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   { dhṛ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धृ   cl. 1. Ā.P.धरति, °ते (xxii, 3">[Dhātup. xxii, 3] ; Ā.Pot.धरेरन्, [ĀpŚr.] ), but more commonly in the same sense the Caus. form धारयति, °ते (perf.P.दाधा॑र, °ध॑र्थ [Impv. दधर्तु, [AV.Paipp.] ]; Ā.दध्रे॑, 3. pl.°ध्रिरे॑, [RV.] &c. &c.; aor.अधारम्, [R.] ; अधृत, धृथास्, [AV.] ; अ॑दीधरत्, [RV.] &c. &c. [दीधर्, दिधृतम्, °त, [RV.] ; 3. pl.°रत, [ŚBr.] ]; अदार्षीत्Gr.; fut.धरिष्यति, [MBh.] ; °ष्ये॑, [AV.] ; धर्ता, [BhP.] ; inf.धर्तुम्, [Kāv.] , °तवै, [Br.] [धर्त॑रि see under °तृ]; ind.p.धृत्वा, -धृत्य, ---14--- )
to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo, [RV.] &c. &c.;
(with or scil.आत्मानम्, जीवितम्, प्राणान्, देहम्, शरीरम् &c.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (esp.fut.धरिष्यति; cf.Pass. below);
to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist, [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (loc.), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] &c.;
to destine for (dat.; Ā. also to be destined for or belong to), [RV.] ;
to present to (gen.), [Kāraṇḍ.] ;
to direct or turn (attention, mind, &c.) towards, fix or resolve upon (loc. or dat.), [Up.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ;
Ā. to be ready or prepared for, [ŚBr.] ;
Ā.P. to owe anything (acc.)
to (dat. or gen.), ---30--- (cf.[Pāṇ. 1-4, 35] );
to prolong (in pronunciation), [AitBr.] ; [RPrāt.] ;
to quote, cite, [L.] ;
(with गर्भम्) to conceive, be pregnant (older °भम्-√ भृ), ---35--- ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(with दण्डम्) to inflict punishment on (loc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] (also दमम्);
(with केशान्, or श्मश्रु) to let the hair or beard grow, [MBh.] ;
(with रश्मीन् [same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.] or प्रहरान् [[Śak.] ]) to draw the reins tight;
(with धरमम्) to fulfil a duty, [R.] ;
(with व्रत॑म्) to observe or keep a vow, [RV.] &c. &c.;
(with धारणाम्) to practise self-control, [Yājñ.] ;
(wit. इपस्) to perform penance, [BhP.] ;
(with मूर्ध्ना or °ध्नि, शिरसा or °सि) to bear on the head, honour highly, [Kāv.] ;
(with or scil.तुलया) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(with or scil.मनसा) to bear in mind, recollect, remember, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
(with समये) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact, [Pañc. i, 125/126] (B.दृष्ट्वा for धृत्वा) :
Pass.ध्रिय॑ते (ep. also °यति; pf.दध्रे॑ &c. = Ā.; aor.अधारि)
to be borne &c.;
to be firm, keep steady, [RV.] &c. &c.;
continue living, exist, remain, [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (also धार्यते, [R.] );
to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dat.; acc. or inf.), [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ChUp.] :
Caus.धार॑यति, °ते see above:
Desid.दिधीर्षति (see °षा), दिधरिषते, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 75] ;
दिधारयिषति, to wish to keep up or preserve (आत्मानम्), iii, 5, 30">[Gobh. iii, 5, 30] :
Intens.द॑र्धर्ति ([RV.] ) and दाधर्ति (3. pl.°ध्रति, [TS.] ; cf.[Pāṇ. 7-4, 65] )
to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten.<br>धृ   [cf.Zd.dar; Gk.θρόνος, θρᾶ-νος, ; Lat.frē-tus, frē-num.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धृ [dhṛ]   I. 6 Ā. (supposed by some to be a passive form of धृ); (ध्रियते, धृत)<br>   To be or exist, live, continue to live, survive; आर्यपुत्र ध्रिये एषा ध्रिये [U.3;] ध्रियते यावदेकोऽपि रिपु- स्तावत्कुतः सुखम् [Śi.2.35;15.89;] नष्टा शरीरैः क्रतुभिर्धरन्ते [Pt.1.] <br>   To be maintained or preserved, remain, continue; सुरतश्रमसंभृतो मुखे ध्रियते स्वेदलवोद्गमोऽपि ते [R.8.51;] [Ku.4.18.] <br>   To resolve upon. -ii. 1. P., 1 U. (धरति, usually धारयति-ते, धृत, धारित)<br>   To hold, bear, carry; भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरसि पुष्पवद्धारयेत् [Bh.2.4;] वैणवीं धारयेद्यष्टिं सोदकं च कमण्डलुम् [Ms.4.36;] [Bk.17.54;] [V.4.36.] <br>   To hold or bear up, maintain, support, sustain; अभिनवजलधरसुन्दर धृतमन्दर...... [Gīt.1.2.7;] यथा सर्वाणि भूतानि धरा धारयते समम् [Ms.9.311;] [Pt.1.126;] प्रातःकुन्दप्रसवशिथिलं जीवितं धारयेथाः [Me.115;] चिरमात्मना धृताम् [R.3.35;] ---14--- <br>   To hold in one's possession, possess, have, keep; या संस्कृता धार्यते [Bh.2.19.] <br>   To assume, take (as a form, disguise &c.); केशव धृतसूकररूप [Gīt.1.1.4;] धारयति कोकनदरूपम् 1.4.<br>   To wear, put on, use (clothes, ornaments &c.); श्रितकमलाकुचमण्डल धृत- कुण्डल[Gīt.1.2.1.] <br>   To hold in check, curb, restrain, stop, detain; त्वया हि धर्मो विधृतः कृत्स्नं धारयते जगत् [Mb.1.] 63.5; दधार द्रोणमायान्तं वेलेव सरितां पतिम् [Mb.7.16.21.] <br>   To fix upon, direct towards; (with dat. or loc.) ब्राह्मण्ये धृतमानसः, मनो दध्रे राजसूयाय &c.<br>   To suffer, undergo.<br>   To assign anything to any person, allot, assign.<br>   To owe anything to a person (with dat.; rarely gen. of person, 1 only in this sense); वृक्षसेचने द्वे धारयसि मे [Ś.1;] तस्मै तस्य वा धनं धारयति &c.<br>   To hold, contain.<br>   To observe, practise.<br>   To cite, quote.<br>   To keep, retain (in one's service).<br>   To preserve, maintain.<br>   To seize, lay hold of.<br>   To hold out or on, endure.<br>   To fix, place, deposit.<br>   To intend in mind; स यद्यदेवासृजत तत्तदत्तुमध्रियत [Bṛi. Up.1.2.5.] (The senses of this root may be variously modified according to the noun with which it is connected; e. g. मनसा धृ to bear in mind, remember; शिरसा, मूर्ध्नि धृ to bear on the head, respect highly; अन्तरे धृ to pledge, deposit anything as surety; समये धृ to bring to terms or agreement; दण्डं धृ to punish, chastise, use force; जीवितम्, प्राणान्, गात्रम्, शरीरम्, देहम् &c. धृ to continue to live, maintain the soul &c.; preserve the vital spirits; व्रतं धृ to observe a vow; इत्थं व्रतं धारयतः प्रजार्थम् [R.2.25;] तुलया धृ to hold in a balance, weigh &c.; मनः, मतिम्, चित्तम्, बुद्धिम् धृ to bend the mind to a thing, fix the mind upon, think of, resolve upon; गर्भं धृ to become pregnant, conceive; धारणां धृ to practise concentration or selfcontrol &c.)<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 1st cl. (धरते) To fall.<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 6th cl. (ध्रियते)<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   1. To continue. to remain.<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   2. To have or hold, (ञ) धृञ्<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 1st cl. (धरति-ते) To have or hold, to keep, to maintain.<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 1st cl. (धरति) To sprinkle.<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 10th cl. (धारयति-ते) To hold.<br>धृ (ङ) धृङ्   With अप or निर् prefixed, To verify, to make sure or certain. स्थितौ अक० धृतौ सक० उभ० भ्वा० अनिट् . तुदा० आ० अनिट् . चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् .<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  उपनेत्रादीनां शरीरे धारणानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. इदानीं बालकाः अपि उपनेत्रं धारयन्ति। <br>
कार्यसूचक (Act)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)

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