वास m. 1.m. perfuming, perfume, [Vikr.] ; [Mālatīm.] ; [Car.] f. Gendarussa Vulgaris, [L.] (also f(आ). ) वास m. 2.m. (fr. √ 4.वस्) a garment, dress, clothes (mc. for वासस्), [MBh.] (cf. कृष्णवास). वास m. 3.m. (fr. √ 5.वस्) staying, remaining (esp. ‘overnight’), abiding, dwelling, residence, living in (loc. or comp. ; cf. [Pāṇ. 6-3, 18] Sch. ), abode, habitation, [RV.] &c. &c. ifc. = having one's abode in, dwelling or living in वासं-√ वस् , to take up one's abode, abide, dwell place or seat of (gen. ), [R.] a day's journey, ib. state, situation, condition, [Hariv.] वास-गृह = , bed-chamber (See -सज्जा) वासना = , imagination, idea, semblance of [MBh.]