चुद् cl. 1. चो॑दति, °ते (Subj. चो॑दत्; Impv. °द, °दत, दस्व, (2. du. ) °देथाम्; aor. 2. sg. चोदीस्; pr. p. See अ-चोद॑त्), to impel, incite, animate, [RV.] ; to bring or offer quickly (as the सोम), [RV.] ; Ā. to hasten, [RV.] : Caus. चोद॑यति, rarely °ते (Subj. 2. sg. °यासि, °यासे; aor. अचूचुदत्, [MBh. xiii, 35] ; p. चोद॑यत्; Pan. चोद्यमान), to sharpen, whet, [RV. vi, 47, 10] (cf. 3, 5); ix, 50, 1; x, 120, 5; to impel, incite, cause to move quickly, accelerate, [RV.] ; [AV. iii, 15, 1] ; [MBh.] &c.; (with चक्षुस्) to direct (the eye) towards (loc. ), [Mṛcch. ix, 11] ; to inspire, excite, animate, [RV.] ; [AV. vii, 46, 3] ; to request, petition, ask, urge on, press or importune with a request, [Lāṭy. ii, 9, 15] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; help on, assist in the attainment of (dat. ), [RV.] ; to bring or offer quickly, vi, 48, 9; vii, 77, 4; to ask for, [MBh. xiii] ; [R. vii] ; [BhP. x] ; to inquire after, [MBh. i, 5445] ; to enjoin, fix, settle, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Lāṭy.] ; to object, criticise, [Bādar.] Sch. ; to be quick, [RV. i, 117, 3; x, 101, 12 and 102, 12] ; चुद् [cf. σπεύδω, σπουδάζω; Lat. cudo.]