मूल f. n. (or m.g. अर्धर्चा-दि; end of a compound.*">ifc. f(आ or ई). ; prob. for 3.मू॑र see above) ‘firmly fixed’, a root (of any plant or tree; but also fig. the foot or lowest part or bottom of anything), [RV.] &c. &c. (मूलं √ कृ or बन्ध्, to take or strike root) a radish or the root of various other plants (esp. of arum Campanulatum">arum Campanulatum, of long pepper, and of costus Speciosus">costus Speciosus or Arabicus), [L.] the edge (of the horizon), [Megh.] मम मूतम् immediate neighbourhood ( = to my side), [R.] मूलाद् आरभ्य basis, foundation, cause, origin, commencement, beginning ( or आमूलात्, from the beg° ; मूलात्, from the bottom, thoroughly; मूलंक्रमतश् च, right through from beginning, [Divyâv.] ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. (beginning of a compound.">ibc. = chief principal cf. below; end of a compound.*">ifc. = rooted in, based upon, derived from) a chief or principal city, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. capital (as opposed to.">opp. to ‘interest’), [SāmavBr.] ; [Prab.] an original text (as opposed to.">opp. to the commentary or gloss), [R.] ; ---10--- ; ---11--- a king's original or proper territory, vii, 184">---12--- a temporary (as opposed to.">opp. to the rightful) owner, viii, 202">---13--- an old or hereditary servant, a native inhabitant, ---14--- the square root, ---15--- मूत-बन्ध a partic. position of the fingers (= ), ---16--- a copse, thicket, ---17--- मूल f. n. also m. and f(आ). also title or epithet).">N. of the 17th (or 19th) lunar mansion, ---18--- &c. &c. मूल m. m. herbs for horses, food, [Divyâv.] also title or epithet).">N. of सदा-शिव, [Cat.] मूल mfn. mfn. original, first, [Cat.] निज = , own, proper, peculiar, [L.]