कारक [kāraka] a. a. (-रिका f.) [कृ-ण्वुल्] (Usually at the end of comp.)
Making, acting, doing, performing, creating, doer &c. स्वप्नस्य कारकः
[Y.3.15;2.156;] वर्णसंकर- कारकैः
[Bg.1.42;] [Ms.7.24;] [Pt.5.36.] कारका मित्रकार्याणि सीतालाभाय सोऽब्रवीत्
[Bk.7.29.] An agent.
Intending to act or do.
कम् (In Gram.) The relation subsisting between a noun and a verb in a sentence, (or between a noun and other words governing it); there are six such Kārakas, belonging to the first seven cases, except the genitive: (1) कर्त; (2) कर्मन्; (3) करण; (4) संप्रदान; (5) अपादान; (6) अधिकरण.
That part of grammar which treats of these relations;i. e. syntax.
Water produced from hail.
An organ (इन्द्रिय); जगाद जीमूतगभीरया गिरा बद्धाञ्जलीन्संवृतसर्व- कारकान्
[Bhāg.8.6.16.] -Comp.
-गुप्तिः f. f. a. sentence with a hidden meaning. -Comp.
-दीपकम् (in Rhet.) Case illuminator, a figure of speech in which the same Kāraka is connected with several verbs in succession;e. g. रिवद्यति कूणति वेल्लति विचलति निमिषति विलोकयति तिर्यक् । अन्तर्नन्दति चुम्बितुमिच्छति नवपरिणया वधूः शयने ॥
[K. P.1.] -हेतुः the active or efficient cause (opp. ज्ञापकहेतु).