HAYAGRĪVA I An Asura, the son of Kaśyapaprajāpati by his wife Danu. [Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, Araṇyakāṇḍa, Canto 14] . As a child the Asura began tapas on the banks of river Sarasvatī, and after a thousand years Devī appeared and asked him to choose any boon he wanted, and he wanted to become invincible by Devas and Asuras, and also deathless. When Devī told him that such a boon was out of question, he wanted the boon that he (Hayagrīva) should not be killed by anyone but by a Hayagrīva (one with the horse's neck). Devī granted him the boon. Hayagrīva, who became haughty and overconfident on receiving such a boon, went about the three worlds troubling good people, and at last he clashed with the Devas. As he could be killed only by one with the head of a horse the combined attack of Mahāviṣṇu and the Devas did not succeed in defeating him and Mahāviṣṇu decided to rest for some time to recoup himself from weariness. during his rest his head was hit by the end of his own bow and the head was severed from the trunk. Mahāviṣṇu replaced the head thus lost with that of a horse and killed Hayagrīva in fight. (For details see cital). HAYAGRĪVA II An asura who guarded the kingdom of Narakāsura. he was killed by Śrī Kṛṣṇa, [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 130 Verse 50] . HAYAGRĪVA III A king born in the Videha dynasty. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 74, Verse 15] . HAYAGRĪVA IV A saintly king. though he defeated his enemies, yet, as he had no backing and support, he was finally killed. The story of Hayagrīva was told by Vyāsa to teach Dharmaputra the lesson that even the greatest of heroes requires the support of others. though killed, Hayagrīva secured a place in heaven. [Śānti Parva, Chapter 24, Verse 23] . HAYAGRĪVA V An incarnation of Viṣṇu. 1) In vedic literature: --In vedic literature incarnation as Hayagrīva is attributed not to Viṣṇu, but to Yajña. But the Taittirīya āraṇyaka depicts yajña as a protoform of Viṣṇu. The inference that may be drawn from the above is that the root of the Hayagrīva story detailed in vedic and Purāṇic literature is one and the same. about the Hayagrīva incarnation the Pañcaviṁsabrāhmaṇa contains the following story. agni, indra, Vāyu and Yajña (Viṣṇu) once began a yajña on the understanding that the havirbhāga obtained from it should be divided among all the Devas. But, in violation of the agreement, yajña left the place carrying away the whole Yajñabhāga with him, and he drove back the Devas who followed him with the help of the bow presented to him by Devī. finally the Devas got the string of the bow bitten off by termites and the bow which got straightened up cut off yajña's head. Yajña then apologized for his offence and then the devas got the Aśvinīdevas to fix the head of a horse to the trunk of Yajña. [Pañcaviṁśabrāhmaṇa 7, 5, 6] ;[Taittirīya āraṇyaka 5, 1] ;[Taittirīya Saṁhitā, 4-9, 1] . 2) In Purāṇic literature. The above story is told in [Skanda Purāṇa] with slight modifications as follows:- once Brahmā and other Devatās conducted a test as to which one amongst them was the greatest, and when it became evident tha tMahāviṣṇu was, in every respect, superior to all the others Brahmā cursed that Viṣṇu should lose his head. Viṣṇu, who got thus bereft of his head attended a yajña conducted by the Devas with the head of a horse attached to his trunk. after the yajña was over he went to dharmāraṇya and did tapas there and by the blessings of Śiva got back his former head instead of that of the horse.