Dictionaries | References


   { cōdya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चोद्य  mfn. mfn. to be impelled or incited, [MBh. v, 1404 and 4600]
   (- neg.), xiii, 4875
   to be criticised, xiii, 111">[Sarvad. xiii, 111]
   to be thrown, [W.]
चोद्य  n. n. raising questions, consideration, [MBh. v, 1653]
पूर्व-पक्ष   ‘to be urged or objected’, a difficult question raised to invite for controversy (, प्रश्न, [L.] ), xiii, 2 and 22">[Sarvad. xiii, 2 and 22]
   astonishment, wonder, ix, 16.">[Śiś. ix, 16.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चोद्य [cōdya] a.  a. [चुद्-ण्यत्]
   To be driven or impelled.
   To be sent, thrown, or directed.
   To be mentioned; नीवारमूलेङ्गुदशाकवृत्तिः सुसंयता चाग्निकार्येषु चोद्यः [Mb.]
   द्यम् Objecting, asking a question.
   An objection.
   wonder, surprise.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चोद्य  mfn.  (-द्यः-द्या-द्यं) To be sent, thrown, or directed.
  n.  (-द्यं)
   1. Sur- prise, wonderful or astonishing.
   2. asking, an asking. a ques- tion, an objection &c.
   E. चुद् to send, to command, &c. affix ण्यत्.
चुद् ण्यत्

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