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   { ās }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आस्  n. 1.ind. (an interjection implying joy, anger, menace, pain, affliction, recollection) ah! oh! &c.
आस्   2.cl. 2. Ā.आ॑स्ते (and आ॑सते, xi, 8, 32, &c.">[AV. xi, 8, 32, &c.] ; Impv. 2. sg.आस्-स्व, आस्व, and आसस्व; 2. pl.आध्वम्; participle (cf. p. p.).">p.आसान॑, आसत् [[R.] ], and आसीन [see below]; आसां-चक्रे [[Pāṇ. 3-1, 87] ]; आसिष्यते; आसिष्ट; आसितुम्)
to sit, sit down, rest, lie, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Śak.] &c.;
to be present;
to exist;
to inhabit, dwell in;
to make one's abode in [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to sit quietly, abide, remain, continue, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.;
to cease, have an end, [Pañcat.] ; ---16--- ; [Hit.] &c.;
to solemnize, celebrate;
to do anything without interruption;
to continue doing anything;
to continue in any situation;
to last;
(it is used in the sense of ‘continuing’, with a participle, adj., or subst.e.g.एतत् साम गायन्न् आस्ते, ‘he continues singing this verse’; with an indeclinable participle in त्वा, , or अम्e.g.उप-रुध्य अरिम् आसीत, ‘he should continue blockading the foe’; with an adverb e.g.तूष्णीम् आस्ते, ‘he continues quiet’; सुखम् आस्व, ‘continue well’; with an inst. case e.g.सुखेना-स्ते, ‘he continues well’; with a case,">dat. case e.g.आस्तां तुष्टये, ‘may it be to your satisfaction’) :
Caus.आसयति, to cause any one to sit down Comm. on [Pāṇ.] :
Desid.Ā.आसिसिषते, ib.;
आस्   [cf.Gk., (σ) -μαι, ἧς-ται: Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">âsa changed to word is part of Etymology of ">Âra; word is part of Etymology of ">Â-nus for word is part of Etymology of ">Âs-nus.]
आस्   3. (- 2अस्) P.अ॑स्यति, to throw upon, lay or put upon, [TBr.] ; [Kāṭh.] : Ā. (Impv. 2. pl.आ॑-स्यध्वम्) to cause to flow in, pour in 30, 2">[RV. x, 30, 2] ; [ŚBr. i] ;
to put or throw on for one's self, [MaitrS.]
आस्  n. 4.n. (?) mouth, face, (only in case.">abl. and instr.) आस॑स् (with the prep.), from mouth to mouth, in close proximity, vii, 99, 7">[RV. vii, 99, 7]
आसा   and आसया॑ (generally used as an adv.), before one's eyes
   by word of mouth
   in one's own person
   immediately, vi, 16, 9, &c.">[RV. vi, 16, 9, &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आस् [ās] आः [āḥ]   आः ind. An interjection, implying (a) recollection; आः उपनयतु भवान् भूर्जपत्रम् [V.2.] (b) anger; आः कथमद्यापि राक्षसत्रासः [U.1;] आः पापे तिष्ठ तिष्ठ [Māl.8.] (c) pain; आः शीतम् [K. P.1.] (d) angry contradiction (अपाकरण); आःएष मयि स्थिते [Mu.1;] आः वृथामङ्गल पाठक [Ve.1.] (e) sorrow, regret; विद्यामातरमाः प्रदर्श्य नृपशून् भिक्षामहे निस्त्रपाः Udb.; (आः स्मरणेऽपाकरणे कोपसंतापयोस्तथा med.).
आस् [ās]   I. 2 Ā. (आस्ते, आसांचक्रे, आसिष्ट; आसितुम्, आसित)
   To sit, lie, rest; [Bg.2.45;] एतदासनमास्यताम् [V.5;] आस्यता- मिति चोक्तः सन्नासीताभिमुखं गुरोः [Ms.2.193.]
   To live, dwell; तावद्वर्षाण्यासते देवलोके mb.; यत्रास्मै रोचते तत्रायमास्ताम् [K.196;] कुरूनास्ते Sk.; यत्रामृतास आसते [Rv.9.15.2;] [Bk.4.6,8.79.]
   To sit quietly, take no hostile measures, remain idle; आसीनं त्वामुत्थापयति द्वयम् [Śi.2.57.]
   To be, exist.
   To be contained in; जगन्ति यस्यां सविकाशमासत [Śi.1.23.]
   To abide, remain, continue or be in any state, be doing anything, last; oft. used with present participles to denote a continuous or uninterrupted action; विदारयन्प्रगर्जंश्चास्ते Pt.1 kept on, continued, tearing up and bellowing; used in this sense also with an adj., subst., indeclinable, past part., an adverb (तूष्णीम् &c.), or with the instr. of a noun; सुखेनास्ते &c.
   To lead to, result in (with dat.); आस्तां मानसतुष्टये सुकृतिनां नीतिर्नवोढेव वः [H.1.185]
   To cease, have an end.
   To solemnize, celebrate.
   To let go, lay or put aside; आस्तां तावत् let it aside, let it go, to say nothing of, not to mention; [K.18.]
   To be indifferent; ननु आस्ते इत्युपवेशने भवति । नावश्यमुपवेशने एव, औदासीन्येऽपि दृश्यते । ŚB. on ---16--- -Caus. To cause to sit, seat, fix; आसयत्सलिले पृथ्वीम् Sk. Desid. आसिसिषते To wish to sit &c. -II.4. P. [आस्यति, आसितुम्]
   To enclose; border.
   To admit (as water) into.


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