ओम् n. ind. (√ अव्, [Uṇ. i, 141] ; originally ओं = आं, which may be derived from आ, [BRD.] ), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent, sometimes translated by ‘yes, verily, so be it’ (and in this sense compared with Amen; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindū works, and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the वेदs or previously to any prayer; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!]; ओम् appears first in the उपनिषद्s as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds अ, उ, म्, of which it consists; in later times ओम् is the mystic name for the Hindū triad, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. a (विष्णु), उ (शिव), म् (ब्रह्मा); it may also be typical of the three वेदs; ओम् is usually called प्रणव, more rarely अक्षर, or एकाक्षर, and only in later times ओंकार), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ChUp.] &c. ओम् (Buddhists place at the beginning of their विद्या षडक्षरी or mystical formulary in six syllables [viz. ओम् मणि पद्मे हूं]; according to, [T.] may be used in the following senses: प्रणवे, आरम्भे, स्वीकारे, अनुमतौ, अपा-कृतौ, अस्वीकारे, मङ्गले, शुभे, ज्ञेये, ब्रह्मणि; with preceding अ or आ, the ओ of does not form वृद्धि (औ), but गुण (ओ), [Pāṇ. 6-1, 95.] )