गौरी f. af. the female of the BosGaurus, [RV.] (‘वाच् or voice of the middle region of the air’, i, 164, 41 according to, [Naigh. i, 11] and, [Nir. xi, 40] ) गौरिका = , [Gṛhyās. ii, 18] ; [Pañcat.] the earth, [L.] red chalk, [Kālac.] गो-रोचना a yellow pigment or dye (, ‘orpiment’ [Gal.] ), [L.] रजनी turmeric (), [Suśr.] प्रियंगु N. of several other plants (, मञ्जिष्ठा, श्वेत-दूर्वा, मल्लिका, तुलसी, सुवर्ण-कदली, आकाश-मांसी), [L.] N. of several metres (one of 4 x 12 syllables; another of 4 x 13 syllables; another of 4 x 26 long syllables) (in music) a kind of measure (ib.) N. of a रागिणी ‘brilliant Goddess’, शिव's wife पार्वती, [AV.Pariś.] ; [NṛsUp. i, 4, 3, 10 &c.] N. of वरुण's wife, [MBh. v, xiii] of a विद्या-देवी, iii, 231, 48; [Hariv.] of शाक्य-मुनि's mother, [L.] of the wife of वि-रजस् and mother of सु-धामन्, [VāyuP. i, 28, 11] of several other women of several rivers (one originally the wife of प्रसेन-जित् or युवनाश्व, changed by his curse into the river बाहु-दा, [Hariv.] ; [VP.] ), [MBh. vi, 333] ; [VP. ii, 4, 55;] गौरी f. bf. of °र॑q.v.