प्र-√ भू aP. -भवति (rarely
Ā. °ते;
Ved. inf. -भूष॑णि),
to come forth, spring up, arise or originate from (
abl. ), appear, become visible, happen, occur,
[ŚBr.] &c. &c.;
to be before, surpass (with
पृष्ठम्, ‘to be greater or more than the back can carry’, applied to wealth,
[RV. ii, 13, 4] )
to become or be numerous, increase, prevail, be powerful,
[RV.] &c. &c. (3.
sg. प्रभवति-तराम्, ‘has more power’
[Vikr. v, 18] );
to rule, control, have power over, be master of (
gen. loc. or
dat. ),
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.;
to be equal to or capable of (
dat. or
loc. ),
to be a match for (
dat. ),
[Pāṇ. 2-3, 16] ,
Vārtt. 2
[Pat.] ;
to be able to (
inf. ),
[Kālid.] ;
[Kathās.] &c.;
to profit, avail, be of use to (
dat. ),
[RV.] ;
[Br.] ;
to implore, beseech (?),
[Hariv.] :
Caus. -भावयति, to increase, spread out, extend, augment, multiply (
esp. the
सोम by placing it in a greater number of vessels),
[Br.] ;
to provide more amply, endow more richly, cause to thrive or prosper, cherish, nurture,
[MBh.] &c.;
Nom. fr. -भाव below) to gain or possess power or strength, rule over (
acc. ),
[MBh.] ;
[R.] ;
to recognise,
[R.] :
Desid. of
Caus. -बिभावयिषति, to wish to increase or extend,
[AitBr.] प्र-°भू b =
°भु (
cf. above)