स्थूल [sthūla] a. a. (compar. स्थवीयस् superl. स्थविष्ठ) large, great, big, bulky, huge; बहुस्पृशापि स्थूलेन स्थीयते बहिरश्मवत् [Śi.2.78] (where it has sense 6 also); स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् [Me.14,18;] [R.6.28.] fat, corpulent, stout. strong, powerful; स्थूलं स्थूलं श्वसिति K. 'breathes hard'. thick, clumsy. gross, coarse, rough (fig. also) as in स्थूलमानम् q. v. foolish, doltish, silly, ignorant. stolid, dull, thick-headed. not exact. (Inphil.) material (opp. to सूक्ष्म). -लः The jack tree. ला large cardamoms. Scindaspus Officinalis (mar. गजपिंपळी). Cucumis Utilissimus (mar. थोरकाकडी). लम् A heap, quantity. A tent. The summit of a mountain (कूट). sour milk, curds. -Comp. -अन्त्रम् the larger intestine near the anus. -आस्यः a snake. -इच्छ a. a. having immoderate desires. उच्चयः a large fragment of a crag or rock fallen from a mountain and forming an irregular mound. incompleteness, deficiency, defect. the middle pace of elephants; स्थूलोच्चयेनागमदन्तिकागताम् [Śi.12.16.] an eruption of pimples on the face. a hollow at the root of an elephant's tusks. -कण्टकिका the silk-cotton tree. -कण्टा the egg-plant. कन्दः a kind of esculent root. red garlic. -काय a. a. fat, corpulent.-काष्ठाग्निः a tree-trunk or a large log of wood set on fire. -क्षेडः, -क्ष्वेडः an arrow. -चापः a large bow-like instrument used in cleaning cotton. -तालः the marshy date-tree. -त्वचा Gmelina Arborea (mar. थोर शिवणी).-दला aloe Perfoliata (mar. कोरफड). -धी, -मतिa. foolish, doltish. -नालः a kind of large reed. -नास, -नासिक a. a. thick-nosed. (-सः, -कः) a hog, boar. -नीलः a hawk, falcon. -पटः, -टम् coarse cloth. -पट्टः cotton.(-ट्टम्), -पट्टः a. a. clubfooted, having swelled legs. (दः) an elephant. a man with elephantiasis. -प्रपञ्चः the gross or material world.-फलः the silk-cotton tree. -भावः bigness, grossness.-भूत n. pl. the five grosser elements (according to Sāṁkhya phil.). -मध्य a. a. thick in the middle. -मरिचम् a kind of berry (कक्कोल). -मानम् rough or inexact calculation, gross or rough computation. -मूलम् a kind of radish. -लक्ष, -क्ष्य a. munificent, liberal, generous; अकत्थनो मानयिता स्थूललक्ष्यः प्रियंवदः [Mb.3.45.1.] wise, learned. inclined to recollect both benefits and injuries. taking careless aim. -लक्षिता munificence, liberality. -वल्कलः the red Lodhra tree. -विषयः a gross or material object. -शङ्खा a woman having a large vulva. -शरीरम् the grosser or material and perishable body (opp. सूक्ष्म or लिङ्ग-शरीर q. v.) -शाटकः (-कम्), शाट(टि)का, -शाटिः a thick or coarse cloth.-शीर्षिका a small ant having a large head in proportion to its size. -शोफ a. a. greatly swollen. षट्पदः a large bee. a wasp. -सूक्ष्म a. a. mighty and subtle (as the god). -स्कन्धः the lakucha tree. -स्थूल a. a. excessively thick. हस्तः an elephant's trunk; दिङ्ना- गानां पथि परिहरन् स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् [Me.14.] a large or coarse hand.