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   { sargḥ, sarga (creation) }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
SARGA (creation)   agni Purāṇa, chapter 20 refers to various sargas as follows. The first creation is that of greatness (Mahatva) i e. Brahmā. The second creation is that of tanmātras called bhūtasarga. The third is Vaikārikasarga also called Aindriyikasarga. these three kinds of creation are called Prākṛta sṛṣṭi (natural creation) and that is conscious and intelligent creation. The fourth is mukhyasarga. Mukhyas mean immovables. The fifth is tiryagyonisṛṣṭi. since it functions side-long it is called tiryaksrotas. The sixth is the creation of Ūrdhvasrotas, called devasarga. The seventh is the creation of arvāksrotas, called mānuṣasarga. The eighth, anugrahasarga, is both sāttvic and tāmasic. thus, vaikṛtasargas are five in number and prākṛtasargas three. The ninth sarga is the Kaumāra sarga, which is both vaikṛta and Prākṛta. The fundamental or root cause of the universe is the above nine creations of Brahmā. Prākṛtasarga is of three types, nitya (eternal), naimittika (casual) and dainandina (daily). Nityasarga is the creation after interim deluges.


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  मनभुलयणी आनी सूख दिवपी सुवात   Ex. आतंकवादा आड झुजपी काश्मीर आतां सर्ग उरूंक ना
भौतिक स्थान (Physical Place)स्थान (Place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasجَنت , ہہشت
urdجنت , بہشت , باغ
 noun  पुण्य आनी बरें काम करपी लोकांचे आत्मे राबितो करतात ती सुवात   Ex. जो बरें काम करता तो सर्गांत पावता
पौराणिक स्थान (Mythological Place)स्थान (Place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   sarga m S A canto, a book, a section of a poem &c. 2 creation.


  पु. उत्पत्ति ; जन्म ; सृष्टि . सर्गस्थितिलयकर्ता ज्याचें घेतांचि नांव भव नाशी . । - नरहरि गंगारत्नमाला . २ अध्याय ; खंड ; प्रकरण . आपण रघूचे सर्ग वाचण्याऐवजी स्वभाव शास्त्राचा अभ्यास केला असतां तर बरे झाले असतें . ३ स्वभाव . ४ त्याग . [ सं . सृज ]
०बंध  पु. खंडकाव्य ; अनेक प्रकरणे असलेले काव्य .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सर्ग  f. am. (end of a compound.*">ifc.f(). ; fr.सृज्) letting go, discharging, voiding (as excrement), [MBh.] ; [R.]
   starting (a race-horse), racing, [RV.]
   a herd let loose from a stable, any troop or host or swarm or multitude, book or text' as the preceding">ib.; [Rājat.]
   a draught of air, gust of wind, [RV.]
कृ   a stream, gush, rush, downpour (of any fluid; acc. with √ , ‘to cast or strike down[RV.] )
   a dart, shot, book or text' as the preceding">ib.
प्रतिसर्ग   emission or creation of matter, primary creation (as opp. to ‘secondary creation’), creation of the world (as opp. to its प्रलयdissolution’, and स्थिति, ‘maintenance in existence’; 9 different creations are enumerated in iii, 10, 13">[BhP. iii, 10, 13] ; आ सर्गात्, ‘from the creation or beginning of the world’; सर्गे ‘in the created world’), [Up.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
दैव   a created being, creature (with ‘a divine creation’, ‘a god’), ---10---
   begetting, procreation, ---11---
   origin, ---12---
   offspring, a child, book or text' as the preceding">ib.
   nature, natural property, disposition, tendency, ---13---
   effort, exertion, resolution, resolve, will, ---14--- ; [Śiś.]
   a section, chapter, book, canto (esp. in an epic poem)
   assent, agreement, [L.]
मोह   fainting (= ), [L.]
   implement of war, xi, 2165">[MBh. xi, 2165] (---19--- )
विसर्ग   = , the aspiration at the end of a word, ---20---
   also title or epithet).">N. of शिव, [MBh.]
   of a son of रुद्र, [Pur.]
सर्ग   b &c. see p. 1182, col. 3.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सर्गः [sargḥ]   [सृज्-घञ्]
   relinquishment, abandonment.
   creation; आराध्य विप्रान् स्मरमादिसर्गे [Bhāg.3.1.28;] अस्याः सर्गविधौ प्रजापतिरभूच्चन्द्रो नु कान्तिप्रदः [V.1.8.]
   The creation of the world; प्रलयस्थितिसर्गाणां कारणतां गतः [Ku.2.6;] [R. 3.27;] सर्गो नवविधस्तस्य प्राकृतो वैकृतस्तु यः [Bhāg.3.1.13.]
   nature, the universe; इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साभ्ये स्थितं मनः [Bg.5.19.]
   natural property, nature.
   determination, resolve; गृहाण शस्त्रं यदि सर्ग एष ते [R.3.51;14.] 42; [Śi.19.38.]
   assent, agreement.
   A section, chapter, canto (as of a poem).
   rush, onset, advance (of troops).
   Voiding of excrement; राजमार्गे गवां मध्ये धान्यमध्ये च धर्मिणः । नोपसेवन्ति राजेन्द्र सर्गं मूत्रपुरीषयोः ॥ [Mb.13.162.35.]
  N. N. of Śiva.
   fainting, swoon (मोह).
   Ved. A horse.
   production (of the implement of war); सर्गाणां चान्ववेक्षणम् [Mb.12.59.44.] (com. सर्गाणां रथादिनिर्माणानाम्).
   effort, exertion.
   The aspiration at the end of a word (विसर्ग).-Comp.
-क्रमः   the order of creation.
-बन्धः   a great poem having several cantos, a Mahākāvya; सर्गबन्धो महाकाव्यम् ---10---


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सर्ग  m.  (-र्गः)
   1. nature, natural property or disposition.
   2. tendency of a thing.
   3. creation.
   4. effort, perseverance.
   5. assent, agreement. 6. relinquishment, abandoning, letting go or getting rid of.
   7. Voiding, as excrement.
   8. A chapter, a book, a section.
   9. Cer- tainty, ascertainment.
   10. resolution, determination.
   11. loss of consciousness, fainting.
   12. nature, universe.
   12. onset, advance, rush.
   E. सृज् to quit, &c., aff. घञ् .
सृज् घञ् .

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