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   { bandhḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बन्ध  m. m. binding, tying, a bond, tie, chain, fetter, [RV.] &c. &c.
   a ligature, bandage, [Suśr.]
   damming up (a river), [MārkP.]
   capture, arrest, imprisonment, custody, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   connection or intercourse with (comp.), [Pañcat.] ; [BhP.] (ifc. = connected with, conducive to, [MBh.] )
   putting together, uniting, contracting, combining, forming, producing, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   joining (the hollowed hands), ---10---
°धे-√ स्था   anything deposited ( = to remain deposited), ---11---
°धे स्था
   a deposit, pledge, ---12---
   any configuration or position of the body (esp. of the hands and feet), ---13--- ; ---14---
   a partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16, 18, 36, or even 84 ---15--- ), ---16---
   constructing, building (of a bridge &c.), ---17--- ; ---18---
   bridging over (the sea), ---19---
   knitting (the brows), [Rājat.]
   fixing, directing (mind, eyes, &c.), [Cat.]
   assumption, obtainment (of a body), [Ragh.]
   (ifc.) conceiving, cherishing, feeling, betraying, [Hariv.] ; [Kālid.]
   a border, framework, inclosure, receptacle, [L.]
   a sinew, tendon, [L.]
   the body, [L.]
मुक्ति   (in phil.) mundane bondage, attachment to this world, [ŚvetUp.] ; [Bhag.] &c. (opp. to , मोक्ष, ‘final emancipation’, and regarded in the सांख्य as threefold, other words. From Latin videlicet">viz.प्रकृति-, वैकारिक-, and दक्षिणा-ब्°)
   combination of sounds (in rhet.), construction or arrangement of words, [Kāvyâd.] ; [Pratāp.]
   arrangement of a stanza in a partic. shape, [Kpr.]
   arrangement of musical sounds, composition, [Śatr.]
   a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing, [Suśr.]
पञ्च   (ifc. with numerals) a part (cf.-, दश-ब्°).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बन्धः [bandhḥ]   [बन्ध्-घञ्]
   A tie, bond (in general) (आशा- बन्ध &c.).
   A hair-band, fillet; रतिविगलितबन्धे केशहस्ते सुकेश्याः (सति) [V.4.22;] [Ś.1.29.]
   A chain, fetter.
   Fettering, confining, imprisoning, confinement, imprisonment; बन्धं चानिच्छता घोरं त्वयासौ पुरुषर्षभ [Rām.5.] 21.19; अधार्मिकं त्रिभिर्न्यायैर्निगृह्णीयात् प्रयत्नतः । निरोधनेन बन्धेन विविधेन वधेन च ॥ [Ms.8.31.]
   catching, capturing, catching hold of; गजबन्ध [R.16.2.]
   (a) forming, constructing, arranging; सर्गबन्धो महाकाव्यम् [S. D.6.] (b) building, erecting.
   feeling, conceiving, cherishing; हे राजानस्त्यजत सुकविप्रेमबन्धे विरोधम् [Vikr.18.17;] [R.6.81.]
   connection, union, intercourse.
   joining or folding together, combining; प्रासादवातायनदृश्यबन्धैः साकेतनार्योऽ- ञ्जलिभिः प्रणेमुः [R.14.13;] अञ्जलिबन्धः &c.
   A bandage, ligature.
   agreement, harmony.
   manifestation, display, exhibition; मनसिजतरुपुष्पं रागबन्धप्रवालम् (यौवनम्) [R.18.52.]
   bondage, confinement to this world (opp. मुक्ति which is 'complete emancipation from the trammels of the world'); बन्धं मोक्षं च या वेत्ति बुद्धिः सा पार्थ सात्त्विकी ---10--- बन्धोन्मुक्त्यै खलु मखमुखान् कुर्वते कर्मपाशान् ---11--- ---12---
   result, consequence.
   A position, posture in general; आसनबन्धधीरः ---13--- 6; पर्यङ्कबन्धस्थिरपूर्वकायम् ---14---
   A particular position in sexual intercourse, or a particular mode of sexual enjoyment (these are said in Ratimañjarī to be 16, but other writers increase the number to 84).
   A border, frame-work.
   arrangement of a stanza in a particular shape; e. g. खड्गबन्ध, पद्मबन्ध, मुरजबन्ध (vide ---15--- ad loc.).
   A sinew, tendon.
   The body.
   A deposit, pledge.
   An embankment, throwing a bridge across (a river).
   A disease in which the eyelids cannot be wholly closed. -Comp.
-करणम्   fettering, imprisoning.
-कर्तृ  m. m. a binder, fetterer.
-तन्त्रम्   a complete army containing the four necessary elements, i. e. elephants, horses, chariots and footmen.
-नृत्यम्   a kind of dance-पारुष्यम् forced or unnatural construction of words.-मुद्रा impression or mark of fetters.
-स्तम्भः   a post to which an animal (e. g. an elephat) is tied.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बन्ध   r. 9th. cl. (बध्नाति)
   r. 10th cl. (बन्धयति-ते) To bind or tie;
   with आङ् prefixed. To loosen, to let loose.
   With अनु,
   1. To follow.
   2. To be affixed or attached to.
   With नि, to disunite.
   With सम्, to connect.
बन्ध  m.  (-न्धः)
   1. A pledge, a deposit.
   2. A binding, a tie or fetter, &c. 3. binding, tying.
   4. The body.
   5. joining.
   6. forming.
   7. A li- gature, a bandage.
   8. connection, intercourse.
   9. agreement, union.
   10. result.
   11. border, frame-work.
   12. The body.
   13. manifestation, display.
   14. bondage, (opposite to annihilation.) 15. A posture.
   16. The different forms of sexual intercourse men- tioned in Kāma Shāstra.
   17. feeling.
   18. laying snares.
   19. A stanza which can be arranged in a particular shape, as “Padma bandha,” &c.
   E. बन्ध् to tie, aff. अच् .

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