Dictionaries | References


   { kāṇḍḥ }
Script: Devanagari


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  व्हड झगडें, योग्य कार्य वा अशूभ घडणूक   Ex. आयज थंय व्हडलें कांण्ड जालें
घटना (Event)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasکانٛڑ , کار
urdحادثہ , سانحہ , واردات , کانڈ


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  एखादे मोठे प्रकरण   Ex. तो ह्या काण्डातून लवकर सुटेलसे वाटत नाही
घटना (Event)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasکانٛڑ , کار
urdحادثہ , سانحہ , واردات , کانڈ
   see : कांड


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   see : मुल


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काण्ड  f. mn. ([or काण्ड॑, [TS. vii] ]) (end of a compound.*">ifc.f( or ). ) ([cf.खण्ड, with which in some of its senses काण्ड is confounded]) a single joint of the stalk or stem of a plant, such as a bamboo or reed or cane (i.e. the portion from one knot to another cf.त्रि-क्°), any part or portion, section, chapter, division of a work or book (cf.त्रि-क्°), any distinct portion or division of an action or of a sacrificial rite (as that belonging to the gods or to the manes), [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [VS.]
कर्म-काण्ड   a separate department or subject (e.g., the department of the वेद treating of sacrificial rites, [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 4-2, 51] ), [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [R.]
कर्म काण्ड
   a stalk, stem, branch, switch, ---10--- ; ---11--- ; 46, 48">---12--- ; ---13--- ; ---14---
   the part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed, ---15---
   a cluster, bundle, ---16---
   a multitude, heap, quantity (end of a compound.*">ifc.), [Pāṇ. 4-2, 51] ; [Kāś.]
   an arrow, xiii, 265">---19--- ; [Hit.]
काण्ड-भग्न   a bone of the arms or legs, long bone (cf. and पुच्छकाण्ड॑), [Suśr.]
काण्ड भग्न
   a rudder (?), ii, 89, 19">[R. ii, 89, 19]
   a kind of square measure, ---23--- ; vii, 55">[Vop. vii, 55]
शर   a cane, reed, Saccharum Sara (), [L.]
   water, [L.]
अ-काण्ड   opportunity, occasion (cf.), [L.]
   a private place, privacy, [L.]
   praise, flattery, [L.]
   (end of a compound.*">ifc. implying depreciation) vile, low, [Pāṇ. 6-2, 126]
काण्डस्यावयवो विकारो वा   = g.बिल्वा-दि
काण्ड  m. m. (also) abundance, [Vcar.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काण्डः [kāṇḍḥ] ण्डम् [ṇḍam]   ण्डम् 1 A section, a part in general.
   The portion of a plant from one knot to another. काण्डात्काण्ड- त्प्ररोहन्ती [Mahānār.4.3.]
   A stem, stock, branch; लीलोत्खातमृणालकाण्डकवलच्छेदे [U.3.16;] [Amaru.95;] [Ms. 1.46,48,] [Māl.3.34.]
   any division of a work, such as a chapter of a book; as the seven Kāṇḍas of the [Rām.]
   A separate department or subject; e. g. कर्म˚ &c.
   A cluster, bundle, multitude.
   An arrow. मनो दृष्टिगतं कृत्वा ततः काण्डं विसर्जयेत् [Dhanur.3;] [Mb.5.155.7.]
   A long bone, a bone of the arms or legs.
   cane, reed.
   A stick, staff.
   water. निवृत्ताः काण्डचित्राणि क्रियन्ते दाशबन्धुभिः [Rām.2.89.18.]
   opportunity, occasion.
   private place.
   A kind of measure.
   praise, flattery.
   A horse.
   vile, bad, sinful (at the end of comp. only).-ण्डी A little stock or stem; [Rāj. T.7.117.] -Comp.
-अनुसमयः   performance of all the details with reference to one thing or person first, then doing them with reference to the second, and so on (see अनुसमय).-ऋषिः A class of sages including Jaimini.
-कारः (-रिन्)   a maker of arrows कुसीदवृत्तयः काण्डकारिणश्चाहि- तुण्डिकाः ---10--- (-रम्) the betel-nut.-गोचरः an iron arrow.
-तिक्तः, -तिक्तकः  N. N. of a tree (mar. काडेचिराईत).
-पटः, -पटकः   a screen surrounding a tent, curtain (mar. कनात); उत्क्षिप्तकाण्डपटकान्तरलीयमानः ---11--- उल्लोचैः काण्डपटकैः अनेकैः पटमण्डपैः ---12--- ततः स्वमेवागारमानीय काण्डपटपरिक्षिप्ते विविक्तोद्देशे Dk. 'अपटः काण्डपटी स्यात्' इति वैजयन्ती.
-पातः   an arrow's flight, range of an arrow.
-पुष्पम्   The कुन्द flower.
   पृष्ठः one of the military profession, a soldier; cf. काण्डस्पृष्टः.
   the husband of a Vaiśya woman.
   an adopted son, any other than one's own son.
   (as a term of reproach) a base-born fellow, one who is faithless to his family, caste, religion, profession &c. In Mv.3 Jāmadagnya is styled by शतानन्द as काण्डपृष्ठ. (स्वकुलं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा यो वै परकुलं व्रजेत् । तेन दुश्चरितेनासौ काण्डपृष्ठ इति स्मृतः ॥).
-ष्ठम्   the bow of Karṇa & Kāma.-भङ्गः,
-भग्नम्   a fracture of the bone or limbs.
-वीणा   the lute of a Chāṇḍāla.
-सन्धिः   a knot, joint (as of a plant).
-स्पृष्टः   one who lives by arms, a warrior, soldier.
-हीनम्   a kind of grass.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काण्ड  mn.  (-ण्डः-ण्डं)
   1. A stalk or stem.
   2. The part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed.
   3. A cluster, a clump.
   4. An arrow.
   5. opportunity, season.
   6. water.
   7. A kind of reed, (Saccharum sara.)
   8. A multitude, a heap, a quantity.
   9. A horse. 10. A chapter, a section.
   11. The part in a sacrifice appropriated to different objects, as the gods or manes.
   12. A long bone, a bone of the extremities.
   13. praise, flattery.
   14. private, privacy. 15. low, vile, bad.
   16. sinful, wicked.
   E. कन् to shine, &c. Unadi affix, and the radical vowel made long.

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