श्याम mfn. (
1. Black or dark-blue.
2. Green.
m. (
1. A sacred-fig-tree at Prayāga or Āllāhābād.
2. A cloud.
3. The Kokila or Indian cuckoo.
4. A potherb, (Convolvulus argenteus.) 5. Black, (the colour.)
6. Green, (the colour.)
7. Thorn-apple, (Datura metel.)
mf. (
-मः-मा) A sort of grain, (Panicum frumen- taceum.)
n. (
1. Black-pepper.
2. Sea salt.
f. (
1. A woman, described as one who has not borne children; also described as a female of slender make; or one from eight to sixteen; or one who resembles in darkness of complexion, the blossom of the Priyanga, or its stalk, in shape.
2. Night.
3. Shade, shadow.
4. The Jumnā river.
5. A form of DURGĀ.
6. A plant, commonly Priyangu.
7. A sort of convolvulus, (C. turpethum,) with black flowers.
8. A medicinal plant, (Serratula anthelmintica.)
9. Indigo. 10. A twining shrub, (Ichnocarpus frutescens.)
11. Turmeric.
12. Holy-basil.
13. A fragrant grass, (Cyperus.)
14. A shrub, (Abrus precatorius.)
15. A small singing bird with black plumage, com- monly Shyāmā, (Turdus macrourus.)
16. A cow.
E. श्यै to go, Unādi aff.
मक् or
मन् .