तमस् n. an. darkness, gloom (also pl. ), [RV.] (°मः प्र॑णीत, ‘led into darkness’, deprived of the eye's light or sight, i, 117, 17) &c. the darkness of hell, hell or a particular division of hell, iv, viii f.">[Mn. iv, viii f.] ; ii, 6, 4">[VP. ii, 6, 4] ; xii, 10">[MārkP. xii, 10] m. the obscuration of the sun or moon in eclipses, attributed to राहु (also m., [L.] ), [R.] ; [VarBṛS. v, 44] ; [VarBṛ. ii] ; [VarYogay.] ; [Sūryas.] अ-विद्या mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error (in सांख्यphil. one of the 5 forms of , xiv, 1019">---10--- ; [Sāṃkhyak.] &c.; one of the 3 qualities or constituents of everything in creation [the cause of heaviness, ignorance, illusion, lust, anger, pride, sorrow, dulness, and stolidity; sin, ---12--- ; sorrow, [Kir. iii] ; see गुण and cf. [RTL.] p. 45] xii, 24 f. and 38">[Mn. xii, 24 f. and 38] ; [Sāṃkhyak.] &c.), ---17--- ; [R. ii] ; [Śak.] ; [Rājat. v, 144] also title or epithet).">N. of a son (of श्रवस्, xiii, 2002">[MBh. xiii, 2002] ; of दक्ष, i Sch. ; of पृथु-श्रवस्, iv, 12, 2">[VP. iv, 12, 2] ) तमस् [cf. तिमिर; Lat. temere &c.] तमस् b°स॑, &c. see col. 1.