रूप f. n. (perhaps connected with वर्प, वर्पस्; ifc. f.(आ), rarely (ई)) any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour (often number.">pl. ), form, shape, figure, [RV.] &c. &c. (रूपेणifc. in the form of ; रूपम्-√ कृ or √ भू, to assume a form; often ifc. = ‘having the form or appearance or colour of’, ‘formed or composed of’, ‘consisting of’, ‘like to’; sometimes used after an adj. or p.p. to emphasize its meaning or almost redundantly cf. घोर-र्°; or connected with a verb e.g. पचति-रूपम्, he cooks very well cf. [Pāṇ. 8-1, 57] ) dreamy or phantom shapes (number.">pl. ), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] handsome form, loveliness, grace, beauty, splendour, [RV.] &c. &c. nature, character, peculiarity, feature, mark, sign, symptom, [VS.] &c. &c. likeness, image, reflection, [Mn.] ; [Kathās.] circumstances (opp. to ‘time’ and ‘place’), viii, 45">[Mn. viii, 45] sort, kind, [R.] ; ---10--- mode, manner, way, ---11--- (ifc.) trace of ---12--- a single specimen or exemplar (and therefore a term for the number ‘one’), ---13--- ; [Gaṇit.] a partic. coin (prob. a rupee), [VarBṛS.] a show, play, drama, [Daśar.] (in alg. ) the arithmetical unit (number.">pl. ) integer number रू known or absolute number, a known quantity as having specific form (and expressed by i.e. first syllable of रूप), ---17--- (in gram.) any form of a noun or verb (as inflected by declension or conjugation), 68 &c.">[Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 &c.] (in phil. ) the quality of colour (one of the 17 or 24 गुणs of the वैशेषिकs), [IW. 68] (with Buddhists) material form i.e. the organized body (as one of the 5 constituent elements or स्कन्धस्), [Dharmas. 22] ; [MWB. 109] गर्भे (in dram. ) a reflection or remark made under partic. circumstances when the action is at its height (), ---22--- ; [Daśar.] &c. (only ---24--- ) cattle a beast a sound, word ग्रन्थावृत्ति rereading a book (= ) रूप m. m. a word of unknown meaning, xviii, 3, 40">[AV. xviii, 3, 40] (number.">pl. ) N. of a people, [MBh.] रूप n. m. or n.N. of a place (v.l. रूम), [Cat.]