघावहम् [R.15.51,19.52,] see अनघ. impurity (अशौचम्); अनुरुन्ध्यादघं त्र्यहम् [Ms.5.63;] न वर्धयेदघाहानि 84. न राज्ञामघदोषोऽस्ति 93; pain, suffering, grief, distress; उपप्लुतमघौघेन नात्मानमवबुद्ध्यसे [Rām.2.7.14,] [Mb.3.237.19.] ---10--- दयालुमनघस्पृष्टम् [R.1.19] not subject to grief. passion. cf. अंहोदुःखव्यसनेष्वघम् nm.-घः N. of a demon, brother of Baka and Pūtanā and commander-in-chief of Kaṁsa. [Being sent by Kaṁsa to Gokula to kill Kṛiṣṇa and Balarāma he assumed the form of a huge serpent 4 yojanas long, and spread himself on the way of the cowherds, keeping his horrid mouth open. The cowherds mistook it for a mountain cavern and entered it, cows and all. But Kṛiṣṇa saw it, and having entered the mouth so stretched himself that he tore it to pieces and rescued his companions.]-घा The goddess of sin; (pl.) the constellation usually called Maghā. -Comp. -असुरः see अघ above. -अहः (अहन्) a day of impurity (अशौचदिनम्) -आयुस् a. a. leading a wicked life. -कृद् a. a. sinful, wicked, evil-doer.-घ्नः = ˚नाशन. -नाश, -नाशन a. a. [अघं नाशयति] expiatory, destroying sin (such as gifts, muttering holy prayers &c.). (-नः) destroyer of the demon अघ; N. of Kṛiṣṇa. -भोजिन् a. a. [अघं पापफलकं भुङ्क्ते] a sinful eater (one who cooks and eats for his own sake and not for Gods, manes guests &c.) -मर्षण a. a. [अघं मृष्यते उत्पन्नत्वेऽपि नाशनेन कर्माक्षमत्वात् सह्यते अनेन मृष्-ल्युट्] expiatory, removing or destroying sin, usually applied to a prayer (सन्ध्या) repeated by Brāhmaṇas (the 19th hymn of ---12--- ); सर्वैनसामपध्वंसि जप्यं त्रिष्वघमर्षणं ak.; यथाश्वमेधः क्रतुराट् सर्वपापापनोदनः । तथाघमर्षणं सूक्तं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ॥ The most heinous crimes, such as illicit intercourse with a preceptor's wife, one's own mother, sister, daughter-in-law &c. are said to be expiated by repeating this सूक्त thrice in water; पवित्राण्यघमर्षणानि जपन्त्याम् [K.179,38.] -मार a. a. [अघं मारयति नाशयति; मृ णिच्-अण्] destroying sin, an epithet of Gods (यमो मृत्युरघमारो निर्ऋतः). -रुद् a. a. [अघं रोदिति स्वकर्माक्षमतया यस्मात्, रुद्-अपा- दाने क्विप्] 'making sin weep and fly', N. of a mantra which destroys sin; fearfully howling (?). [अघे व्यसने रोदिति न तत्प्रतीकाराय घटते, क्विप्] one who only weeps in times of calamity, but does not try to get over them. -विषः [अघं व्यसनकारि विषं यस्य] a serpent; fearfully venomous (?). indication or reporting of sin. [अघं अनिष्टं शंसति इच्छति; शंस्-अण्] a wicked man, such as a thief. wicked; sin-destroying (?). -शंसिन् a. a. reporting or telling one's sin or guilt. -हारः a noted robber; rumour of guilt (?).