अल्प [alpa] a. a. [अल्-प] Trifling, unimportant, insignificant (opp. महत् or गुरु); अल्पविद्यः [Ms.11.36.] Small, little, minute, scanty (opp. बहु); अल्पस्य हेतोर्बहु हातुमिच्छन् [R.2.47;1.2;] अल्पकुचान्तरा [V.4.49.] Mortal, of short existence; अथ यदल्पं तन्मर्त्यम् [Ch. Up.] Young. Seldom, rare. -ल्पः A class of buildings; Kāmikāgama, 45.53-54. -ल्पम् Very little. -ल्पम्, -ल्पेन, -ल्पात् adv. A little. For a slight reason; प्रीतिरल्पेन भिद्यते [Rām.4.32.7.] Easily, without much trouble or difficulty. -Comp. -अच्तर (comparative) A word consisting of a smaller number of syllables (than another) अल्पाच्तरन् [P.II.2.34.] -अल्प n. n. very little or minute, little by little; तथाल्पाल्पो ग्रहीतव्यो राष्ट्रादाज्ञाऽऽ- ब्दिकः करः [Ms.7.129;] ˚भासम् [Me.83.] -असु- ˚प्राण q. v.-आकाङ्क्षिन् a. desiring little, contented or satisfied with little. -आयुस् a. a. shortlived; [Ms.4.157.] (-युः) m. of limited range or capacity; क्व चाल्पविषया मतिः [R.1.2.] engaged in trifling matters. -शक्ति a. a. of little strength, weak, feeble. -शमी a small tree like शमी.-सत्त्व a. Having little strength or courage; Ks.-सरस् n. a basin, a small pond (one which is shallow or dry in hot seasons). -सार a. a. Of little value; द्रव्याणामल्पसाराणां स्तेयम् [Ms.11.164.] a young one, cub. a goat. -आरम्भः a small or gradual beginning; अल्पारम्भः क्षेमकरः. -आहार, -आहारिन्a. eating little, moderate in diet, abstemious. (-रः) taking little food, moderation, abstinence in food.-इच्छु a. moderate in wishes, seeking little. -इतरa. other than small, large. other than few, many; as ˚राः कल्पनाः many or various ideas. -ईशाख्यa. Named after an insignificant chief or master, or low origin. -ऊन a. a. slightly defective, not quite complete.-उपायः small means. -कार्यम् a small matter. केशी N. of a plant (भूतकेशी; Mar. जटामांसी, निर्गुडी). the root of a sweet flag. -क्रीत a. a. bought for a small sum, cheap. -गोधूमः A kind of wheat (Mar. जोडगहू or खपल्या गहू) -गन्ध a. a. having little scent or odour. (-न्धम्) a red lotus. -चेष्टित a. a. inert. -च्छद, -च्छाद a. a. scantily clad; दूरादेव महाजनस्य विहरत्यल्पच्छदो लज्जया [Mk.1.37.] -ज्ञ a. knowing little, shallow, superficial. -तनु a. of short stature, dwarfish, short. weak, thin. having small bones. (-नुः) a kind of tree. -दक्षिणa. defective in presents (as a ceremony), not liberal in sacrificial gifts; न त्वल्पदक्षिणैर्यज्ञैर्यजेतेह कथंचन; हन्त्यल्पदक्षिणो यज्ञः [Ms.11.39.4.] -दृष्टि a. a. narrow-minded, short-sighted. -धन a. a. of little wealth, not affluent or rich, poor; [Ms.3.66;] नाल्पधनो यजेत् 11.4. -धी n. n. weak-minded,, having little, sense, foolish. -नासिकः A small vestibule; [Māna.34.16.] पत्रः N. of a plant (a species of the Tulsi). a tree having a few leaves. (Mar. शोपा, मुसळी). -पुद्मम् a red lotus. -पशु a. a. Ved. having a small number of cattle. अनपत्यमल्पपशुं वशा कृणोति पुरुषम् [Av.12.4.25.] -पुण्य a. a. Whose religious merit is small; Rām. [Mbh.] -पुष्पिका N. N. of a flowerplant (Mar. पिवळी कण्हेर). -प्रजस् a. a. having few descendants or subjects. नित्यमसिच् प्रजोमेधयोः [P.V. 4.122.] -प्रभाव a. a. of small weight or consequence, insignificant, unimportant; ˚त्वम् insignificance. of little weight or measure. of little authority, resting on little evidence. (-णः, -णकः) common cucumber. -प्रयोग a. a. of rare application or use, rarely used. -प्राण, -असु a. a. having little power or strength, having short breath, asthmatic; ˚णश्च क्रियासु भवति [Suśr.] (णः) slight breathing or weak aspiration. (in gram.) a name given to the unaspirated letters of the alphabet (in pronouncing which little effort is required); अयुग्मा वर्गयमगा यणश्चाल्पासवः स्मृताः Sk. i. e. the vowels, semivowels, nasals and the letters क् च् ट् त् प् ग् ज् ड् द् ब्. -बल a. a. weak, feeble, having little strength. -बाध a. a. causing little annoyance or inconvenience, not very harmful; न निषेध्योऽल्पबाधस्तु [Y.2.156.] -बुद्धि, -मति a. a. weakminded, unwise, silly, ignorant; [Ms.12.74.] -भाग्य a. a. unfortunate. -भाषिन् a. a. speaking little, taciturn.-मध्यम a. slender-waisted. मात्रम् a little, a little merely. a short time, a few moments. -मारिषः [अल्पः मारिषः शाक˚ कर्मधा˚] a kind of amaranth (शाक) Amaranthus Polygamus (Mar. तांदुळजा). -मूर्ति a. a. small-bodied, diminutive, dwarfish. (-र्तिः f.) a small figure or object. -मूल्य a. a. of small value, cheap.-मेधस् (see Kāś. on [P.V.4.122.] ) a. of little understanding, ignorant, silly. पुरुषस्याल्पमेधसः Kaṭh. [Up.1.8;] तद्भवत्यल्पमेधसाम् [Bg.7.23.] -वयस् a. a. young in age, youthful. -वर्तिका N. N. of a bird (Mar. गांजीण).-वादिन् a. speaking little, taciturn. -विद्य a. a. ignorant, ill-taught, uneducated; [Ms.11.36.]