Dictionaries | References


   { puṇya }
Script: Devanagari


बर'/बड़ो (Bodo) WN | Bodo  Bodo |   | 


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PUṆYA I   son of the sage Dīrghatamas. The story of Puṇya as found in Jñānavāsiṣṭha is the following:-- there is a mountain called Mahendra in Jambūdvīpa. Dīrghatamas who was doing penance there had two sons named Puṇya and Pāvana. Puṇyakumāra grew up into a boy abounding in virtues. Pāvana was not so broad-minded. When after some time Dīrghatamas, their father died, Puṇyakumāra controlling his sorrow did all the funeral rites; but Pāvana unable to control his sorrow left the place and wandered in the forests weeping bitterly. after some days Puṇyakumāra went in search of his brother and on finding him consoled him and told him that there was nothing to be worried about their father's death. On hearing the learned and moral teachings of Puṇya, Pāvana also got enlightened and after living in that forest for a number of years both of them abandoned their lives.
PUṆYA II   The name of the āśrama of the sage Vibhāṇḍaka. [Śloka 23, Chapter 110, Vana Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  उत्तम आचरण करने के परिणामस्वरूप मिलनेवाला सुपरिणाम   Ex. आप जैसे परोपकारी व्यक्ति को बहुत पुण्य मिलेगा ।
अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : धर्म, पवित्र, शुभ


पुण्य n.  महेन्द्रपर्वत पर रहनेवाले दीर्घतपस् नामक तपस्वी के दो पुत्रों में से एक । इसका भाई पावन था, जो अत्यधिक गँवार था । अपने माता-पिता की मृत्यु के उपरांत इसने अपने शोकग्रस्त भाई पवन को उपदेश देकर उसे शोक से मुक्त किया [यो.वा.५.१९-२१]
पुण्य II. n.  (सो. ऋक्ष) एक राजा । मस्त्य के अनुसार, यह पुण्यवान नामक राजा का पुत्र था


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  बरें आचरण करतकच मेळपी बरो परिणाम   Ex. तुमचे सारके परोपकारी व्यक्तीक खूब पुण्य मेळटलें
अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  सर्गा सारकें बरें फळ दिवपी काम   Ex. गरीब दुबळ्याची सेवा हेच खरें पुण्य
सामाजिक कार्य (Social)act)">कार्य (action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
पुण्य कर्म
urdمذہبی کام , نیک کام , نیکی کا کام , خیر کا کام , بھلائی کاکام ,
   see : शूभ


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   ; as पुण्याचा बाप पुण्याची आई &c. The word differs little from धर्माचा. पुण्याच्या पारीं or पुण्यद्वारीं बसणें, पुण्याचा पार बांधणें To be constantly occupied in deeds of philanthropy or in the offices of religion--i. e. in services and exercises involving meritoriousness.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   moral or religious merit. A meritorious act.
पुण्य खरचणें   To do or to be engaged about some evil action.
पुण्याच्या पारीं, पुण्यद्वारीं बसणें, पुण्याचा पार बांधणें   or To be constantly occupied in deeds of philanthropy or in the offices of religion.


 ना.  सत्कर्म , सत्‌कृत्य , सदाचरणाचे फळ .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  उत्तम आचरणाचे फळ   Ex. ग्रहणात दान केल्यास पुण्य लाभते.
अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : धर्म


 वि.  पवित्र . ' पुण्या सेव्या पतीसी .' - गस्ती २० . ( सं .)


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्य  mfn. mf()n. (perhaps fr.2.पुष्, according to, 15 from">[Uṇ. v, 15 from] पू; see alsoपुण्) auspicious, propitious, fair, pleasant, good, right, virtuous, meritorious, pure, holy, sacred, [RV.] &c. &c.
पुण्य  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of a poet, [Cat.]
   of another man, [Buddh.]
पुण्य  n. m. or n.also title or epithet).">N. of a lake, [MBh.]
पुण्य  f. n. (ifc.f(). ) the good or right, virtue, purity, good work, meritorious act, moral or religious merit, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
पुण्य  n. n. a religious ceremony (esp. one performed by a wife in order to retain her husband's affections and to obtain a son; also -क), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.]
   a brick trough for watering cattle, [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्य [puṇya] a.  a. [Uṇ.5.15.]
   holy, sacred, pure; जनकतनया- स्नानपुण्योदकेषु आश्रमेषु [Me.1;] पुण्यं धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य [Me.35;] पुण्यानि हि नामग्रहणान्यपि महामुनीनां किं पुनर्दर्शनानि [K.41;] [Ś.2.14;] [Ms.2.68.]
   good, meritorious, virtuous, righteous, just.
   auspicious, propitious, lucky, favourable (as a day); [Ms.2.26,3.]
   agreeable, pleasing, lovely, beautiful; प्रकृत्या पुण्यलक्ष्मीकौ [Mv. 1.16,24;] [U.4.19;] [Ku.5.73;] so पुण्यदर्शनः &c.
   sweet, fragrant (as odour).
   solemn, festive,
   ण्यम् virtue, religious or moral merit; अत्युत्कटैः पापपुण्यैरिहैव फलमश्नुते [H.1.8;] महतः पुण्यपण्येन क्रीतेयं कायनौ- स्त्वया [Śānti.3.1;] [R.1.69;] [N.3.87.]
   A virtuous or meritorious act, good or virtuous works.
   purity, purification.
   A trough for watering cattle.
   A religious ceremony, especially one performed by a wife to retain her husband's affection and to obtain a son.
   (Astrol.) the seventh mansion from जन्मलग्न.
   the union of मेष, कर्क, तुला and मकर.
   ण्या The holy basil.
   The ganges. -Comp.
-अनुभावः   pleasing majesty or dignity; [U.4.22.]
-अहम्   (for अहन्) a happy or auspicious day; पुण्याहं भवन्तो ब्रुवन्तु । अस्तु पुण्याहम्; पुण्याहं व्रज मङ्गलं सुदिवसं प्रातः प्रयातस्य ते [Amaru.61.] ˚वाचन repeating 'this is an auspicious day' three times at the commencement of most religious ceremonies.
-आत्मन् a.  a. pious, righteous.
-उदयः   the dawn or resulting of good fortune.
-उद्यान a.  a. having lovely gardens.
-कर्तृ  m. m. a meritorious or virtuous man.-कर्मन् a. doing meritorious acts, upright, righteous, (-n.) a meritorious act.
-कालः   an auspicious time.-कीर्तनः,
-श्रवणः  N. N. of Viṣṇu. (-नम्) narrating or reading Purāṇas.
-कीर्ति a.  a. bearing good or holy name, of auspicious fame, celebrated; स पुण्यकीर्तिः शतमन्यु- कल्पो महेन्द्रलोकप्रतिमां समृद्ध्या (अध्यास्त) ---15---
-कृत् a.  a. virtuous, meritorious.
-कृत्यम्   a meritorious work.
   क्षेत्रम् a holy place, place of pilgrimage; अन्यक्षेत्रे कृतं पापं पुण्यक्षेत्रे विनश्यति । पुण्यक्षेत्रे कृतं पापं वज्रलेपो भविष्यति ॥ Subhāṣ.
   'The holy land', N. of Āryāvarta. -गन्धa. sweet-scented. (-न्धः) the champaka tree.
-गन्धि a.  a. fragrant.
   गृह an alms-house.
   a temple; उद्यानानि च रम्याणि हृष्टाः पुण्यगृहाणि च [Rām.2.67.12] (com. पुण्यगृहाणि पुण्यसंपादकगृहाणि विप्राद्यर्थानि).
   जनः a virtuous man.
   a demon, goblin; वियति प्रसमीक्ष्य कालमेघमप्रतिमं पुण्यजनौघमुन्नदन्तम् [Rām. Ch.2.56.]
   a Yakṣa; [Bhāg.4.1.3;] पयोधरैः पुण्यजनाङ्गनानाम् [R.13.6.] ˚ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera; अनुययौ यमपुण्यजनेश्वरौ [R.9.6.]
-जित a.  a. won by merit or good works.
-तीर्थम्   a holy place of pilgrimage. -दर्शनa.
   of sacred appearance; तां पुण्यदर्शनां दृष्ट्वा [R.1.86.] (-नः) the blue jay. (-नम्) visiting holy shrines.
-दुह् a.  a. granting happiness or beatitude.-निवह a. meritorious.
-पुरुषः   a man rich in moral merit, a pious man.
-प्रतापः   the efficacy of virtue or moral merit.
-फलम्   the reward of good works; यत् पुण्यफलमाप्नोति गां दत्त्वा विधिवद् गुरोः । तत् पुण्यफलमाप्नोति भिक्षां दत्त्वा द्विजो गृही[Ms.3.95.] (-लः) a grove.
-भाज् a.  a. blessed, virtuous, meritorious; पुण्यभाजः खल्वमी मुनयः ---23---
-भूः -भूमिः  f. f.
   'the holy land', i. e. Āryāvarta.
   The son-bearing mother.
-योगः   the result of virtuous deeds done in a former life.
   रात्रः an auspicious night.
   a night on which any religious ceremony is held.-लक्ष्मीक a. auspicious, prosperous; प्रकृत्या पुण्यलक्ष्मीकौ कावेतौ ज्ञायते त्विदम् [Mv.1.16.]
-लोकः   heaven, paradise.-शकुनम् an auspicious omen. (-नः) a bird of good omen.
-शाला   alms-house.
-शील a.  a. of a virtuous disposition, inclined to pious acts, virtuous, pious, righteous.
-श्लोक a.  a. 'well-spoken of', or 'auspicious to repeat or utter the name of', of good fame; [Dk.2.8.] (-कः) an epithet of Nala (of Niṣadha); Yudhiṣṭhira and Janārdana; पुण्यश्लोको नलो राजा पुण्यश्लोको युधिष्ठिरःपुण्यश्लोकावैदेही पुण्यश्लोको जनार्दनः ॥. (-का) an epithet of Sītā and Draupadī.
-संचयः   a store of virtue or religious merit.
-स्थानम्   a sacred or holy place, a place of pilgrimage.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्य  mfn.  (-ण्यः-ण्या-ण्यं)
   1. virtuous, pure, righteous.
   2. beautiful, pleasing.
   3. fragrant.
  n.  (-ण्यं)
   1. virtue, moral or religious merit. 2. A good action.
   3. purity, purification.
   4. A trough for watering cattle.
  f.  (-ण्या)
   1. holy basil, (Ocymun sanctum.)
   2. lucky, auspitious.
   3. solemn, festive.
   E. पूञ् to be or make pure, यत् Unādi aff., and ण्वुक् augment; or appropriately पू-डुण्य .
पूञ् यत् ण्वुक् पू-डुण्य .

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