वा f. af. going<br> hurting<br> an arrow<br> weaving<br>वा n. 1.ind. or (excluded, like the Lat. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">ve, from the first place in a sentence, and generally immediately following, rarely and only m.c. preceding, the word to which it refers), [RV.] &c. &c. (often used in disjunctive sentences; वा-वा, ‘either’ — ‘or’, ‘on the one side’ — ‘on the other’; न वा — or न — , ‘neither’ — ‘nor’; वा न-वा, ‘either not’ — ‘or’; यदि वा-वा, ‘whether’ — ‘or’; in a sentence containing more than two members is nearly always repeated, although if a negative is in the first clause it need not be so repeated; is sometimes interchangeable with च and अपि, and is frequently combined with other particles, esp. with अथ, अथो-, उत, किम्, यद्, यदिq.v. [e.g. अथ वा, ‘or else’]; it is also sometimes used as an expletive)<br>वा either-or not, optionally, KātyŚr.; [Mn.] &c. (in gram. is used in a rule to denote its being optional e.g. 13; 35 &c.">[Pāṇ. 1-2, 13; 35 &c.] )<br>इव as, like (= ), [PārGṛ.] ; [MBh.] &c.<br>एव just, even, indeed, very (= , laying stress on the preceding word), KātyŚr.; [Kāv.] <br> but even if, even supposing (followed by a future), [Pañc. v, 36/37] <br> however, nevertheless, [Bādar.] ; [Bālar.] <br>किं वा शकुन्तलेत्य् अस्य मातुर् आख्या (after a rel. or interr.) possibly, perhaps, I dare say, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (e.g. , ‘is his mother's name perhaps शकुन्तला?’ vii, 20/21">[Śak. vii, 20/21] ; को वा or के वा followed by a negative may in such cases be translated by ‘every one, all’ e.g. के वा न स्युः परिभव-पदं निष्फला-रम्-भ-यत्नाः, ‘everybody whose efforts are fruitless is an object of contempt’ [Megh. 55] ).<br>वा 2.cl. 2. P. (xxiv, 42">---13--- ) वा॑ति (pf. ववौ, [Br.] ; [MBh.] &c.; aor. अवासीत्, [Br.] ; fut. वास्यति, [Megh.] ; inf. वातुम्, [Hariv.] ), to blow (as the wind), [RV.] &c. &c.; to procure or bestow anything ( acc. ) by blowing, 89, 4">[RV. i, 89, 4] ; to blow towards or upon ( acc. ), xii, 2798">[MBh. xii, 2798] ; to emit an odour, be diffused (as perfume), [ŚBr.] ; to smell ( trans.), iv, 41">[Vikr. iv, 41] ( v.l. ); to hurt, injure, [Vop.] : Caus. वापयति see निर्-√ वा and cf. वाजय: Desid. विवासति see √ 1.वन्.< br> वा [cf. Gk. ἄημι for ϝαημι; Lat. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">ventus; Slav. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">vejati; Goth. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">waian, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">winds; Germ. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wâjan, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">woejen, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wehen, sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wind; Angl.Sax. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wâwan; Eng. sanskrit word is part of Etymology of ">wind.]<br>