सर्ग f. am. (
ifc. f(आ). ;
fr. √
सृज्) letting go, discharging, voiding (as excrement),
[MBh.] ;
[R.] starting (a race-horse), racing,
[RV.] a herd let loose from a stable, any troop or host or swarm or multitude,
[Rājat.] a draught of air, gust of wind,
[RV.] कृ a stream, gush, rush, downpour (of any fluid;
acc. with √ , ‘to cast or strike down’
[RV.] )
a dart, shot,
ib.प्रतिसर्ग emission or creation of matter, primary creation (as
opp. to ‘secondary creation’), creation of the world (as
opp. to its
प्रलय ‘dissolution’, and
स्थिति, ‘maintenance in existence’; 9 different creations are enumerated in
[BhP. iii, 10, 13] ;
आ सर्गात्, ‘from the creation or beginning of the world’;
सर्गे ‘in the created world’),
[Up.] ;
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
दैव a created being, creature (with ‘a divine creation’, ‘a god’),
[Ragh.] begetting, procreation,
[MBh.] origin,
[BhP.] offspring, a child,
ib.nature, natural property, disposition, tendency,
[Bhag. v, 19] effort, exertion, resolution, resolve, will,
[Ragh.] ;
[Śiś.] a section, chapter, book, canto (
esp. in an epic poem)
assent, agreement,
[L.] मोह fainting (= ),
[L.] implement of war,
[MBh. xi, 2165] (
[Nīlak.] )
विसर्ग = , the aspiration at the end of a word,
[Cat.] N. of
[MBh.] of a son of
[Pur.] सर्ग b &c. See
p. 1182, col. 3.