गृहम् [gṛham] [गृह्यते धर्माचरणाय, ग्रह् गेहार्थे क [Tv.] ] A house, dwelling, habitation, mansion; न गृहं गृहमित्याहुर्गृहिणी गृह- मुच्यते [Pt.4.81,5.15;] पश्य वानरमूर्खेण सुगृही निर्गृहीकृतः [Pt. 1.39.] A wife; (the first quotation in is sometimes erroneously cited as an illustration). The life of a householder; न हि सति कुलधुर्ये सूर्यवंश्या गृहाय [R.7.] 71,5.1; [Mv.4.28.] A sign of the zodiac. A name or appellation. A square (in chess or any other game). -हाः (m. pl.) पालः the guardian of a house. a housedog; आस्तेऽवमत्योपन्यस्तं गृहपाल इवाहरन् [Bhāg.3.3.15.] -पिण्डी f. f. the basement of a building; [Kāmikāgama 55.2-21.] -पोतकः the site of a house, the ground on which it stands and which surrounds it. -पोषणम् maintenance of a household; तेन चास्य नियुक्ताभूत्स्वभार्या गृहपोषणे [Ks.2.55.] -प्रवेशः a solemn entrance into a house according to prescribed rites. -बभ्रुः a domestic ichneumon. -बलिः a domestic oblation, offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures, such as animals, supernatural beings, and particularly household deities; [Ms.3.265.] ˚प्रियः a crane. ˚भुज् m. a crow. a sparrow; नीडारम्भैर्गृहबलि- भुजामाकुलग्रामचैत्याः [Me.23.] ˚देवता a deity to whom a domestic oblation is offered. भङ्गः one who is driven from his house, an exile. destroying a house. breaking into a house. failure, ruin or destruction of a house, firm &c. भञ्जनम् breaking down or destroying a house. causing the decay or ruin of a family. -भद्रकम् an audience-hall. -भर्तृ m. m. the master of a house; [Bṛi. S. 53.58.] -भूमिः f. f. the site of a house. -भेदिन् a. prying into domestic affairs. causing domestic quarrels.-भोजिन् m. an inmate of the same house, tenant; तस्मा- दप्यग्रहारान्ये जगृहुर्गृहभोजिनः [Rāj. T.5.43.] -मणिः a lamp.-माचिका a bat. -मार्जनी a female servant of the house; सख्योपेत्याग्रहीत्पाणिं योऽहं तद्गृहमार्जनी [Bhāg.1.83.11.] -मृगः a dog. -मेघः a multitude of houses; [Rām.5.] -मेध a. one who performs the domestic rites or sacrifices; गृह- मेधास आ गत मरुतो माप भूतन [Rv.7.59.1.] connected with the duties of a householder. (धः) a householder. a domestic sacrifice; [Bhāg.2.6.19.] -मेधिन् m. m. a householder, a married Brāhmaṇa who has a household; (गृहैर्दारैर्मेधन्ते संगच्छन्ते Malli.); प्रजायै गृहमेधिनाम् [R.1.] 7; see गृहपति above. (नी) the wife of a householder, a house-wife; न व्यचष्ट वरारोहां गृहिणीं गृहमेधिनीम् [Bhāg.4.] 26.13. the intellect based on the Sattva quality.-यज्ञः see गृहमेधः; [Mb.1.18.5.] -यन्त्रम् a stick or other instrument to which, on solemn occasions, flags are fastened; गृहयन्त्रपताकाश्रीरपौरादरनिर्मिता [Ku.6.41.] -रन्ध्रम् family-dissensions. -वाटिका, -वाटी a garden attached to a house. -वित्तः the owner of a house. -व्रतa. devoted to home. मतिर्न कृष्णे परतः स्वतो वा मिथोऽभिपद्येत गृहव्रतानाम् [Bhāg.7.5.3.] -शायिन् m. m. a pigeon. शुकः a domestic parrot, one kept for pleasure; ---21--- a domestic poet; आयातेन शुकैः सार्धं दत्ता गृहशुकेन यः । मुक्ताः प्राप्य प्रतिष्ठायां चक्रे ख्यातां शुकावलीम् ॥ [Rāj. T.5.31.] -संवेशकः a house-builder by profession; [Ms.3.163.] -सार property; गृहीतसारमेनं सपुत्रकलत्रं संयम्य [Mu.1.] -स्थः a householder, one who has entered on the stage of a house-holder; संकटा ह्याहिताग्नीनां प्रत्यवायैर्गृहस्थता [U.1.9;] see गृहपति above and [Ms.3.68;6.9.] ˚आश्रमः the life of a householder; see गृहाश्रम. ˚धर्मः the duty of a householder. -स्थूणा the pillar of a house. A house, dwelling; इमे नो गृहाः [Mu.1;] स्फटिकोपलविग्रहा गृहाः शशभृद्भित्तनिरङ्कभित्तयः [N.2.74;] तत्रागारं धनपतिगृहानुत्तरेणास्मदीयम् [Me.77.] A wife; अथावलोककोऽगच्छद्गृहानेकः परावसुः [Mb.3.138.4.] The inhabitants of a house, family; the life of a householder; गृहानुत्सृज्य यो राजन् मोक्षमेवाभिपद्यते [Mb.12.16.29.] -हः Ved. An assistant, or servant; गृहो याम्यरंकृतो देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहनः [Rv.1.119.13.] In comp. oft. rendered by 'domestic', 'household' or 'tame'; e. g. ˚कपोतः 'a tame pigeon'; ˚कार्याणि-कर्माणि 'household duties'; ˚ शकु- न्तिका 'tame bird'; छद्मना परिददामि मृत्यवे सौनिको गृहशकुन्तिका- मिव [U.1.45] &c. -Comp. -अक्षः a loophole, eyelet-hole, a round or ablong window. अधिपः, ईशः, ईश्वरः a house-holder. a regent of a sign of the zodiac. संशयस्थः see अनुपात. -अयनिकः a house-holder. -अर्थः domestic affairs, any household matter; गृहार्थोऽग्निपरि- ष्क्रिया [Ms.2.67.] -अभिपालिन् m. m. a watchman. -अम्लम् a kind of sour-gruel. -अवग्रहणी the threshold. -अश्मन् m. m. a flat ablong stone upon which condiments are ground (mar. पाटा). -आगत a. a. one who has come to a house. (-तः) a guest. -आचारः household or domestic business; [U.2.] -आरम्भः building a house; गृहारम्भातिदुःखाय [Bhāg.11.9.15.] -आरामः, -वाटी, -वाटिका a garden attached to a house. -आशया, -आश्रया the betel-tree. -आश्रमः the order of a householder, the second stage in the religious life of a Bāhmaṇa; see आश्रम; [Ms.6.1.] -आश्रमिन् m. m. a householder; [Bhāg.1.8.7.] -ईश्वरी a housewife; दिष्ट्या गृहेश्वर्यसकृन्मयि त्वया कृतानुवृत्तिर्भवमोचनी खलैः [Bhāg.1.6.54.] -उत्पातः any domestic nuisance. -उपकरणम् a domestic utensil, anything required for household use; एकदा निर्गता क्रेतुं गृहोपकरणानि सा [Ks.2.15.] -कच्छपः = गृहाश्मन् q. v.-कन्या, -कुमारी the plant aloe Perfoliata (mar. कोरफड).-कपोतः, -तकः a tame or domestic pigeon; [Śi.4.52.] करणम् household affairs. house-building. -कर्तृm. 'a house-builder,' a kind of sparrow. a carpenter; गृहकर्ता भवानेव देवानां हृदयेप्सितम् [Rām.7.5.19.] -कर्मन् n. household affairs. a domestic rite. ˚करः, ˚कारः, ˚दासः a menial, domestic servant; शंभुस्वयंभुहरयो हरिणेक्षणानां येनाक्रियन्त सततं गृहकर्मदासाः [Bh.1.1.] -कलहः domestic feuds, intestine broils. -कारकः a housebuilder, mason; करोति तृणमृत्काष्ठैर्गृहं वा गृहकारकः [Y.3.146.] -कारिन् m. a housebuilder. a kind of wasp.-कुक्कुटः a domestic cock. -कार्यम्, -कृत्यम् household affairs; सदा प्रहृष्टया भाव्यं गृहकार्येषु दक्षया [Ms.5.15.] -गोधा, -गोधिका the small house-lizard. -चुल्ली a house with two rooms contiguous to each other, but one facing west, the other east; [Bṛi. S.53.4.] -चेतस् a. a. thinking only of one's house; [Bhāg.9.11.17.] छिद्रम् a family-secret or scandal. family dissensions; आयुर्वित्तं गृहच्छिद्रं मन्त्रमैथुनभेषजम् [H.1.123.] -ज, -जात a. a. born in the house (a slave &c.); [Bṛi.5.61.7;] [Ms. 8.415.] -जनः family, members of a family, especially the wife; [Mu.1.] -जालिका deceit, disguise. -ज्ञानिन् (also गृहेज्ञानिन्) 'wise only in the inside of the house', inexperienced, stupid, foolish. -तटी a terrace in front of the house. -दारु n. n. a house-post; नरपतिबले पार्श्वायाते स्थितं गृहदारुवत् [Mk.4.3.] -दाहः setting a house on fire, incendiarism. -दासः a domestic slave. -दासी a female domestic slave; एकदा गृहदासीषु यशोदा नन्दगेहिनी । कर्मान्तर- नियुक्तासु निर्ममन्थ स्वयं दधि ॥ [Bhāg.1.9.1.] -दीप्तिः f. f. the splendour or ornament of a house, a virtuous woman; प्रजनार्थं महाभागाः पूजार्हा गृहदीप्तयः [Ms.9.26.] -देवता the goddess of a house; (pl.) a class of household deities; [Ks.4.74.] -देहली the threshold of a house; यासां बलिः सपदि मद्गृहदेहलीनाम् [Mk.1.9.] -नमनम् wind. -नाशनः a wild pigeon. -नीडः a sparrow, पतिः a householder; बामं गृहपतिं नय [Rv.6.53.2;] a man who has entered on the second stage of life, one who, after having completed his studies, is married and settled. a sacrificer. the virtue of a householder; i. e. hospitality. Ved. an epithet of agni. the maintenance of the sacred and perpetual fire. the head or judge of a village; [Mk.2;] [Dk.8.] -पत्नी Ved. 'the mistress of a house', the wife of the householder; गृहान् गच्छ गृहपत्नी यथासः [Rv.1.85.26.]