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   { rajas }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रजस्  n. n.coloured or dim space’, the sphere of vapour or mist, region of clouds, atmosphere, air, firmament (in वेद one of the divisions of the world and distinguished from दिव् or स्वर्, ‘the sphere of light’, and रोचना दिवः, ‘the ethereal spaces’, which are beyond the रजस्, as ether is beyond the air; often रजस्, = ‘the whole expanse of heaven or sky’, divided into a lower and upper stratum, the रजस् उपरम् or पार्थिवम् and the रजस् उत्तमम् or परमम् or दिव्यम्; hence du.रजसी, ‘the lower and higher atmospheres’; sometimes also three and, [RV. i, 164, 6] even six such spheres are enumerated, hence pl.रजांसि, ‘the skies’), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [VS.] ; [Br.] <br>   vapour, mist, clouds, gloom, dimness, darkness, [RV.] ; [AV.] <br>गो-र्°   impurity, dirt, dust, any small particle of matter, [RV.] &c. &c. (cf.)<br>
गो र्°
   the dust or pollen of flowers, [Kālid.] ; [BhP.] <br>   cultivated or ploughed land (as ‘dusty’ or ‘dirty’), arable land, fields, [RV.] <br>   the impurity i.e. the menstrual discharge of a woman, [GṛS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Suśr.] &c.<br>   the ‘darkeningquality, passion, emotion, affection, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.<br>सत्त्व   (in phil.) the second of the three गुणs or qualities (the other two being , goodness, and तमस्, darkness; cf.---18--- ; रजस् is sometimes identified with तेजस्q.v.; it is said to predominate in air, and to be active, urgent, and variable), ---19--- ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Suśr.] &c.<br>   light’ or ‘day’ or ‘world’ or ‘wateriv, 19">[Nir. iv, 19] <br>पर्पट   a kind of plant (= ), [Bhpr.] <br>   tin, [L.] <br>   autumn, [L.] <br>   sperm, [L.] <br>   safflower, ---27--- <br>रजस्  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of a ऋषि (son of वसिष्ठ), [VP.] <br>रजस्   [cf.Gk.ἔ-ρεβος; Goth.riqis.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रजस् [rajas]  n. n. [रञ्ज्-असुन् नलोपः [Uṇ.4.224] ]<br>   dust, powder, dirt; धन्यास्तदङ्गरजसा मलिनीभवन्ति [Ś.7.17;] आत्मोद्धतैरपि रजोभिरलङ्घनीयाः 1.8; [R.1.42;6.33.] <br>   The dust or pollen of flowers; भूयाद् कुशेशयरजोमृदुरेणुरस्याः (पन्थाः) [Ś. 4.11;] [Me.35,67;] [Śi.7.42.] <br>   A mote in a sun-beam, any small particle (of matter); cf. [Ms.8.132;] जाल- सूर्यमरीचिस्थं त्रसरेणू रजः स्मृतम् [Y.1.362.] <br>   A ploughed or cultivated land, arable field.<br>   gloom, darkness.<br>   foulness, passion, emotion, moral or mental darkness; अपथे पदमर्पयन्ति हि श्रुतवन्तोऽपि रजोनिमीलिताः [R.9.] 74.<br>   The second of the three Guṇas or constituent qualities of all material substances (the other two being सत्त्व and तमस्; रजस् is supposed to be the cause of the great activity seen in creatures; it predominates in men, as Sattva and Tamas predominate in gods and demons); अन्तर्गतमपास्तं मे रजसोऽपि परं तमः [Ku.6.6;] [Bg.6.] 27; रजोजुषे जन्मनि K.; [Māl.1.2.] <br>   menstrual discharge, menses; रजसाभिप्लुतां नारी नरस्य ह्युपगच्छतः । प्रज्ञा तेजो बलं चक्षुरायुश्चैव प्रहीयते ॥ [Ms.4.41;5.66.] <br>   safflower.<br>   tin.<br>   Ved. air, atmosphere.<br>   A division of the world.<br>   vapour.<br>   cloud or rain-water.<br>   sin (पाप); प्रायश्चित्तं च कुर्वन्ति तेन तच्छाम्यते रजः [Rām.4.] 18.34. -Comp.<br>-गुणः   see (7) above.<br>-जुष् a.  a. one who is addicted to Rajoguṇa; रजोषुजे जन्मनि सत्त्ववृत्तये K.-तमस्क a. being under the influenec of both rajas and tamas.<br>   तोकः, कम्, पुत्रः greediness, avarice; मुनये प्रेषयामास रजस्तोकमदौ तथा [Bhāg.12.8.16.] <br>   'the child of passion', a term applied to a person to show that he is quite insignificant.<br>-दर्शनम्   the first appearance of the menstrual excretion, first menstrual flow.<br>-निमीलित a.  a. blinded by passion; अपथे पदमपयन्ति हि श्रुतवन्तोऽपि रजोनिमीलिताः [R.9.74.] <br>-पटलम्   a coating of dust.<br>-बन्धः   suppression of menstruation.<br>-मूर्तिः   the god Brahmā.<br>-मेघः   a cloud of dust.<br>-रसः, -व(ब)- लम्   darkness.<br>-शयः   a dog; L. D. B.<br>-शुद्धिः  f. f. pure condition of the menses.<br>-सारथिः   wind; L. D. B.<br>-हरः   'dirt-remover', a washerman.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रजस्  n.  (-जः)<br>   1. The second of the three primary qualities of nature the quality or property of passion: that which produces sensual desire, worldly coveting, pride, and falsehood, and is the cause of pain.<br>   2. dust.<br>   3. The dust or pollen of a flower.<br>   4. any particle of matter.<br>   5. The menstrual evacuation.<br>   6. cultivated fields.<br>   7. A mole in a sun-beam.<br>   E. रञ्ज् to colour, to be attached to, Unādi aff. असुन् .<br>
रञ्ज् असुन् .

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