Dictionaries | References


   { mī }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   I. मी म्हणणें To say I; to proclaim one's self; to fill the scene with I. this is an expressive phrase, of very extensive application and in constant use. Ex. पाऊस म्हणतो मी; ऊन म्हणतें मी; वारा म्हणतो मी; रान म्हणतें मी; नदी म्हणती मी The rain, the wind, the heat, the wilderness, the river--says I--it is I--who or what but I? i.e. The rain &c. is overabounding, all-pervading and prevailing, alloverwhelming. The phrase is used as well of blessings as of calamities, of good occurrences as of bad, and as well of actions and substances and things, as of phenomena; ever expressing all-overspreading prevalence or profusion. Ex. पीक or धान्य म्हणतें मी; आंबा-ऊस-गूळ म्हणतो मी; लढाई म्हणती मी. 2 also, as reduplicated, मी मी म्हणणें To be full of one's self; to be egotistical. मीचें घर खालीं The proud can never be esteemed; " he that exalteth himself shall be abased." see phrase under अभिमान.<br>


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 pro   I.<br>मी म्हणणें   proclaim one's self.<br>मीमी म्हणणें   be egotistical.<br>


   सना . बोलणारा स्वतः [ सं . अस्मत ] म्ह० मी हांसतो लोकाला शेंबूड माझ्या नाकाला . ( वाप्र . ) मी म्हणणें - जोरांत असणें ; स्वतःचा प्रभाव दाखविणें . त्या वेळीं मी कसचा घराबाहेर पडतों . तेव्हां पाऊस मी म्हणत होता . मीमी म्हणणें , बोलणें - स्वतःच्या कर्तृत्वाची बढाई मारणें ; ऐट मिरविणें ; गर्व वाहणे ; अहंपणा दाखविणें . जितां बोलती सर्वही जीव मी मी । - राम १५ . भिव्याशीं सामना करावयास कोणीहि पुढें जाईनात , मी मी म्हणणारे सारे पहिलवान कचरुं लागले . मीचें घर खालीं असणें - गर्वाचें , मीपणाचें घर खालीं असणें . मीतूं - अ . द्वैतभाव ; दुजाभाव ; आपुलकीचा अभाव . नाहीं तें नांदविलें जेणें । मी तूं जगीं । - ज्ञा १५ . २८० . मीतूं करणें , मीतूंवर येणें - हमरीतुमरी करणें ; भांडणावर येणें . मीपण , पणा - नपु .<br>   अहंता ; गर्व ; मगरुरी .<br>   ब्रह्मापासून मी निराळा असल्याची जाणीव ; अहंपणा .<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मी   1.cl. 9. Ā.P. (xxxi, 4">[Dhātup. xxxi, 4] ) मीनाति, मीनीते (Ved. also मिना॑ति and मिनोति; मी॑यते or मीय॑ते [xxvi, 28">[Dhātup. xxvi, 28] ]; मिमीतस्, मिमीयात् [?]; pf.मिमाय, [RV.] ; मीमय, [AV.] ; ममौ, मिम्येGr.; aor.अमासीत्, अमास्तGr.; मेष्ट, [AV.] ; aor.pass.अ॑मायि, [Br.] ; Prec.मीयात्, मासीष्टGr.; fut.माता, मास्यति, °तेGr.; मेष्यते, [Br.] ; inf.-मि॑यम्, -मिये, [RV.] ; मे॑तोस्, [Br.] ; ind.p.मीत्वा, -मीय, मायGr.),
to lessen, diminish, destroy (A. and pass. to perish, disappear, die), [RV.] ; ---10--- ; [Br.] ; [Up.] ; [BhP.] ;
to lose one's way, go astray, [RV.] ;
to transgress, violate, frustrate, change, alter, [RV.] ; [AV.] :
Caus.मापयतिaor.अमीमपत्. see प्र-√ मी;
Desid.मित्सति, °तेGr.:
Intens.मेमीयते, मेमयीति, मेमेतिib.<br>मी   [cf.Gk.μινύω; Lat.part of Etymology of ">minuere; Slav.part of Etymology of ">mĭnij; Germ.part of Etymology of ">minniro, part of Etymology of ">minre, part of Etymology of ">minder; Angl.Sax.part of Etymology of ">min.]<br>मी   2. see मन्यु-मी.<br>मी   3.cl. 1. 10. P.मयति or माययति, to go, move, xxxiv, 18">[Dhātup. xxxiv, 18] ;
to understand, ---18--- <br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मी [mī]   I. 9 U. (मीनाति मीनीते; seldom used in classical literature)<br>   To kill, destroy, hurt, injure.<br>   To lessen, diminish.<br>   To change, alter.<br>   To transgress, violate.<br>   To disappear, be lost.<br>   To stray, go astray. -ii. 1. P., 1 U. (मयति, माययति-ते)<br>   To go, move.<br>   To know, understand (गीतमत्योः). -iii. 4. Ā. (मीयते) To die, perish; see प्रमी; जन्तोः प्रमीयमाणस्य जीवो नैवोपलभ्यते [Mb.12.186.3.] <br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मी   r. 1st and 10th cls. (मयति माययति-ते)<br>   1. To go, to move.<br>   2. To know. (टु, ङ्) टुमीङ् r.<br>   4. cl. (मीयते) To part with life, to die. (ञ) मीञ्<br>   r. 9th cl. (मीनाति मीनीते)<br>   1. To hurt, to injure, to kill.<br>   2. To violate.<br>   3. To diminish.<br>   4. To go astray.<br>

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