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   { ādiś }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आ-√ दिश्   1.P.-दिदे॑ष्टि ([Subj. 3. sg.-दिदेशति, vi, 6, 2, &c.">[AV. vi, 6, 2, &c.] ]), -दिश॑ति ([3. pl.-दिशन्तिImpv. 2. sg.-दिशimpf. 1. sg.आ-दिशम्, &c.]), rarely -दिशते ([viii, 24, 51">[BhP. viii, 24, 51] ]) inf.-दि॑शे ([ix, 21, 5">[RV. ix, 21, 5] ]) and -देष्टुम् (aor. 3. sg.आ-दिक्षत् [iii, 3">[Bhaṭṭ. iii, 3] see, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 45] ] fut. 1. pl.-देक्ष्यामः, perf.-दिदेश) to aim at, have in view;
to threaten, ix, 21, 5, &c.">[RV. ix, 21, 5, &c.] ; [AV.] ;
to hit, ix, 56, 1">[RV. ix, 56, 1] ;
to assign, ii, 41, 17, &c.">[RV. ii, 41, 17, &c.] ; [AV.] ; [BhP.] ; [R.] ; [Ragh.] &c.;
to point out, indicate;
to report, announce, teach, iii, 18, 1">[ChUp. iii, 18, 1] ; [BhP.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; ---17--- &c.;
to determine, specify, denominate, iii, 5, 8">---18--- ; ---19--- ; [Lāṭy.] ; ---21--- ; [AitBr.] &c.;
to declare, foretell, [Ratnāv.] ; ---24--- &c.;
to order, direct, command, [Gobh.] ; [ĀśvGṛ.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [Kathās.] &c.;
to refer any one to (loc.);
to banish, [MBh.] ; [Śak.] ; [Kathās.] &c.;
to undertake, try, [MBh.] ;
to profess as one's aim or duty, [RV.] ; [Yājñ.] :
Caus.-देशयति, to show, indicate, announce, [Ratnāv.] ; [MBh.] ; [Śak.] ; [Mṛcch.] :
Intens. (p.-दे॑दिशान) to have in view, aim at (acc.), ix, 70, 5.">---41---
आ-दिश्  f. 2.f. aiming at, design, intention, 61, 3, &c.">[RV. x, 61, 3, &c.]
दिश्   N. of a particular direction or point of the compass (enumerated with , प्र°, वि°, and उद्°), vi, 19">[VS. vi, 19] (cf.inf.आ-दि॑शे = dat.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आदिश् [ādiś]   6 [U.]
   To point out, indicate, show; मार्ग आदिश् (oft. in dramas) lead the way; [Ś.5.]
   To order, direct, command; वेलोपलक्षणार्थमादिष्टोऽस्मि [Ś.4;] पुनरप्यादिश तावदुत्थितः [Ku.4.16;] तेषामप्येतदादिशेत् [Ms.11.192;] आदिक्षदस्याभिगमं वनाय [Bk.3.9,7.28;] [R.1.54,2.65;] to appoint; वसुमित्रं गोप्तारमादिश्य [M.5.]
   To aim at; assign; आदिक्षत्सिंहासनं तस्य [Bk.3.3;] हरिवीराणामादिशद्दक्षिणां दिशम् [Rām.]
   To report, announce; teach, lay down, prescribe, instruct, advise; न चास्य व्रतमादिशेत् [Ms.4.8;] बुद्धिमादिश्य [R.12.68.]
   To specify, determine; प्रतिषिद्धमनादिष्टम् [Y.2.26.]
   To foretell, predict; सा सिद्धेनादिष्टा [Ratn.4,] [Bṛi. S.5.96;] आदिष्टः सुरासुरसंगरो भावी [V.5.]
   To undertake, try; ब्रह्मास्त्रमादिश [Mb.]
   To provoke, challenge.
   To profess as one's own duty. -Caus. To indicate, show, point out, announce &c. (same as आदिश्).
आदिश् [ādiś]  f. f. Ved.
   aim, design, intention; अस्याऽ- श्रीणीतादिशं गभस्तौ ---17---
   A project, proposition.
   A proposal, declaration.
   A region, quarter.
   A sacrifice offered to a particular deity.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  कम् अपि कस्मिन् अपि कार्ये शब्देन प्रवर्तनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. अध्ययनोपरान्तम् आचार्यः गृहं गच्छ इति आदिशत्।
संप्रेषणसूचक (Communication)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : अभिनिर्दिश्

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