Dictionaries | References ब बाहु { bāhuḥ, bāhu } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | BĀHU I A king of the Sūrya-vaṁśa (solar dynasty). he was the father of Sagara. he is known by the name Subāhu also. this king was once defeated in a battle and being weary and sad he entered the hermitage of Aurva. his queen was given poison by another wife of the king. But the child in her womb did not die. The queen wanted to jump into the fire in which the body of her husband was to be burned. But Aurva told her that her son would become a famous king and that she should not commit suicide. thus she desisted from committing suicide. A son was born to her. As she had been poisoned when the child was in her womb the son was given the name Sagara (with poison). it is said in [Mahābhārata, Ādi Parva] that this prince became a famous king later.<br>BĀHU II mention is made in [Mahābhārata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 4, Stanza 22] , that the Pāṇḍavas thought of sending an invitation to a king named Bāhu for the battle between the Kurus and themselves.<br>BĀHU III A king of the Sundara dynasty. mention is made about this king in [Mahābhārata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74] .<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : हाथ, भुजा<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | बाहु n. (सू.इ.) एक इक्ष्वकुवंशीय राजा, जो सगर राजा का पिता था [म.शां.५७.८] । मत्स्य एवं विष्णु में इसे वृक राजा का, एवं वायु में इसे धृतक राजा का पुत्र कहा गया है । ब्रह्मांड में इसे ‘फल्गुतंत्र’ नामान्तर दिया गया है, एवं भागवत में इसके नाम के लिये ‘बाहुक’ पाठभेद प्राप्त है । इसे ‘असित’ नामान्तर भी प्राप्त है [वा.रा.बा.७०.३०] ;[वा.रा.अयो.११०.१८] । ब्रह्मांड के अनुसार यह कृतयुग में पैदा हुआ, एवं इसने पृथ्वी सप्तद्वीपों में सात अश्वमेध यज्ञ किया [ब्रह्मांड.३.६३.१२१] ;[वायु.८९.१२३] ;;[ह.वं.१.१४] ;[ब्रह्म८.३०] ;[शिव.वा.६१.२३] ; आरद.१.७१.५ । इसे कुल दो पत्नियॉं थी । उनमें से केशिनी अथवा कालिंदी नामक पत्नी से इसे सगर नामक पुत्र उत्पन्न हुआ (सगर देखिये) । हैहय राजा तालजंघ ने शक, कंबोज आदि राजाओं के सहाय्यता से इसपर आक्रमण कर इसका पराजय किया । इस पराजय के पश्चात्, यह और्व ऋषि के आश्रम में रहने के लिए गया, एवं उसी आश्रम में इसकी मृत्यु हो गयी [मत्स्य. १२.४०] ;[पद्म. सृ.८] ;[लिंग. १.६६.१५] ;[विष्णुधर्म.१.१६] ।<br>बाहु II. n. एक शक्तिशाली राजा, जिसे भारतीय युद्ध के समय पाण्डवों की ओर से रणनिमंत्रण भेजा गया था ---12--- ।<br>बाहु III. n. सुंदरवेग वंश का एक ‘कुलपांसन’ राजा, जिसने अपने दुर्वर्तन के कारण अपने कुल का विनाश कराया [म.उ.७२.१३] ।<br>बाहु IV. n. (स्वा. उत्तान.) एक राजा, जो पृथु राजा पुत्र था ।<br>बाहु V. n. इंद्रसावर्णि मन्वन्तर के सप्तर्षियों में से एक ।<br>बाहु VI. n. स्वारोचिष मनु का एक पुत्र ।<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | The whole arm. 2 The upper arm. 3 see भुज Sig. V. The sine of the arc &c. 4 A side of a polygon. 5 The base of a right-angled triangle.<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | पु. <br> सबंध हात ; भुज .<br> वरचा हात ; दंड .<br> सरळरेषांनीं बनलेल्या आकृतीची बाजू ; बहुकोणाची बाजू .<br> काटकोन त्रिकोणाचा पाया .<br> भुज शब्द अर्थ ५ पहा .<br> ( नृत्य . ) खांद्यापासून मनगटापर्यंतचा भाग . नृत्यामध्यें बाहूच्या योगानें केले जाणारे पुढील दहा अभिनय सांगितले आहेत - १ अधोमुख , २ ऊर्ध्वसंस्थ , ३ तिर्यक , ४ अंचित , ५ अपविद्ध , ६ प्रसारित , ७ स्वस्तिक , ८ उद्वेष्टित ९ मंडलगति व १० पृष्ठानुसारी . [ सं . ]<br>०ज पु. क्षत्रिय . प्रभु बाहुजकुलमणि । - आय २८ . [ वै . बाहूराजन्य : कृत : । - ऋग्वे १० . १०८ . ]<br>०दंड पु. <br> वरचा हात ; दंड .<br> सबंध हात . हीरांगदें शोभति बाहुदंडी । - सारुह ८ . १५२ . [ सं . ]<br>०बल बळ - न . शरीरसामर्थ्य ; मनगटांतील ताकद - शक्ति ; कपट , मंत्रतंत्र युक्ति इ० निरपेक्ष केवळ शारिरिक शक्ति . [ सं . ]<br>०भूषण न. दंडांत बांधण्याचा अलंकार . [ सं . ]<br>०मूल न. खाक ; काख ; बखोटा . [ सं . ]<br>०युद्ध न. द्वंद्वयुद्ध ; मल्लयुद्ध ; कुस्ती . [ सं . ]<br>०वट न. <br> हात . - शर .<br> दंडावरील दागिना . वांकि , बाहुवटें , बाजुबंद , बाळी । - आपू १८ .<br>०वीर्य न. बाहुबल . [ सं . ]<br>०स्फुरण न. बाहूनां स्फुरण चढणें ; हात शिवशिवणें ( युध्दाकरतां इ० ). [ सं . ] बाहुटा , टी पु न .<br> बाहुमूला ( खाके ) पासून कोपरापर्यंतचा हात .<br> खांद्याच्या सांध्याचा भाग ; बखोटा .<br> स्त्रियांचें एक बाहुभुषण ; वांकी . बाहुळा - पु . ( राजा . ) बखोटा ; बाव्हळा ; बाहू - पु . हात ; भुज . ( अशुद्ध ) बाहूझोंबी - स्त्री . द्वंद्वयुद्ध ; कुस्ती . तुम्हीं बाहूझोंबीं घेतां म्हणोन । - ह १९ . १४० . बाहू फुगणें - ( एक शौर्याचें लक्षण ) हात फुरफुरणें . बाहे - पु .<br> बाहु ; हात . सप्राणें आफळली बाहे । - उषा १४ . १९ .<br> ( ल . ) आधार . मोडूनि श्रद्धेची बाहे । - ज्ञा १७ . ४१४ .<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | see : भुजा, हात<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | बाहु f. 1.mf. (f., [L.] ) (fr. √ बह्, बंह्; for 2.बाहु see col.3) the arm, (esp.) the fore-arm, the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to प्र-गण्डq.v.; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body, as opp. to सक्थि, the lower ext°), [RV.] &c. &c.<br> the arm as a measure of length (= 12 अङ्गुलs), [Śulbas.] <br> the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; [ĀśvGṛ.] <br> the limb of a bow, [ŚBr.] <br> the bar of a chariot-pole, [Gobh.] <br>द्वार-ब्° the post (of a door; see )<br> ROOTS:द्वार ब्° the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle), [Sūryas.] <br> the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial, ib.<br> (also du.) the constellation आर्द्रा, [L.] <br>बाहु m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of a दैत्य, [MBh.] <br> of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions), ib.<br> of a son of वृक, ---12--- <br> of a son of वज्र, [VP.] <br>बाहु [cf.Gk.πᾶχυς, πῆχυς; Germ.part of Etymology of ">buog, part of Etymology of ">bug; Angl.Sax.part of Etymology of ">bōg; Eng.part of Etymology of ">bough.]<br>बाहु 2. (for 1. see col.2), वृद्धि form of बहु in comp.<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | बाहुः [bāhuḥ] [बाध् कु धस्य हः [Tv.] ]<br> The arm; शान्तमिदमाश्रम- पदं स्फुरति च बाहुः कुतः फलमिहास्य [Ś.1.16;] so महाबाहुः &c.<br> The fore-arm.<br> The fore-foot of an animal.<br> A door-post.<br> The base of a right-angled triangle (in geom.).<br> (In medic.) The whole upper extremity of the body (opp. सक्थि).<br> The bar of a chariotpole.<br> The shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial.<br> The arm as a measure of length (= 12 Aṅgulas).<br> The limb of a bow.<br>-हू (du.) The lunar mansion Ārdrā. -Comp.<br>-अन्तरम् the chest; संवर्त्य मुष्टिं सहसा जघान बाह्वन्तरे शैलनिकाशरूपः [Rām.6.7.154.] <br>-उत्क्षेपम् ind. having raised or tossed up the arms; बाहूत्क्षेपं क्रन्दितुं च प्रवृत्ता [Ś.5.3.] <br>-कर a. a. active with the arms; [P.III. 2.21.] <br>-कण्टकम् a mode in fighting; 'एकां जङ्घां पदाऽऽ क्रम्य परामुद्यम्य पाठ्यते । केतकीपत्रवच्छत्रुर्युद्धं तद्बाहुकण्टकम् ॥'; बाहु- कण्टकयुद्धेन तस्य कर्णोऽथ युध्यतः [Mb.12.5.4.] <br>-कुण्ठ, -कुब्जa. crippled in the arms.<br>-कुन्थः a wing (of a bird).-चापः the distance measured by the extended arms.<br> जः a man of the Kṣatriya caste; cf. बाहू राजन्यः कृतः [Rv.1.9.12;] also [Ms.1.31;] स बाहुजो महाबाहुस्तदु- वाह महाबलम् Śiva.B.; [N.12.12.] <br> a parrot.<br> sesamum growing spontaneously.<br>-ज्या a sine (in math.).<br>-तरणम् crossing a river (with the arms).<br>-त्रः, -त्रम्, -त्राण vantbrass (armour for the arms).<br> दण्डः a long, staff-like arm.<br> punishment with the arm or fist.<br>-दन्तकम् N. N. of a Nītiśāstra treatise.<br>-निःसृतम् a mode of fighting (by which a sword is twisted out of a person's hand).<br>-पाशः a particular attitude in fighting.<br> the arm thrown round, as in the act of embracing.<br>-प्रचालकम् ind. shaking the arms.<br>-प्रति- बाहौ the opposite sides of a figure.<br>-प्रसारः, -प्रसारणम् stretching the arms (for embracing &c.)<br>-प्रहरणः a boxer. (-णम्) boxing.<br> फलम् (in geom.) the result for the base sine.<br> (in astro.) the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime verticle.<br> बन्धनम् encircling arms. (-नः) the shoulder-blade.<br>-बलम् strength of arm, muscular strength.<br>-भङ्गिः f. f. bending or twisting the arms.-भूषण,<br>-भूषा an ornament worn on the arm, an armlet.<br>-भेदिन् m. m. an epithet of Viṣṇu.<br> मूलम् the armpit.<br> the shoulderblade.<br>-युद्धम् a hand-to-hand or close fight, personal or pugilistic encounter, boxing; बाहुयुद्धं हि मल्लानामशास्त्रमृषिभिः स्मृतम् । मृतस्य तत्र न स्वर्गो यशो नेहापि विद्यते ॥ Mallaśāstram.<br>-योधः, -योधिन् m. m. a pugilist, boxer.<br>-रक्षा armour for the upper arm.<br>-लता an arm-like creeper. ˚अन्तरम् the breast, bosom.-लोहम् bell-metal (कांस्य).<br> विक्षेपः the act of throwing about the arms, moving the arms.<br> swimming.-विघट्टनम्,<br>-विघट्टितम् a particular attitude in wrestling.<br>-वीर्यम् strength of arms.<br>-व्यायामः athletic exercise.<br>-शालिन् m. m.<br> an epithet of Śiva.<br> of Bhīma.-शिखरम् the upper part of the arm, the shoulder.-संभवः a man of the Kṣatriya caste.<br>-सहस्रभृत् m. m. an epithet of king Kārtavīrya (also called सहस्रार्जुन).<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बाहु Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | बाहु m. (-हुः)<br> 1. The arm.<br> 2. The side of any angular geometrical fig- ure, the leg of a triangle, &c.<br> 3. A door-post.<br> E. बाध् to oppose, कु Unādi aff. and ध changed to ह .<br> ROOTS:बाध् कु ध ह . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP