वृ 1.cl. 5. 9. 1. Ā. P. (xxvii, 8; xxxi, 16, 20; xxxiv, 8">[Dhātup. xxvii, 8; xxxi, 16, 20; xxxiv, 8] ) वृणो॑ति, वृणुते॑; वृणाति, वृणीते; व॑रति, व॑रते ( mostly cl. 5. and with the prep. अप or वि; of cl. 9. only अवृणीध्वम्, vi, 7, 3">[AV. vi, 7, 3] ; cl. 1. only in [RV.] [ cf. also √ ऊर्णु]; pf. ववा॑र, वव्रे॑, [RV.] &c. &c. [2. sg. वव॑र्थ, [RV.] ; ववरिथ, ववृम &c. gr. ; p. वव्रिव॑स्gen. ववव्रु॑षस्, [RV.] ]; aor. अ॑वर् or आ॑वर्, अवृत, [RV.] [1. sg. वम्, 2. du. वर्तम्, 3. pl. अव्रन्, p. Ā. व्राण॑q.v. Impv. वृधि, ib.]; अवारीत्, [Br.] ; अवरीष्टgr. ; Subj. वर्षथस्, [RV.] ; pot. व्रियात्, वूर्यात्, वरिषीष्टgr. ; fut. वरीता, वरीष्यति, ib.; inf. वर्तुम्, [MBh.] , वरितुम्, [Bhaṭṭ.] , वरीतुम्, ---11--- ; ind.p. वृत्वा॑, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; वृल्वी॑, [RV.] ; वृत्वा॑य, ---16--- ; -वृ॑त्य, [AV.] ), to cover, screen, veil, conceal, hide, surround, obstruct, [RV.] &c. &c.; to close (a door), [AitBr.] ; to ward off, check, keep back, prevent, hinder, restrain, ---20--- ; [AV.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] : pass. व्रियते ( aor. अ॑वारि), to be covered or surrounded or obstructed or hindered, [RV.] ; [MBh.] : Caus. वार॑यति, °ते ( aor. अवीवरत्, अ॑वीवरत, [AV.] ; अ॑वावरीत्, [RV.] ; pass. वार्यते, [MBh.] &c.), to cover, conceal, hide, keep back, hold captive, [RV.] &c. &c.; to stop, check, restrain, suppress, hinder, prevent from ( abl. or inf. ; rarely two acc. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to exclude, [Siddh.] ; to prohibit, forbid, [MBh.] ; to withhold, [R.] ; [Kathās.] &c.: Desid. of Caus. विवारयिषते, [Br.] : Desid. विवरीषति, वुवूर्षति, °तेgr. : Intens. वेव्रीयते, वोवूर्यते, वर्वर्ति, ib.< br> वृ [cf. Goth. warjan; Germ. wehren, Wehr; Eng. weir.]<br>वृ 2.cl. 5. Ā. 9. P. (xxvii, 8; xxxi, 16, 20">[Dhātup. xxvii, 8; xxxi, 16, 20] ) वृणोति, वृणुते; वृणा॑ति, ( mostly) वृणीते॑ (in, [RV.] also व॑रस्, °रत्, °रन्त, but these may be Subj. aor. ; pf. ववार, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; वव्रे, [RV.] [2. sg. ववृषे॑, 1. pl. ववृम॑हे] &c. &c.; aor. अव्रि, अवृत, [RV.] [ pot. वुरीत, p. उराण॑] &c. &c.; अवृषि, °षत, [AV.] ; [Br.] [2. pl. अवृढ्वम्] [Up.] ; अवरीष्टgr. ; Prec. वरिषीष्ट, ib.; fut. वरीता, ib.; वरिष्यते, [Br.] ; वरीष्यतेgr. ; inf. वरीतुम्, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; [Rājat.] ; वरितुम्gr. ; ind.p. वरित्वा or वृत्वा, [GṛŚrS.] &c.; वरीत्वाgr. ), to choose, select, choose for one's self, choose as ( -अर्थे or acc. of pers. ) or for ( -अर्थम् or dat. , loc. instr. of thing), [RV.] &c. &c.; to choose in marriage, woo, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to ask a person ( acc. ) for ( acc. ) or on behalf of ( कृते), [R.] ; [Kathās.] ; to solicit anything ( acc. ) from ( abl. or -तस्), [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; to ask or request that ( pot. with or without इति), [R.] ; [MBh.] ; to like better than, prefer to ( abl. , rarely instr. ), [RV.] ; [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; to like, love (as opp. to ‘ hate’), [MBh. v, 4149] ; to choose or pick out a person (for a boon), grant (a boon) to ( acc. ), iii, 421">[Rājat. iii, 421] : Caus. ( xxxv, 2">[Dhātup. xxxv, 2] ) वरयति, °ते ( ep. also वारयति; pass. वर्य॑ते, [Br.] ); to choose, choose for one's self, choose as ( acc. of pers. ) or for ( -अर्थम्dat. or loc. of thing), ask or sue for ( acc. ) or on behalf of ( dat. or -अर्थे), choose as a wife ( acc. with or without पत्नीम्, दारान्, or पत्न्य्-अर्थम्), [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to like, love well, [R.] < br> वृ [cf. Lat. velle; Slav. voliti; got. wiljian; Germ. wollan, wollen, Wahl, wohl; Angl.Sax. willan; Eng. will.]<br>