To OWE ,
v. a.
(Owe money)
धृ (c. 10.
धारयति -यितुं) with acc. and dat.; as,
‘he owes a hundred pieces of money to Devadatta,’
देवदत्ताय शतं मुद्रा धारयति; ‘he repaid me the money which he owed me,’
धारयन् मह्यं वसूनि प्रत्यपद्यत. —
(Be indebted)
ऋणी -णिनी -णि भू, ऋणवान् -वती -वद् भू, ऋणबद्धः-द्धा -द्धं भू, ऋणं कृ. —
(Be obliged)
अनुगृहीतः -ता -तं भू; ‘I owe you many thanks for your advice,’
अनुगृहीतोऽस्मि तवोपदेशेन. The sense of
‘owe’ may be expressed by the fut.
pass. part.; as,
‘I owe him money,’
मया तस्मै धनं प्रतिदेयं or
प्रति-दातव्यं, or by changing the construction of the sentence thus,
‘I owe my deliverance to you,’
भवान् मम रक्षाकारणम्इति ज्ञातव्यं.
See the next word.