मिश्र [miśra] a. a. [मिश्र्-अच्]
Mixed, blended, mingled, combined; गद्यं पद्यं च मिश्रं च तत् त्रिधैव व्यवस्थितम्
[Kāv.1.11,] 31,32;
[R.16.32;] (स राजा) अहन्यहन्यर्थगजाश्वमिश्रैर्वृद्धिं ययौ सिन्धुरिवाम्बुवेगैः
[Bu. Ch.2.1.] Associated, connected.
Manifold, diverse; प्रसूतिमिश्राः स्रिय उद्विग्नचित्ता ऊचुर्विपाको वृजिनस्यैष तस्य
[Bhāg.4.5.9.] Tangled, intertwined.
(At the end of comp.) Having a mixture of, consisting for the most part of.
Mixing, adulterating.
श्रः A respectable or worthy person; usually affixed to the names of great men and scholars; आर्यमिश्राः प्रमाणम्
[M.1;] वसिष्ठमिश्रः; मण्डनमिश्रः &c.
A kind of elephant.
The group of the constellations कृत्तिका and विशाखा.
(In music) A kind of measure.
श्रम् A mixture.
A kind of radish.
(with धन) Principal and interest. -Comp.
-ओदनः a food of rice and pulse boiled (Mar. खिचडी).
-चोरः, -चौरः an adulterator of grain.
-जः a mule.
-जाति a. a. of mixed breed.-धान्यम् mixed grain.
-वर्ण a. a. of a mixed colour.
(र्णम्) a kind of black aloe-wood.
a species of sugar-cane.
(in music) a kind of measure. ˚फला Solanum Melongena (Mar. डोरली वांगी).
-वृत्तम् a mixed story (partly popular and partly supernatural).-व्यवहारः (in arith.) investigation of composition (of principal and interest).