वस् 1 (encl.) acc. dat. gen. pl. of 2nd pers. pron. (cf. 21, 24 &c.">[Pāṇ. 8-1-21, 24 &c.] ), [RV.] ; &c.<br>वस् 2. (a vedic root connected with √ 1.उष्q.v. ; not in [Dhātup.] ) cl. 6. P. , उच्छ॑ति (pf. उवा॑स, ऊषु॑, [RV.] &c.; aor. अवात् [?] [AV.] ; अवस्रन्, [RV.] ; Cond. अवत्स्यत्, [ŚBr.] ; Ved. inf. व॑स्तवे, -उ॑षि), to shine, grow bright ( esp. applied to the dawn), [RV.] ; to bestow by shining upon ( dat. ), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. i, 113, 7; (with दूरे॑) to drive away by shining, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. vii, 77, 4 : Caus. वास॑यति, to cause to shine, [RV.] < br> वस् [cf. वसर् in वसर्-हन्; Gk. ἔαρ for φεσαρ; Lat. vēr &c.]<br>वस् 3.cl. 10. P. वासयति (aor. अवीवसत्), to love; to cut off; to accept, take; to offer; to kill ( नि-वासित, killed), xxxiii, 70">[Dhātup. xxxiii, 70] ( only with prep. ; see परि-√ वस्; but accord. to some the Impv. वसिष्व [ viii, 70, 10">---10--- ] and उष, ‘a lover’ [ 95, 5">x, 95, 5], and व॑सिष्ठ [ place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. 17] belong also to this root, which has developed an obscene meaning = Gk. κεντέω, futuere).< br> वस् 4.cl. 2. Ā. (xxiv, 13">---11--- ) व॑स्ते (Impv. वसिष्व, [RV.] ; वद्ध्वम्, ---13--- ; p. व॑सान, once उसान॑ and उस॑मान, [RV.] ; pf. ववसे, [Śiś.] ; वावसे, p. °सान॑, [RV.] ; aor. अवसिष्ट, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; fut. वसिताGr. ; वसिष्यते, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; वत्स्यति, ---17--- ; inf. वसितुम्, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; ind.p. वसित्वा, [Mn.] ; ---21--- ; -वस्य, [MBh.] ), to put on, invest, wear, ( clothes &c.), assume (a form &c.), enter into, [RV.] &c. &c.: Caus. वास॑यति, °ते ( pass. वास्यते), to cause or allow to put on or wear ( clothes), clothe ( Ā. ‘one's self’) with ( instr. ), ---24--- ; [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] : Desid. विवसिषतेGr. : Intens. वावस्यते, वावस्तिplace or book or text' as the preceding">ib.< br> वस् [cf. Gk. ἕννυμι for ϝεσ-νυμι; Lat. vestis; Goth. wasjan; Angl.Sax. werian; Eng. wear.]<br>वस् a (ifc. ), clothed in, wearing (e.g. प्रे-त-चूवर-वस्, ‘wearing the garments of dead men’), [Ragh.] <br>वस् 5.cl. 1. P. (xxiii, 36">[Dhātup. xxiii, 36] ) व॑सति (mc. also °ते; pf. उवास, ऊषुः, [RV.] &c. &c.; p. वावसान, 46, 13">[RV. i, 46, 13] ; -वासां चक्रे, [Up.] ; aor. अवात्सीत्, [AV.] ; अवाक्सम्, [AitBr.] [where it is artificially connected with वाच्]; अवास्तम्, [Up.] ; fut. वस्ताGr. ; वत्स्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; वसिष्यति, ---36--- ; inf. वस्तुम्, वसितुम्, [MBh.] &c.; ind.p. उषित्वा॑, [Br.] ; उष्ट्वा, [MBh.] ; -उ॑ष्य, [Br.] &c.), to dwell, live, stop (at a place), stay ( esp. ‘ overnight’, with or without रात्रिम् or रात्रीस्), [RV.] &c. &c.; to remain, abide with or in (with loc. of pers. ; loc. or acc. of place, esp. with वासम् or वसतिम्), [ŚBr.] &c. &c.; to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp., e.g. with छन्न, ‘to continue to be covered’ KātyŚr.; or with an acc. , with ब्रह्मचर्यम्, ‘to practise chastity’ [AitBr.] ; or with an adv. e.g. with सुखम्, ‘to live pleasantly or at ease’; with or without दूरतस्, ‘ t° keep aloof’), [TS.] &c. &c.; to have sexual intercourse with ( loc. ), [Hariv.] ; to rest upon ( loc. ), ---46--- ; to charge or entrust with ( instr. ), [Hariv.] ; cl. 10. P. वसयति, to dwell, xxxv, 84, e">[Dhātup. xxxv, 84, e] : pass. उष्यते ( aor. अवासि), to be dwelt &c., [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.: Caus. वास॑यति, °ते ( cf. ---51--- ; aor. अवीवसत्, [MaitrS.] : pass. वास्य॑ते, [Br.] , °ति, [MBh.] ), to cause to halt or stay ( overnight), lodge, receive hospitably or as a guest, [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to cause to have sexual intercourse with ( loc. ), [MatsyaP.] ; to let anything stand overnight (with तिस्रो, scil. रत्रीस्, ‘ three nights’), [Kauś.] ; to cause to wait, keep in suspense, [RV.] ; to delay, retard, [Kām.] ; to cause to exist, preserve, [ŚBr.] ; to cause to be inhabited, populate (a country), [Hit.] ; to put in, place upon ( loc. ), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ( अनध्यायम् मुखे, to put restraint on the mouth, refrain from speaking); to produce, [Sarvad.] : Desid. विवत्सति, to wish to dwell, [ŚBr.] : Intens. वावस्यते, वावस्ति, to remain, be in, be engaged in [MW.] < br> वस् [cf. Goth. wisan; Germ. wësan, ge-wesen, war &c.; Angl.Sax. wësan; Eng. was, were.]<br>वस् 6. (only in gen. व॑साम्), prob. either ‘an abode’ or ‘a dweller’ [RV. v.2, 6.] <br>वस् 7. (only वसिष्व, [अनु] -वावसे, वावसान॑, and व॑स्तोस्), to rush or aim at, attack, viii, 70, 10">---70--- (cf. under √ 3); 51, 3; vi, 11, 6">viii, 4, 8; i, 51, 3; vi, 11, 6 (?); i, 174, 3.<br>वस् 8. (also written बस्) cl. 4. P. वस्यति, to be or make firm, xxxiii, 70.">[Dhātup. xxxiii, 70.] <br>