शत—पथ—ब्राह्मण n. n. ‘the
ब्राह्मण with a
h° paths or sections’
N. of a well-known
ब्राह्मण attached to the
वाजसनेयि-संहिता or White
यजुर्-वेद, (like the
संहिता, this
ब्राह्मण is ascribed to the
ऋषियाज्ञवल्क्य; it is perhaps the most modern of the
ब्राह्मणs, and is preserved in two
शाखाs or schools,
माध्यंदिन and
काण्व; the version belonging to the former is best known, and is divided into fourteen
काण्डs or books which contain one hundred
अध्यायs or lectures [or according to another arrangement into sixty-eight
प्रपाठकs]; the whole work is regarded as the most systematic and interesting of all the
ब्राह्मणs, and though intended mainly for ritual and sacrificial purposes, is full of curious mythological details and legends;
cf. यजुर्-वेद,
[IW. 25 &c.]