अस् [as] I. 2 P. [अस्ति, आसीत्, अस्तु, स्यात्; defective in non-conjugational tenses, its forms being made up from the root भू.] To be, live, exist (showing mere existence); नासदासीन्नो सदासीत् [Rv.1.129.1;] आत्मा वा इदमेक एवाग्र आसीत् [Ait. Up.1.1.] श्रुतिद्वैधं तु यत्र स्यात् [Ms.2.14;] शपथे नास्ति पातकम् 8.112; न त्वेवाहं जातु नासम् [Bg.2.12;] आसीद्राजा नलो नाम [Nala. 1.1;] [Ms.5.79;] न अस् not to be, to be lost, disappear, perish, नायमस्तीति दुःखार्ता [Nala.7.16;] अस्ति भोक्तुम् Sk. it has to be eaten; (for other uses of अस्ति see अस्ति s. v.). To be (used as a copula or verb of incomplete predication, being followed by a noun or adjective or adverb; or some other equivalent); भक्तोऽसि मे सखा च [Bg.4.3;] धार्मिके सति राजनि [Ms.11.11;] आचार्ये संस्थिते सति 5.8; so एवमेव स्यात्, तूष्णीमासीत् &c. To belong to, be in the possession of (expressed in english by have), with gen. of possessor; यन्ममास्ति हरस्व तत् [Pt.4.76;] यस्य नास्ति स्वयं प्रज्ञा 5.7; न हि तस्यास्ति किंचित् स्वम् [Ms.8.417;] नास्ति बुद्धिरयुक्तस्य ---11--- To fall to the share of, to happen to or befall anyone (with gen.); यदिच्छामि ते तदस्तु [Ś.4.] तस्य प्रेत्य फलं नास्ति ---13--- he cannot enjoy or get. To arise, spring out, occur; आसीच्च मम मनसि [K.142] (this) occurred to my mind. To become; तां दृष्ट्वा दशविस्तारामासं विंशतियोजनः Rām.; also शुक्लीस्यात् राजसात् स्यात् &c. [Sk.] To lead or tend to, turn out or prove to be (with dat.); स स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्ति- योगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः [V.1.1;] संगतं श्रीसरस्वत्योर्भूतयेऽस्तु सदा सताम् 5.24; oft. with dat. alone without अस्; यतस्तौ स्वल्पदुःखाय ---17--- To suffice (with dat.); सा तेषां पावनाय स्यात् [Ms.11.85;] अन्यैर्नृपालैः परिदीयमानं शाकाय वा स्याल्लवणाय वा स्यात् Jagannātha. To stay, reside, dwell, live हा पितः क्वासि हे सुभ्रु [Bk.6.11.] To take place, happen. To be in a particular relation, to be affected (with loc.); किं नु खलु यथा वयमस्यामेवमियम- प्यस्मान् प्रति स्यात् [Ś.1.] अस्तु well, let it be; एवमस्तु, तथास्तु so be it, amen. The form आस joined to roots in forming their periphrastic perfect is sometimes separated from the root and used by itself; तं पातयां प्रथममास पपात पश्चात् [R.9.61,16.86.] [cf. L. est and gr. esti. with अस्ति; esse; Zend. āsti; Pers. hast, ast] With अति to be over, excel, surpass. -अनु to be at hand; reach.-अपि (with loc. or an adv. of place) to be in anything. to belong to, be closely connected with. अभि to belong to, to fall to one's share; यन्मममाभि- ष्यात् [Sk.] to be over. to excel, surpass. to domineer or to tyrannize over, rule over. -आविस् to arise, spring up, be visible; आचार्यकं विजयि मान्मथ- माविरासीत् [Māl.1.26.] -उप to be near to or in. परि to be in the way. to surpass. to pass or spend (time). to pervade. प्र to be in front of. to be in extraordinary degree, to preponderate, excel, surpass. प्रति to be equal to, be a match for. to rival, emulate, vie with. to be a representative of, stand in place of. -प्रादुस् to appear, spring up; प्रादुरासीत्तमोनुदः [Ms.1.6;] [R.11.15.] -व्यति (atm. व्यतिहे, व्यतिसे; व्यतिस्ते) to excel, surpass, be above or superior to, out-weigh; अन्यो व्यतिस्ते तु ममापि धर्मः [Bk.2.35.] -अस् ii.4. P. (अस्यति, आस, आस्थत्, असितुम्, अस्त) To throw, cast, hurl, discharge, shoot (with loc. of the mark); हस्ते बिभर्ष्यस्तवे [Śvet. Up.3.6;] तस्मिन्नास्थदिषीकास्त्रम् [R.12.23;] [Bk.15.91,] 14.77; sometimes with dat. or gen. दस्यवे हेतिमस्य [Rv.1.13.3.] To drive away, remove. To frighten or scare away. To throw or take away, let go, leave, give up; as in अस्तमान, अस्तशोक, अस्तकोप see अस्त. To fight with; युयोध बलिरिन्द्रेण तारकेण गुहोऽ- स्यत [Bhāg.8.1.28.] -With अति to shoot beyond or at, overpower (with arrows); अत्यस्त having shot beyond, having surpassed or excelled; joined in acc. (Tat. comp.; [P.II.1.24.] ) -अभिप्र to throw over or upon, hurl at.-परिनि to stretch. -अस् iii. 1 U (असति-ते, असित). To go. To take or receive, seize. To shine (The examples usually cited to illustrate this sense are: निष्प्रभश्च प्रभूरास भूभृताम् [R.11.81;] तेनास लोकः पितृमान् विनेत्रा 14.23; लावण्य उत्पाद्य इवास यत्नः [Ku.1.35]. But the sense of दिदीपे or 'shone' is far-fetched, though Vāmana is disposed to take it. it seems preferable to regard आस in these instances as equivalent to बभूव, either taking it, as Śākaṭāyana does, as an indeclinable तिडन्तप्रति- रूपकमव्ययम्, or considering it, as Vallabha does, as an ungrammatical form used against the rules of grammar, प्रामादिकः प्रयोगः; see Malli. on [Ku.1.35] ).