Dictionaries | References ओ ओम् { ōm, om } Script: Devanagari See also: ॐ Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | OM this sound is a combination of the three letters-- A, U and M. The A--sound signifies Viṣṇu, the U-- sound signifies Śiva and the M--sound signifies Brahmā. Akāro Viṣṇuruddiṣṭa Ukārastu Maheśvaraḥ / Makārastu smṛto Brahmā Praṇavastu trayātmakaḥ // [Vāyu Purāṇa] . The sound “Om” is called “Praṇava” or “Brahman.” all mantras begin with the sound ‘Om’. because of its sacredness, Śūdras and other low-caste people are not allowed to utter it or to hear it. they may pronounce it only as “Aum.” this sound includes all that has happened and all that is to happen. (Māṇḍūkyopaniṣad). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : ॐ Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani Konkani | | see : ॐ Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | ōm ind S The mystic name of the deity prefacing all the prayers of the Hindús. it is formed of अ A name of विष्णु, उ of शिव, & म of ब्रह्मा. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | अ. अ = विष्णु , उ = शिव , म = ब्रह्मा , ह्माप्रमाणें तिन्ही देवांचें वास्तव्य या शब्दांत आहे . १ वेद . पुराण , पोथी , स्तोत्र इ० म्हणण्यापुर्वी वसंपविल्यानंतर जो पवित्र शब्द उच्चारतात तो ; प्रार्थनेच्या वेळीं प्रारंभी उच्चारावयाचा शब्द . ' ओम् नमोजी गणनायका । '; ' ओम् श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रमंत्रस्य । ' २ आरंभ ; उपक्रम . ३ प्रणवब्रह्मा ; शब्दब्रह्मा ; एकाक्षर ब्रह्मा . ' ॐनमोजी आद्या ॥ ' - ज्ञा १ . १ . ३ वैदिक काळीं ( मांडुक्य उपनिषदांत ), अ = वैश्वानर , उ = तैजस , म = प्राज्ञ , ओम् = अतर्क्य , अवाच्य व ज्यामध्यें सर्व जगाचा समावेश होतो असें ब्रह्मा , असा अर्थ होता . ओम् हें अक्षरें प्रथम उपनिषदांत आढळतें ,०कार ओम् पहा .०तत्सत् ॐ (= ब्रह्मा ), तत् (= तें ), सत् (= खरें ,) फक्त ब्रह्मा हें खरें किंवा शाश्वत आहे . ' ओम् , ॐ तत्सत् ब्रह्मार्पणमस्तु । ' मंत्र किंवा एखादें कर्म एखादें कर्म संपविल्यानंतर हें वाक्य म्हणण्याचा परिपाठ आहं . लक्षणेनें याचा अर्थ संपविनें , पाणी सोडणें असा आहे . ' ॐ तत्सत ब्रह्मार्पण सेवट । ' - दावि २६ .०पुण्या पुण्याहम् - १ मी प्रणवरूप पुण्यस्वरुप आहें अशा अर्थाचा मंत्र . एखाद्या मंगल संस्कारापूर्वी स्वस्तिवाचन नांवाचें कर्म केलें जातें त्यामध्यें संस्कारकर्त्या यजमानास ब्राह्मण ' ओं पुण्याहं ' असा आशीर्वाद दंत असतात . ' चिंदब्रह्मोंसि लग्न लाविशी । ओं पुण्येसी तत्वता । ' - प्रभा ८ . १ . २ लग्न मंत्राचा आरंभ , पुण्याहवाचनाचे वेळीं म्हणण्यांत येणारें मंत्र . ' ॐ पुण्याह म्हणोनियां जाण । लाविलें उभयतांचें लग्न ॥ '- जै ५६ . २० .०फस ०फस १ निष्फळ होणें ; फसणें . ' परिक्षा नापास झाल्यामुळें त्याचे सारे बेत ओंफस झाले व पुन्हां तो कॅलजची वारी करुं लागला .' २ लयास जाणें , नायनाट होणें . ( ओम् + फस् = फु फुटल्याचा आवाज )होणें १ निष्फळ होणें ; फसणें . ' परिक्षा नापास झाल्यामुळें त्याचे सारे बेत ओंफस झाले व पुन्हां तो कॅलजची वारी करुं लागला .' २ लयास जाणें , नायनाट होणें . ( ओम् + फस् = फु फुटल्याचा आवाज )०भवति १ ( भिक्षां देहि ). बाई भिक्षा वाढा , असा भिक्षा - मागतांना म्हणावयाचा मंत्र . २ ( ल .) भिक्षा ( मागणें ); भिक्षाटन . ' नीट वागला नाहींस तर ओंभवती करीत फिरशील वरें !'०भवति १ भिक्षावृत्ति ; भीक मागण्याचा पेषा . ' ब्राह्मणाची मुख्य दीक्षा । मागितली पाहिजे भिक्षा । ओं ( वों ) भवति या पक्षा ! रक्षिलें पाहिजे॥ ' - दा १४ . २ . १ . २ ( ल . उप .) अर्ज विनंत्या करून ( स्वराज्य ) मागणार्यांचा एक पक्ष ; मवाळ पक्ष .पक्ष १ भिक्षावृत्ति ; भीक मागण्याचा पेषा . ' ब्राह्मणाची मुख्य दीक्षा । मागितली पाहिजे भिक्षा । ओं ( वों ) भवति या पक्षा ! रक्षिलें पाहिजे॥ ' - दा १४ . २ . १ . २ ( ल . उप .) अर्ज विनंत्या करून ( स्वराज्य ) मागणार्यांचा एक पक्ष ; मवाळ पक्ष . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | ओम् n. ind. (√ अव्, [Uṇ. i, 141] ; originally ओं = आं, which may be derived from आ, [BRD.] ), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent, sometimes translated by ‘yes, verily, so be it’ (and in this sense compared with amen; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindū works, and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the वेदs or previously to any prayer; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!]; ओम् appears first in the उपनिषद्s as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds अ, उ, म्, of which it consists; in later times ओम् is the mystic name for the Hindū triad, and represents the union of the three gods, other words. From Latin videlicet">viz. a (विष्णु), उ (शिव), म् (ब्रह्मा); it may also be typical of the three वेदs; ओम् is usually called प्रणव, more rarely अक्षर, or एकाक्षर, and only in later times ओंकार), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ChUp.] &c.ओम् (Buddhists place at the beginning of their विद्या षडक्षरी or mystical formulary in six syllables [other words. From Latin videlicet">viz.ओम् मणि पद्मे हूं]; according to, [T.] may be used in the following senses: प्रणवे, आरम्भे, स्वीकारे, अनुमतौ, अपा-कृतौ, अस्वीकारे, मङ्गले, शुभे, ज्ञेये, ब्रह्मणि; with preceding अ or आ, the ओ of does not form वृद्धि (औ), but गुण (ओ), 95.">[Pāṇ. 6-1, 95.] ) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | ओम् [ōm] ind. The sacred syllable om, uttered as a holy exclamation at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas, or previous to the commencement of a prayer or sacred work. As a particle it implies (a) solemn affirmation and respectful assent (so be it, amen !); (b) assent or acceptance (yes, all right); ओमित्युच्यताममात्यः [Māl.6;] ओमित्युक्तवतोऽथ शार्ङ्गिण इति [Śi. 1.75;] द्वितीयश्चेदोमिति ब्रूमः [S. D.1;] (c) command; (d) auspiciousness; (e) removal or warding off. brahman. [This word first appears in the Upaniṣads as a mystic monosyllable, and is regarded as the object of the most profound religious meditation. In the Maṇḍūkya Upaniṣad it is said that this syllable is all what has been, that which is and is to be; that all is om, only om. literally analysed, om is taken to be made up of three letters or quarters; the letter a is Vaiśvānara, the spirit of waking souls in the waking world; u is Taijasa, the spirit of dreaming souls in the world of dreams; and m is Prajñā, the spirit of sleeping and undreaming souls; and the whole om is said to be unknowable, unspeakable, into which the whole world passes away, blessed above duality; (for further account see Gough's Upaniṣads [pp. 69-73] ). In later times om came to be used as a mystic name for the hindu triad, representing the union of the three gods a (Viṣṇu), u (Śiva), and m (Brahmā). it is usually called Praṇava or Ekakṣaram; cf. अकारो विष्णुरुद्दिष्ट उकारस्तु महेश्वरः । मकारेणोच्यते ब्रह्मा प्रणवेन त्रयो मताः ॥ Comp. कारः the sacred syllable ओम्; त्रिमात्रमोकारं त्रिमात्रमोंकारं वा विदधति [Mbh.VIII.2.89.] the exclamation ओम्, or pronunciation of the same; प्राणायामैस्त्रिभिः पूतस्तत ओंकारमर्हति [Ms.2.75.] (fig.) commencement; एष तावदोंकारः [Mv.1;] [B. R.3.78.] -रा N. N. of a buddhist śakti (personification of divine energy). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | ओम् ind. 1. The mystic name of the deity, prefacing all the prayers and most of the writings of the Hindus. E. अ a name of vishnu, उ of siva, and म of brahma; it therefore implies the indian triad, and expresses the three in one. ROOTS:अ उ म 2. A particle of command or in- junction. 3. Of assent, (verily, amen.) 4. Of auspiciousness. 5. Of removal, (away, hence,) and, 6. it is an inceptive particle. E. अव् to go, to rpeserve, &c. मन् Unadi affix, the radical being convert- ed into ओ. ROOTS:अव् मन् ओ Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ओम् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | see : ॐ Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP