वृष m. 1.m. (prob. later form of वृषन्) a man, male, husband, [KāśīKh.] अश्व-व्° the male of any animal (see ) a bull (in older language only end of a compound.*">ifc. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. the zodiacal sign taurus, [VarBṛS.] a strong or potent man (one of the four classes into which men are divided in erotic works.), [L.] वृषो ऽङ्गुलिनाम् the chief of a class or anything the most excellent or preeminent or best of its kind (e.g. , the chief among fingers, the thumb; वृषो गवाम् or simply वृषः, the bull among cows, the principal die in a game at dice; often end of a compound.*">ifc. e.g. कपिवृषाः, the chief monkeys), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. justice or virtue personified as a bull or as शिव's bull, viii, 16">[Mn. viii, 16] ; [Pur.] ; [Kāvyâd.] just or virtuous act, virtue, moral merit, ---10--- ; ---11--- also title or epithet).">N. of शिव, ---12--- semen virile, ---13--- water, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. Sch. वृश a mouse or rat (cf. and -दंश), ---14--- an enemy, ---15--- a partic. form of a temple, ---16--- a piece of ground suitable for the foundation of a house, [L.] also title or epithet).">N. of विष्णु-कृष्ण, [MBh.] of इन्द्र, [MārkP.] of the sun, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. of काम-देव, [L.] of the regent of the करणचतुष्-पद, [VarBṛS.] of इन्द्र in the 11th मन्वन्तर, [Pur.] of a साध्य, [Hariv.] of one of स्कन्द's attendants, [MBh.] वृषभ of an असुर (= ), [Kāvyâd.] of two sons of कृष्ण, [BhP.] of कर्ण, [MBh.] of a son of वृष-सेन and grandson of कर्ण, [Hariv.] of a यादव and son of मधु, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. of a son of सृञ्जय, [BhP.] of an ancient king, [MBh.] of one of the 10 horses of the moon, [L.] also title or epithet).">N. of various plants ([L.] Gendarussa vulgaris or Adhatoda; Boerhavia Procumbens or Variegata; a species of bulbous plant growing on the हिमवत् &c.), [Kāṭh.] ; [Suśr.] वृष n. n. a woman's apartment, [L.] myrobalan, [L.] ; a peacock's plumage or tail, ---37--- वृष [cf. Lat. verres for verses; Lith. vérszis.] वृष 2. (not always separable from 1. ), in comp. for वृषन्.