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Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  दूरी की एक नाप जो चार से आठ मील तक की कही गयी है   Ex. कर्ण के एक ही वाण से अर्जुन का रथ सौ योजन पीछे जाकर गिरा
माप (Measurement)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdیوجن , چار , آٹھ یاسولہ میل کے برابر کی دوری
   see : ईश्वर


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A measure of distance equal to four क्रोश; which, at 8000 cubits or 4000 yards each, will amount to nine miles. other computations make the योजन but about five miles. 2 joining, uniting, applying. vide infra.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  रस्त्याची लांबी किंवा अंतर मोजण्याचे माप, चार कोस, नऊ मैल वा काहींच्या मते पाच मैल   Ex. भीष्माच्या बाणाच्या धक्याने अर्जुनाचा रथ चार योजने मागे गेला
माप (Measurement)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdیوجن , چار , آٹھ یاسولہ میل کے برابر کی دوری


   रस्त्याची लांबी अगर अंतर मोजण्याचें माप ; चार कोस ; नऊ मैल ; कित्येकांचे मतें ५ मैल . शक्रसभा सार्धशतक योजन दीर्घा तशीच विस्तीर्णा । - मोसभा १ . २३ .
   योजना ; बेत इ० [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
योजन   a &c. see pp. 858, cols. 1, 2.
योजन  n. bn. joining, yoking, harnessing, [PārGṛ.] ; [Hariv.]
   that which is yoked or harnessed, a team, vehicle (also applied to the hymns and prayers addressed to the gods), [RV.]
   course, path, ib.
  f. (sometimes m.; ifc.f(). ) a stage or योजन (i.e. a distance traversed in one harnessing or without unyoking; esp. a partic. measure of distance, sometimes regarded as equal to 4 or 5 english miles, but more correctly = 4 क्रोशs or about 9 miles; according to other calculations = 2 1/2 english miles, and according to some = 8 क्रोशs), [RV.] &c. &c.
   instigation, stimulation, [Sāh.]
योग   mental concentration, abstraction, directing the thoughts to one point (= ), [Up.]
परमात्मन्   the supreme spirit of the universe (= ), [L.]
   a finger, [L.]
योजन  fn. nf (). use, application, arrangement, preparation, [RV.] ; KātyŚr.; [MBh.] ; [Sāh.]
   erecting, constructing, building, [Rājat.] ; [Kathās.]
   junction, union, combination, [Sāh.] ; [Vedântas.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
योजन  n.  (-नं)
   1. god, the supreme being, the soul of the world.
   2. A measure of distance equal to four Krosas, which at 8000 cubits or 4000 yards to the Krosa or kos, will be exactly nine miles; other computations make the yojana but about five miles, or even no more than four miles and a half.
   3. joining, union, junction, yoking.
   4. application, preparation.
   5. construction, putting together of the sense of a passage.
   6. instigation, excit- ing.
   7. concentration of the mind.
  f.  (-ना)
   1. union, connection. 2. grammatical construction.
   E. युज् to join, aff. ल्युट् .

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