काण्ड f. mn. ([or काण्ड॑, [TS. vii] ]) (end of a compound.*">ifc. f(आ or ई). ) ([cf. खण्ड, with which in some of its senses काण्ड is confounded]) a single joint of the stalk or stem of a plant, such as a bamboo or reed or cane (i.e. the portion from one knot to another cf. त्रि-क्°), any part or portion, section, chapter, division of a work or book (cf. त्रि-क्°), any distinct portion or division of an action or of a sacrificial rite (as that belonging to the gods or to the manes), [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [VS.] कर्म-काण्ड a separate department or subject (e.g. , the department of the वेद treating of sacrificial rites, [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 4-2, 51] ), [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [R.] a stalk, stem, branch, switch, ---10--- ; ---11--- ; 46, 48">---12--- ; ---13--- ; ---14--- the part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed, ---15--- a cluster, bundle, ---16--- a multitude, heap, quantity (end of a compound.*">ifc. ), [Pāṇ. 4-2, 51] ; [Kāś.] an arrow, xiii, 265">---19--- ; [Hit.] काण्ड-भग्न a bone of the arms or legs, long bone (cf. and पुच्छकाण्ड॑), [Suśr.] a rudder (?), ii, 89, 19">[R. ii, 89, 19] a kind of square measure, ---23--- ; vii, 55">[Vop. vii, 55] शर a cane, reed, Saccharum Sara (), [L.] water, [L.] अ-काण्ड opportunity, occasion (cf. ), [L.] a private place, privacy, [L.] praise, flattery, [L.] (end of a compound.*">ifc. implying depreciation) vile, low, [Pāṇ. 6-2, 126] काण्डस्यावयवो विकारो वा = g. बिल्वा-दि काण्ड m. m. (also) abundance, [Vcar.]