Dictionaries | References


   { vā }
Script: Devanagari


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Or.<br>   lice.<br>


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 conj   Or.<br>  f pl  lice.<br>


 क्रि.  ( वहा याचा संक्षेप ) वहा . संतचरणी अभिमान । - आपद ३३ . ८० . [ वाहणे ]<br>   उभअ .<br>   उद्गा . आश्चर्यदर्शक उद्गार ; वाहवा . वा ! असं कधी झालंय .<br>   स्त्रीअव . ( संक्षेप ) उवा . वा चामवा गोचिड । - दा १७ . ६ . २३ . तुका म्हणे वाच्या रागे । - तुगा ३२८४ .<br>  स्त्री. ( गो . ) आई . वा भार गेलां [ आवय ]<br>   पक्षांतरबोधक अव्यय ; नाहींतर ; अथवा ; किंवा . त्या तो भी जैसा गज भीतो सिंहासि सिंह शरभा । - मोभीष्म ५ . ४० .<br>   व , आणि . हिराजि वा केसव मलह वा माळि . - मंगळवेढेचा शिलालेख , ग्रंथमाला .<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वा  f. af. going<br>   hurting<br>   an arrow<br>   weaving<br>वा  n. 1.ind. or (excluded, like the Lat.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">ve, from the first place in a sentence, and generally immediately following, rarely and only m.c. preceding, the word to which it refers), [RV.] &c. &c. (often used in disjunctive sentences; वा-वा, ‘either’ — ‘or’, ‘on the one side’ — ‘on the other’; न वा — or — , ‘neither’ — ‘nor’; वा न-वा, ‘either not’ — ‘or’; यदि वा-वा, ‘whether’ — ‘or’; in a sentence containing more than two members is nearly always repeated, although if a negative is in the first clause it need not be so repeated; is sometimes interchangeable with and अपि, and is frequently combined with other particles, esp. with अथ, अथो-, उत, किम्, यद्, यदिq.v. [e.g.अथ वा, ‘or else’]; it is also sometimes used as an expletive)<br>वा   either-or not, optionally, KātyŚr.; [Mn.] &c. (in gram. is used in a rule to denote its being optional e.g.13; 35 &amp;c.">[Pāṇ. 1-2, 13; 35 &c.] )<br>इव   as, like (= ), [PārGṛ.] ; [MBh.] &c.<br>एव   just, even, indeed, very (= , laying stress on the preceding word), KātyŚr.; [Kāv.] <br>   but even if, even supposing (followed by a future), [Pañc. v, 36/37] <br>   however, nevertheless, [Bādar.] ; [Bālar.] <br>किं वा शकुन्तलेत्य् अस्य मातुर् आख्या   (after a rel. or interr.) possibly, perhaps, I dare say, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (e.g., ‘is his mother's name perhaps शकुन्तला?’ vii, 20/21">[Śak. vii, 20/21] ; को वा or के वा followed by a negative may in such cases be translated by ‘every one, alle.g.के वा न स्युः परिभव-पदं निष्फला-रम्-भ-यत्नाः, ‘everybody whose efforts are fruitless is an object of contempt[Megh. 55] ).<br>वा   2.cl. 2. P. (xxiv, 42">---13--- ) वा॑ति (pf.ववौ, [Br.] ; [MBh.] &c.; aor.अवासीत्, [Br.] ; fut.वास्यति, [Megh.] ; inf.वातुम्, [Hariv.] ),
to blow (as the wind), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to procure or bestow anything (acc.) by blowing, 89, 4">[RV. i, 89, 4] ;
to blow towards or upon (acc.), xii, 2798">[MBh. xii, 2798] ;
to emit an odour, be diffused (as perfume), [ŚBr.] ;
to smell (trans.), iv, 41">[Vikr. iv, 41] (v.l.);
to hurt, injure, [Vop.] :
Caus.वापयति see निर्-√ वा and cf.वाजय:
Desid.विवासति see1.वन्.<br>वा   [cf.Gk.ἄημι for ϝαημι; Lat.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">ventus; Slav.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">vejati; Goth.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">waian, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">winds; Germ.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wâjan, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">woejen, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wehen, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wind; Angl.Sax.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wâwan; Eng.sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wind.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वा [vā]   ind.<br>   As an alternative conjunction it means 'or'; but its position is different in sanskrit, being used either with each word or assertion or only with the last, but it is never used at the beginning of a clause; cf. च.<br>   it has also the following senses: (a) and, as well as, also; वायुर्वा दहनो वा G. M.; अस्ति ते माता स्मरसि वा तातम् [U.4.] (b) like, as; जातां मन्ये तुहिनमथितां पद्मिनीं वान्यरूपाम् [Me.85] (v. l.); मणी वोष्ट्रस्य लम्बेते Sk.; हृष्टो गर्जति चाति- दर्पितबलो दुर्योधनो वा शिखी [Mk.5.6;] स्नानीयवस्त्रक्रियया पत्रोर्णं वोपयुज्यते [M.5.12;] [Śi.3.63;4.35;7.64;] [Ki.3.13.] (c) optionally; (in this sense mostly in grammatical rules as of Pāṇini); दोषो णौ वा चित्तविरागे [P.VI.4.] 99,91. (d) possibility; (in this sense वा is usually added to the interrogative pronoun and its derivatives like इव or नाम), and may be translated by 'possibly', 'I should like to know'; कस्य वान्यस्य वचसि मया स्थातव्यम् K.; परिवर्तिनि संसारे मृतः को वा न जायते [Pt.1.27.] (e) sometimes used merely as an expletive. (f) indeed, truly. (g) only.<br>   When repeated वा has the sense of 'either-or,' 'whether-or'; सा वा शंभोस्तदीया वा मूर्तिर्जल- मयी मम [Ku.2.6;] तदत्र परिश्रमानुरोधाद्वा उदात्तकथावस्तुगौर- वाद्वा नवनाटकदर्शनकुतूहलाद्वा भवद्बिरवधानं दीयमानं प्रार्थये [Ve.1;] एक एक खगो मानी सुखं जीवति चातकः । म्रियते वा पिपासायां याचते वा पुरंदरम् ॥ Subhāṣ. (अथवा or, or rather, or else; see under अथ; न वा not, neither, nor; यदि वा or if; यद्वा or, or else; किं वा whether, possibly &c.; किं वा शकुन्तलेत्यस्य मातुराख्या [Ś.7.2] /21; को वा or के वा followed by a negative means 'everyone, all'; के वा न स्युः परिभवफला निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः [Me.56.] <br>वा [vā]   I. 2 P. (वाति, वात or वान)<br>   To blow; वाता वाता दिशि दिशि न वा सप्तधा सप्तभिन्नाः [Ve.3.6;] दिशः प्रसेदुर्मरुतो ववुः सुखाः ---13--- [Me.44;] [Bk.7.1;8.61.] <br>   To go, move.<br>   To strike, hurt, injure.<br>   To emit an odour, be diffused.<br>   To smell. -Caus. (वापयति-ते)<br>   To cause to blow.<br>   (वाजयति-ते) To shake. -With आ to blow; बद्धां बद्धां भित्तिशङ्काममुष्मिन्नावानावान्मातरिश्वा निहन्ति [Ki.5.36;] [Bk. 14.97.] <br>-प्र, वि   to blow; वायुर्विवाति हृदयानि हरन्नराणाम् [Ṛs. 6.23.] -ii. 4 P. (वायति)<br>   To be dried up, to dry.<br>   To be extinguished. -iii. 1 U. (वापयति-ते)<br>   To be happy.<br>   To worship, reverence.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वा   r. 2nd cl. (वाति)<br>   1. To go or move.<br>   2. To blow, (as the wind.) With निर् prefixed,<br>   1. To blow out, to extinguish.<br>   2. To cool.<br>   3. To hurt, to injure. Caus. (वापयति-ते) To cause to blow; also (वाजयति-ते) To shake.<br>वा   Ind. A particle of,:--1. comparison, (as, like, so;)<br>   2. alternative or- option, (or, either, else, sometimes.)<br>   3. doubt and consideration, (or, whether.)<br>   4. exception, (only, no other;)<br>   5. asseveration or confirmation, (indeed, even, very.)<br>   6. A conjunction, (and, as well, also.)<br>   7. An expletive.<br>   E. वा to go, aff. क्विप्, the is some- times changed to ब, and the word is read बा .<br>
वा क्विप् बा .
वा(बा)ह्य  mfn.  (-ह्यः-ह्या-ह्यं)<br>वा(बा)ह्य   1. To be carried or borne.<br>वा(बा)ह्य   2. outer, external. n. (-ह्यं) A carriage, a vehicle.<br>वा(बा)ह्य  m.  (-ह्यः) A beast of burthen, an ox, a horse, &c.<br>वा(बा)ह्य   E. वह् to bear, aff. ण्यत्, or वहिर् external, यञ् aff.<br>
वह् ण्यत् वहिर् यञ्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  वायोः संयोगानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. वायुः मन्दं मन्दं वाति। <br>
कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : अपि<br>

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