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   { pra }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . abundant examples follow.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र  n. 1.ind. before
   forward, in front, on, forth (mostly in connection with a verb, esp. with a verb of motion which is often to be supplied; sometimes repeated before the verb cf.[Pāṇ. 8-1, 6] ; rarely as a separate word e.g.ii, 40">[AitBr. ii, 40] )
प्र-वृत्ति   as a prefix to subst. = forth, away cf., प्र-स्थान
प्र-चण्ड   as pref. to adj. = excessively, very, much cf., प्र-मत्त
प्र चण्ड
प्र-पितामह   in nouns of relationship = great- cf., प्र-पौत्र
गति   (according to native lexicographers it may be used in the senses of , आ-रम्भ, उत्-कर्ष, सर्वतो-भाव, प्राथम्य, ख्याति, उत्-पत्ति, व्य्-अवहार), [RV.] ; &c.
प्र   [cf.पुरस्, पुरा, पूर्व; Zd.word is part of Etymology of ">fra; Gk.πρό; Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">pro; Slav.word is part of Etymology of ">pra-, word is part of Etymology of ">pro-; Lith.word is part of Etymology of ">pra-; Goth.word is part of Etymology of ">faúr, word is part of Etymology of ">faúra; Germ.word is part of Etymology of ">vor; Eng.word is part of Etymology of ">fore.]
प्र  mfn. 2.mfn. (√ पॄ or प्रा) filling, fulfilling
आकूति  n. (n. fulfilment ifc.; cf.-, कक्ष्य-, काम-)
इक्षु   like, resembling (ifc.; cf.-, क्षुर-).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र [pra]   ind.
   As a prefix to verbs it means 'forward', 'forth', 'in front', 'onward', 'before', 'away', as in प्रगम्, प्रस्था, प्रचर्, प्रया &c.
   With adjectives it means 'very', 'excessively', 'very much' &c.; प्रकृष्ट, प्रमत्त &c., see further on.
   With nouns whether derived from verbs or not, it is used in the following senses according to G. M.: (a) beginning, commencement; (प्रयाणम्, प्रस्थानम्, प्राह्ण); (b) length (प्रवालभूषिक); (c) power (प्रभु); (d) intensity, excess (प्रवाद, प्रकर्ष, प्रच्छाय प्रगुण); (e) source or origin (प्रभव, प्रपौत्र); (f) completion, perfectness, satisfaction (प्रभुक्तमन्नम्); (g) destitution, separation, being without (प्रोषिता, प्रपर्णवृक्षः); (h) apart (प्रज्ञु); (i) excellence (प्राचार्यः); (j) purity (प्रसन्नं जलम्); (k) wish (प्रार्थना); (l) cessation (प्रशम); (m) adoration, respect (प्राञ्जलिः who respectfully folds his hands together); (n) prominence (प्रणस, प्रवाल). In the veda it is often used as a separable adverb; cf. प्र आदिकर्मदीर्घेशभृशसंभवतृप्तिवियोगशुद्धिशक्तीच्छाशान्तिपूजाग्रहर्शनेषु.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र   Ind. A particle and prefix, implying.
   1. progressive motion, (forth, forward, away, &c.)
   2. excess or excellence, (very, much, excee- ding.)
   3. appearance, manifestation. it corresponds with the latin particles pro and Præ, as in प्रकर्त्तुं To do much or well; प्रक्रमितुं To go forth or over; प्रकर्षितुं To excel; प्रकाशितुं To display; प्रस्थातुं To go forth, set out; प्रकमम् very willingly; प्रमृगम् When the deer go forth, (the time, &c.) see the following compounds.
   E. प्रथ् to be famous, &c. aff. .
प्र(प्रा)वट  m.  (-टः) wheat.
प्र(प्रा)वट   E. प्र before, वट् to divide, aff. अट् .
प्र वट् अट् .

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