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   { pravara }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PRAVARA   A Yādava. he was one of the ministers of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. [Chapter 71, Viṣṇu Purāṇa] .<br>


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   pravara a S chief, principal, supreme, very exalted or very excellent. 2 m The founder of a race.<br>


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   chief.<br>  m  The founder of a race.<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-वर  mfn. 1.mf()n. (fr.प्र + वर or fr.प्र2.वृ; for 2. and 3. see p.693) most excellent, chief, principal, best, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.<br>   eldest (son), [MBh.] <br>   better than (abl.), [BhP.] <br>सम   greater (opp. to , ‘equal’, and न्यून, ‘smaller’), [Var.] <br>   (ifc.) eminent, distinguished by, [Hariv.] <br>प्र-वर  m. m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo, [L.] <br>   Opuntia Dillenii, [L.] <br>   epithet).">N. of a messenger of the gods and friend of इन्द्र, [Hariv.] <br>   of a दानव, ib.<br>प्र-वर  n. n. aloe wood, [Bhpr.] <br>   a partic. high number, ---10--- <br>प्र-वर  m. 2.m. (for 1. see p.690) a cover, [ŚBr.] ([Sāy.] प्र-वार; cf.[Pāṇ. 3-3, 54] )<br>   an upper garment, [Var. 1.] <br>प्र-वर  m. 3.m. a call, summons (esp. of a Brāhman to priestly functions), [AitBr.] <br>   an invocation of अग्नि at the beginning of a sacrifice, a series of ancestors (so called because अग्नि is invited to bear the oblations to the gods as he did for the sacrificer's progenitors, the names of the 4 10 5 most nearly connected with the ancient ऋषिs being then added), [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] <br>   a family, race, [L.] <br>  f. an ancestor, KātyŚr. Sch. (f(). , [Pat.] )<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रवर [pravara]   a.<br>   chief, principal, most excellent or distinguished, best, exalted; भीष्मः कुरूणां प्रवरः [Mb. 3.85.116;] संकेतके चिरयति प्रवरो विनोदः [MK.3.3;] [Ms. 1.27;] Ghaṭ.16.<br>   eldest.<br>-रः   A call, summons.<br>   A particular invocation addressed to agni by a Brāhmaṇa at the consecration of his fire.<br>   A line of ancestors.<br>   A race, family, lineage.<br>   An ancestor.<br>   A Muni or noble ancestor who contributes to the credit of a particular gotra or family; said to be the friend of indra; पुरश्चकार प्रवरं वरं यमायन् सखायं ददर्श तया सः [N.14.62;] cf. पञ्च˚, त्रि˚.<br>   offspring, descendants.<br>   A cover, covering.<br>   An upper garment.<br>   one of the 42 Gotras.<br>-रा  N. N. of a river falling into the Godāvarī.<br>   रम् aloe-wood<br>   A particular high number; Buddh. -Comp.<br>-कल्याण a.  a. eminently beautiful.<br>-जनः   a person of quality.<br>-धातुः   precious metal.-ललितम् N. of a metre with each line of sixteen syllables; V. Ratna. see appendix.<br>-वाहनौ   (du.) an epithet of the two Aśvins.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रवर  mfn.  (-रः-रा-रं) best, most excellent.<br>  m.  (-रः)<br>   1. A line of ancestors. 2. An ancestor.<br>   3. lineage.<br>   4. An exalted ancestor who contributes to the credit of a particular Gotra.<br>   5. A particular invocation ad- dressed to agni by a Brāhmana at the consecration of his fire.<br>   6. A call, a summons.<br>  n.  (-रं)<br>   1. offspring, descendants.<br>   2. family, race, kindred.<br>   3. A black sort of kidney bean, known as aloe-wood.<br>   4. covering, screening.<br>   5. A Muni, who contributes to the continua- tion of and credit of a particular caste or tribe of Brāhmans.<br>   E. प्र before, वृ to chuse, aff. अप् .<br>

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