नील—कण्ठ mfn. mfn. blue-necked, [MBh.] नील—कण्ठ m. m. a peacock, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Suśr.] a species of gallinule or water-hen (= दात्यूह), [L.] a wagtail, [L.] a sparrow, [L.] the blue-necked jay, [L.] ArdeaSibirica, [L.] पीत-सार a species of plant (= ), [L.] N. of शिव (as having a black throat from swallowing the poison produced at the churning of the ocean), [R.] ; [Hit.] &c. -दीक्षित N. of the celebrated Sch. on [MBh.] and of other authors (also , -नाग-नाथ, -भट्ट, -भारती, -मिश्र, -शर्मन्, -शास्त्रिन्, -शिवा-चार्य, -सूनु, -सूरि, °ठा-चार्य), [Cat.] नील—कण्ठ n. n. a radish, [L.] N. of a तीर्थ, [Cat.]