मात्र m. am. a Brāhman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth, [Hcat.] मात्र n. n. an element, elementary matter, [BhP.] अङ्गुल-मात्रम् (end of a compound.*">ifc. ) measure, quantity, sum, size, duration, measure of any kind (whether of height, depth, breadth, length, distance, time or number e.g. , a finger's breadth, [Pañcat.] ; अर्थ-मात्रम्, a certain sum of money, ib.; क्रोश-मात्रे, at the distance of a kos, [Hit.] ; मास-मात्रे, in a month, [Lāṭy.] ; शत-मात्रम्, a hundred in number, [Kathās.] ) राज-मात्रम् the full or simple measure of anything, the whole or totality, the one thing and no more, often = nothing but, entirely, only (e.g. , the whole class of kings, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; भय-म्°, all that may be called danger, any danger, [VarBṛS.] ; रति-म्°, nothing but sensuality, [Mn.] ; शब्द-मात्रेण, only by a sound, [Śak.] ) मात्र mfn. mf(आ and ई)n. (end of a compound.*">ifc. ) having the measure of, i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. अङ्गुष्ठ-, ताल-, बाहु-, यव-, तावन्-, एतावन्-म्°) प्राण-यात्रिक-म्° possessing (only) as much as or no more than (cf. ) त्रि-म्° amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals; cf. ) पदाति being nothing but, simply or merely (cf. -, मनुष्य-म्°; after a pp. = scarcely, as soon as, merely, just e.g. जात-म्°, scarcely or just born, [Mn.] ; कृष्ट-म्°, merely ploughed, KātyŚr.; भुक्त-मात्रे, immediately after eating, [Mn.] ) मात्र b°त्रक &c. see p.804, cols. 2, 3.