रथः [rathḥ] [रम्यतेनेन अत्र वा, रम्-कथन्; cf. [Uṇ.2.2] ] A carriage, chariot, car, vehicle; especially, a war-chariot. A hero (for रथिन्); अपवातेषु पार्येषु त्रयस्तेऽभावञ् रथाः [Mb.1.2.92.] A foot. A limb, part, member. The body; cf. आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु Kaṭh. 1.3.3. A reed. Pleasure, delight. Comp. अक्षः a carriage-axle. a measure of length (= 14 aṅgulas). अङ्गम् any part of a carriage. particularly, the wheels of a carriage; रथो रथाङ्गध्वनिना विजज्ञे [R.7.41;] [Ś.7.1.] a discus, especially of Viṣṇu; चक्रधर इति रथाङ्गमदः सततं विभर्षि भुवनेषु रूढये [Śi.15.26.] a potter's wheel. (-ङ्गः) the ruddy goose. ˚आह्वयः, ˚आह्वानः, ˚नामकः, ˚नामन् m. the ruddy goose (चक्रवाक); रथाङ्गनामन् वियुतो रथाङ्गश्रोणिबिम्बया । अयं त्वां पृच्छति रथी मनोरथशतैर्वृतः ॥ [V.4.] 18; [Ku.3.37;] [R.3.24;] रथाङ्गाह्वानानां भवति विधुरम् Udb.; (the male bird is said by poets to be separated from the female at night, and to be united at sun-rise). ˚पाणिः N. of Viṣṇu; रथाङ्गपाणेः पटलेन रोचिषा [Śi.1.21;] दुरन्तवीर्यस्य रथाङ्गपाणेः [bhāg.] -अभ्रः a reed cane. -अर्थकः a small carriage. -अश्वः a carriage-horse -आयुधकः a kind of bow. -आरोहः one who fights from a chariot.-ईशः a warrior fighting from a chariot. -ईषा, -शा the pole of a carriage; रथेषाश्च रथेषाभिः ... संगतैः सहिताः [Mb.6.46.5.] -उडुपः, -पम् the body of a chariot.-उद्वहः, -उपस्थः the seat of a chariot, the driving-box; रथोपस्थ उपाविशत् [Bg.1.47.] -कट्या, -कड्या an assemblage of chariots. -कल्पकः an officer who is in charge of a king's chariots. करः, कारः a coachbuilder, carpenter, wheel-wright; रथकारः स्वकां भार्यां सजारां शिरसा- वहत् [Pt.4.54.] N. N. of a caste called सौधन्वन (q. v.); तस्मादत्रैवर्णिको रथकारः ŚB. on [MS.6.6.47;] परिशेषाद- त्रैवर्णिको रथकारः स्यात् ŚB. on [MS.6.1.44.] ˚न्यायः The rule according to which the रूढ अर्थ is stronger than the यौगिक अर्थ; cf. योगाद्रूढिर्बलीयसी. This is discussed and established in connection with the word रथकार by Jaimini and शबर in [MS.6.1.44-5.] -सुटुम्बिकः, -कुटुम्बिन्m. a charioteer, coachman. -कूबरः, -रम् the pole or shaft of a carriage; कूबरा रथकूबरैः ... संगतैः सहिताः [Mb.6.] 46.5. -केतुः the flag of a chariot. -क्षोभः the jolting of a chariot; रथक्षोभपरिश्रमम् [R.1.58.] -गणकः an officer who counts chariots. -गर्भकः a litter, palanquin. -गुप्तिःf. a fence of wood or iron with which a chariot is provided as a protection from collision. -घोषः the rattling of a chariot. चरणः, पादः a chariot-wheel; धृतरथचरणोऽभ्ययाच्चलद्गुः [Bhāg.1.9.37;] [Dk.2.7.] the सुदर्शन wheel; रथाङ्गे चन्द्रार्कौ रथचरणपाणिः शर इति [Śivamahimna 18.] the ruddy goose. -चर्या chariot-exercise, the use of a chariot, travelling by carriage; अनभ्यस्त- रथचर्याः [U.5;] सारथे रथचर्यासु सज्जो भव सुशिक्षितः [Bm.1.684.] -जङ्घा the hinder part of a chariot. -ज्वरः a crow.-दुर्गम् the throng of chariots. -धुर् f. f. the shaft or pole of a chariot. -नाभिः f. f. the nave of the wheel of a chariot; रथनाभिरिवाभिख्यायेत [Ait. Up.2.4.5.] -नीडः the inner part or seat of a chariot. -पुंगवः a chief or distinguished warrior. बन्धः the fastenings or harness of a chariot. a league of warriors. -महोत्सवः, -यात्रा the solemn procession of an idol placed in a car (usually drawn by men). -मुखम् the forepart of a carriage. -युद्धम् 'a chariot-fight', a fight between combatants mounted on chariots. -योगः a team (of horses etc.) on a chariot; [Bri. Up.] -योजकः a charioteer, harnesser of a chariot. -वंशः a number of chariots.-वर्त्मन् n., -वीथिः f. f. highway, main road. -वारकः son of a Śūdra and a Sairandhrī. वाहः a carriagehorse. charioteer. -विज्ञानम्, -विद्या the art of driving chariots. -शक्तिः f. f. the staff which supports the banner of a war-chariot; रथशक्तिं मुमोचासौ दीप्तामग्नि- शिखामिव [Mb.1.6.13.] -शाला a coach-house, carriageshed. -शास्त्रम्, -शिक्षा the art of driving a chariot, coachmanship. -सप्तमी the seventh day in the bright half of Māgha.