Dictionaries | References प प्रसेनजित् { prasenajit } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रसेनजित् Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | PRASENAJIT I father of Suyajñā, wife of Mahābhāma. As a king he did godāna (gift of cows) for many years and attained Puṇyaloka in the end. [Śloka 20, Chapter 95, Ādi Parva] .PRASENAJIT II father of Reṇukā, wife of the sage Jamadagni. Jamadagni abandoned the beautiful Reṇukā once but fearing a curse Prasenajit gave her again to Jamadagni. [Chapter 58, Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa] . PRASENAJIT III A distant brother of Satrājit called Bhava. [Dākṣiṇātya Pāṭha, Chapter 14, Sabhā Parva] .PRASENAJIT IV A king who lived in the city of Śrāvastī. once a very virtuous brahmin came to this city. finding him to be a man of great virtues a Vaiśya took him to his house and kept him there worshipping him. many rich men coming to know of the brahmin came and worshipped him with offerings of costly clothes and ornaments. within a short time the poor brahmin got a huge heap of gold and silver. he collected his lot and at night without letting anybody know went and buried it in a secret place in the forest. after some days he went and looked for it and found his buried wealth missing. When the brahmin returned weeping, the host, the Vaiśya, gathered from him all that had happened. The house-holder consoled him but the miserly and greedy brahmin was not to be pacified thus and he started to commit suicide. he went to a pond nearby and was about to jump into it when Prasenajit who heard about this came to the spot and told him thus:--“Do not grieve over your loss. I shall make enquiries about it and if the stolen wealth is not recovered I shall give you compensation from my treasury.” after consoling the brahmin thus the king went to his palace. he pretended to be ill and called the physicians of the city to his side. he asked them about their patients, their illness and the medicines prescribed for them. one of the physicians during the enquiry said thus: “Oh lord, Mātṛdattavaṇik is my patient. yesterday I prescribed to him the root of Ūraka plant.” The king soon dispersed the physicians and sent for Mātṛdattavaṇik and asked him who had brought for him the root. When Mātṛdattavaṇik replied that it was his servant the king sent for the servant and on questioning the servant the latter confessed having taken the hidden treasure. thus because of the intelligence and wisdom of the king the brahmin got back his wealth. [Taraṅga 7, Madanamañcukālambaka, Kathāsaritsāgara] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रसेनजित् हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : प्रसेनजित Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रसेनजित् प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | प्रसेनजित् n. एक राजा, जो महाभौम राजा की सुयज्ञा नामक पत्नी का पिता था । इसने एक लाख सवत्सा गौओं का दान कर के उत्तम लोक प्राप्त किया था [म.शां.२४०.३६] ।प्रसेनजित् (बौद्ध कालीन) n. कोशल देश का एक सुविख्यात राजा, जो गौतम बुद्ध का परम मित्र एवं शिष्य था । यह महाकोशल राजा का पुत्र था, एवं इसकी शिक्षा तक्षशिला में हुई थी, जिस समय मल्लराजकुमार बंधुल एवं लिच्छवी राजकुमार महालि इसके सहाध्यायी थे । शिक्षा समाप्त करने के पश्चात् अपने पिता के द्वारा यह कोशल देश का राजा बनाया गया । राजा होने के पश्चात् अल्पावधि में ही इसका बुद्ध से परिचय हुआ, एवं यह बौद्धधर्म का निःसीम उपासक बना था । इसकी बहन कोसलादेवी का विवाह मगध सम्राट् बिंबिसार से हुआ था । आगे चल कर, बिंबिसार के पुत्र अजातशत्रु ने अपने पिता का वध किया, एवं वह स्वयं मगध देश का राजा बन गया । प्रसेनजित् की बहन कोसलादेवी पतिनिधन के दुख से मृत हुईक । तत्पश्चात् इसने अजातशत्रु पर आक्रमण कर उसे कैदी बनाया । पश्चात् इसने उससे संधि की, एवं अपने वजिरा नामक बहन उसे विवाह में दे दी [जातक. २.२३७] ।प्रसेनजित् II. n. (सू.इ.) एक इक्ष्वाकुवंशीय राजा, जो भागवत, विष्णु एवं वायु के अनुसार कृशाश्व राजा का पुत्र था । इसकी पत्नी का नाम गौरी था, जिससे इसे ‘युवनाश्व’ नामक पुत्र उत्पन्न हुआ (युवनाश्व ३. देखिये) । भविष्य में इसे संकटाश्व राजा का पुत्र कहा गया हैप्रसेनजित् III. n. एक राजा, जो जमदग्नि की पत्नी रेणुका का पिता था । इसे रेणु नामांतर भी प्राप्त है [म.व.११६.२] । कई विद्वानों के अनुसार, रेणुका के पिता एवं सुयज्ञा के पिता दोनों एक ही व्यक्ति थे (प्रसेनजित् १. देखिये) ।प्रसेनजित् IV. n. (सू.इ.) एक राजा, जो भागवत के अनुसार विश्वसाह्य का पुत्र था ।प्रसेनजित् V. n. (सू.इ. भविष्य.) एक राजा, जो भागवत के अनुसार लांगल का, विष्णु के अनुसर रातुल का, मत्स्य के अनुसार पुष्कल का, एवं वायु के अनुसार राहुल का पुत्र था । पालिग्रन्थों में इसका निर्देश ‘पसेनदि’ नाम से किया गया है । यह गौतम बुद्ध का समकालीन राजा था । पूरुवंशीय राजा उदयन (दुर्दमन) एवं शिशुनागवंशीय राजा अजातशत्रु ये दोनों भी इसके समकालीन थे । Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रसेनजित् मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | see : प्रसेनजित Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रसेनजित् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | प्रसेन-जित् m. m.N. of sev. princes (esp. of a sovereign of श्रावस्ती contemporary with गौतमबुद्ध, [MWB. 407] ), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur. &c.] ROOTS:प्रसेन जित् Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रसेनजित् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | noun भागवतानुसारेण सत्राजितः भ्राता यः सिंहेन हतः। Ex. प्रसेनजित् कृष्णेन हतः इति सत्राजित् आरोपितवान्। ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benপ্রসেনজিত gujપ્રસેન hinप्रसेनजित kokप्रसेनजीत marप्रसेनजित oriପ୍ରସନ୍ନଜିତ noun इक्ष्वाकुवंशीयः राजा। Ex. प्रसेनजित् ध्रुवसन्धेः भ्राता आसीत्। ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benপ্রসেনজিত্ gujપ્રસેનજિત hinप्रसेनजित kasپرسینٛجِت kokप्रसेनजित marप्रसेनजीत oriପ୍ରସେନଜିତ panਪ੍ਰਸੇਨਜਿਤ urdپرسینجت Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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