अभिनयः [abhinayḥ] 1 Acting, gesticulation, any theatrical action (expressive of some sentiment, passion &c.); नृत्याभिनयक्रियाच्युतम्
[Ku.5.79;] अभिनयान् परिचेतुमिवोद्यता
[R.9.33;] नर्तकीरभिनयातिलङ्घिनीः 19.14;
[Ki.1.42.] Dramatic representation, exhibition on the stage; ललिताभिनयं तमद्य भर्ता मरुतां द्रष्टुमनाः सलोकपालः
[V.2.18.] S.D. thus defines and classifies अभिनय: भवेदभिनयोऽवस्थानुकारः स चतुर्विधः । आङ्गिको वाचिकश्चैवमाहार्यः सात्त्विकस्तथा ॥ 274, 'acting is the imitation of condition', it is of four kinds: (1) gestural, conveyed by bodily actions; (2) vocal, conveyed by words; (3) extraneous, conveyed by dress, ornaments, decoration &c.; (4) internal, conveyed by the manifestation of internal feeling such as perspiration, thrilling &c. -Comp.
-आचार्यः a dancing preceptor; उभावभिनयाचार्यो त्वां द्रुष्टमिच्छतः
[M.1.1] -विद्या science of acting or dramatic representation; art of dancing; मया तीर्थादभिनयविद्या शिक्षिता