आश्रयः [āśrayḥ] [आश्रि-अच्] A resting-place, seat, substratum; सौहृदादपृथगाश्रयामिमाम् [U.1.45.] so आश्रयासिद्ध q. v. below. That on which anything depends or rests or with which it is closely connected. recipient, receptacle, a person or thing in which any quality is present or retained &c.; तमाश्रयं दुष्प्रसहस्य तेजसः [R.3.58.] (a) A place of refuge, asylum; shelter; भर्ता वै ह्याश्रयः स्त्रीणाम् vet.; तदहमाश्रयोन्मूलनेनैव त्वामकामां करोमि [Mu.2.] (b) A dwelling, house. having recourse or resort to, resort; oft. in comp. साभूद्रामाश्रया भूयः [R.12.35;] नानाश्रया प्रकृतिः &c. following, practising; योऽवमन्येत ते मूले हेतुशास्त्राश्रयाद् द्विजः [Ms.2.11.] Choosing, taking, attaching oneself to. dependence on; oft. in comp.; मम सर्वे विषयास्त्वदाश्रयाः [R.8.69.] patron, supporter; विनाश्रयं न तिष्ठन्ति पण्डिता वनिता लताः Udb. A prop, support; वृक्षेषु विद्धमिषुभिर्जघनाश्रयेषु [R.9.6.] help, assistance, protection. A quiver; बाणमाश्रयमुखात् समुद्धरन् [R.11.26.] authority, sanction, warrant. connection, relation, association. राघवाश्रयसत्कथाः [Rām. 6.9.93.] union, attachment. A plea, an excuse. contiguity, vicinity. seeking shelter or protection with another (= संश्रय), one of the sixguṇas, q. v. An appropriate act, or one consistent with character. source, origin. (In gram.) The subject, or that to which the predicate is attached. (With Buddhists) The five organs of sense with Manas or mind. -Comp. -असिद्धः, -द्धिःf. a kind of fallacy, one of the three sub-divisions of असिद्ध; (that whose substratum is false or fictitious);e. g. गगनारविन्दं सुरभि अरविन्दत्वात्सरोजारविन्दवत्, -आशः, -भुज् a. a. consuming everything with which it comes in contact. (आशः, क) fire; दुर्वृत्तः क्रियते धूर्तैः श्रीमानात्म- विवृद्धये । किं नाम खलसंसर्गः कुरुते नाश्रयाशवत् ॥ Udb. a. a. forfeiter of asylum. the constellation कृत्तिका. -भूत a. a. one who is the refuge or support (of another person).-लिङ्गम् an adjective (a word which must agree in gender with the word which it qualifies or refers to).