पशु n. 1.ind. see, behold! [L.] पशु m. 2. or प॑शु, m. (instr. पशु॑ना or °श्व; dat. प॑श्वे or पश॑वे; gen. पश्व॑स् or °शोस्; number,">du. पश्वा॑; acc. number.">pl. पश्व॑स् or °शू॑न्) cattle, kine (orig. ‘any tethered animal’; singly or collect. ‘a herd’), a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to मृग, ‘wild animal’; 5 kinds are enumerated, ‘men, kine, horses, goats and sheep’ [xi, 2, 9 &c.">[AV. xi, 2, 9 &c.] ], to which are sometimes added mules and asses [[MBh.] vi, 155 &c.] or camels and dogs [iii, 10, 6">[AV. iii, 10, 6] Comm. ]), [RV.] &c. &c. नर-प्° any animal or brute or beast (also applied contemptuously to a man; cf. and नृ-प्°) a mere animal in sacred things i.e. an uninitiated person, [Cat.] an animal sacrifice, [AitĀr.] ; [BhP.] flesh, [RV. i, 166 6] an, ass, [L.] a goat, ---10--- a subordinate deity and one of शिव's followers, ---11--- (with माहेश्वरs and पाशुपतs) the individual soul as distinct from the divine soul of the universe, [RTL. 89] Ficus Glomerata, [L.] पत्ति (number.">pl. ) also title or epithet).">N. of a people, [MBh.] (v.l. ) पशु cattle (only as acc. before मन्यते [xxiii, 30">[VS. xxiii, 30] ] and मन्यमान [iii, 53, 23">---16--- ]; and number.">pl. पशूनि, ---17--- ; [Kathās.] ) पशु [cf. Zd. pasu; Lit. pecu; old Pruss. pecku; Goth. faíhu; Germ. fihu, vihe, Vieh; Angl.Sax. feoh; Eng. fee.]