प्रति-ष्ठा 1. (√ स्था) P. Ā. -तिष्ठति, °ते to stand, stay, abide, dwell, [RV.] &c. &c.; to stand still, set (as the sun), cease, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; to stand firm, be based or rest on ( loc. ), be established, thrive, prosper, [RV.] &c. &c.; to depend or rely on ( loc. ), [Vajracch.] ; to withstand, resist ( acc. ), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; to spread or extend over ( acc. ), [MBh.] : Caus. ष्ठापयति, to put down, place upon, introduce into ( loc. ), [Br.] ; [GṛŚrS.] ; to set up, erect (as an image), [Ratnâv.] ; to bring or lead into ( loc. ), [MBh.] ; to establish in, appoint to ( loc. ), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; [R.] &c.; to transfer or offer or present to, bestow or confer upon ( dat. or loc. ), [ĀśvGṛ.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to fix, found, prop, support, maintain, [TS.] ; [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; to hold against or opposite, [R.] < br> प्रति-°ष्ठा f. af. see next<br>प्रति-ष्ठा f. 2.f. (ifc. f(आ). ) standing still, resting, remaining, steadfastness, stability, perseverance in (comp. ), [VS.] &c. &c.<br> a standpoint, resting-place, ground, base, foundation, prop, stay, support, [RV.] &c. &c.<br> a receptacle, homestead, dwelling, house, [AV.] &c. &c. (ifc. abiding or dwelling in [Ragh.] ; [Pur.] )<br> a pedestal, the foot (of men or animals), [AV.] ; [Br.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] <br> limit, boundary, ---29--- <br> state of rest, quiet, tranquillity, comfort, ease, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] <br> setting up (as of an idol &c., [RTL. 70] )<br> pre-eminence, superiority, high rank or position, fame, celebrity, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Rājat.] <br> establishment on or accession to (the throne &c.), [Hariv.] ; [Śak.] ; [Var.] ; [Rājat.] <br>प्राण-प्र्° the performance of any ceremony or of any solemn act, consecration or dedication (of a monument or of an idol or of a temple &c.; cf. ), settling or endowment of a daughter, completion of a vow, any ceremony for obtaining supernatural and magical powers, [Var.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Rājat.] ; [Pur.] <br>आ a mystical N. of the letter , [L.] <br> N. of one of the मातृs attending on स्कन्द, [MBh.] <br> of sev. metres, ---46--- <br>प्रजा-पतेः (with ) N. of a सामन्, [ĀrṣBr.] <br>ह्रस्व = , iii, 2">[Naigh. iii, 2] <br>योग-सिद्धि = or -निष्पत्ति, [L.] <br>