Dictionaries | References न नृग { nṛgḥ, nṛga } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | NṚGA A king born in the dynasty of Vaivasvata manu. 1) genealogy. descended from Viṣṇu thus: Brahmā-- Marīci--Kaśyapa--Vivasvān--Vaivasvata manu-- Mahābāhu--Prasandhi--Kṣupa--Nṛga. Nṛga was the younger brother of Ikṣvāku. From Nṛga was born Sumati, from him the king called Jyotis, from Jyotis Vasu and from Vasu Pratīka. 2) Nṛga became chameleon. Nṛga was an extremely righteous and generous king. once, at Puṣkara he gifted away thousands of cows to brahmins. there was a brahmin called Parvata living near Puṣkara. he too was given a cow and it was after that the brahmin named Anārata came. By then there remained no cow to be gifted. Anārata came after Parvata had gone into the forest after leaving the cow at the pond (Puṣkara). Nṛga had forgotten the fact that the cow had already been gifted away to Parvata and finding it there owner-less he gave it to Anārata, who went away with the cow very much pleased. The king and his ministers also returned to the palace. A very short time afterwards Parvata returned to the pond and felt very sorry to miss his cow. he searched for it here and there and at last found it at Anārata's house. quarrel ensued between the two, Parvata alleging that Anārata had stolen his cow while the latter contended that it had been given to him by the king. now, it was decided that the question should be submitted for arbitration to the king, and the contending parties went to the capital to see the king. At the palace they asked the gate-keepers to tell the king about their arrival. But, they did not tell the king, nor did he come. Angered at this the brahmins cursed that Nṛga be converted into a chameleon and live as such for a thousand years. The king heard about the curse and ran up to the brahmins and requested for absolution from it. The brahmins then said that after one thousand years Mahāviṣṇu would incarnate as Śrī Kṛṣṇa and that at his touch Nṛga, the chameleon would resume his former form as king. according to this curse Nṛga was born as a chameleon in a neglected well at Dvārakā. one day Sāmba and others who happened to go near the well tried their best to take the chameleon out of it, to no purpose. At last Kṛṣṇa with his attendants came and took it out of the well. At Kṛṣṇa's touch it resumed its form as king Nṛga, and related the story of his curse to the onlookers, who stood there wondering. 3) other information.(i) after his death Nṛga lived in Yama's court worshipping him. [Sabhā Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 8] . (ii) Nṛga once conducted a yajña on the banks of the river Payoṣṇī in Varāhatīrtha at which indra drank soma so much as to get intoxicated, and the brahmins danced with pleasure at the very liberal gifts made to them. [Vana Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 5] . (iii) Nṛga was a king very dear to Indians. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 7] . (iv) Kṛṣṇa granted salvation to Nṛga who changed, at his touch, from chameleon to his former form as king Nṛga. [Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 70, Verse 29] . (v) he did not eat flesh. [Anuśāsana Parva. Chapter 70, Verse 29] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | noun एक पौराणिक राजा जो बड़े दानवीर थे Ex. एक ब्राह्मण के शाप के कारण नृग को गिरगिट की योनि में पैदा होना पड़ा था । ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benনৃগ gujનૃગ kokनृग marनृग oriନୃଗ panਨ੍ਰਿਗ noun मनु के एक पुत्र Ex. नृग का वर्णन पुराणों में मिलता है । ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:kasنَرگ sanनृगः urdنرگ noun उशीनर का एक पुत्र Ex. नृग नृगा के गर्भ से पैदा हुए थे । ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:sanनृग Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | नृग (ऐश्वार्क) n. (सू. इ.) एक प्राचीन दानी राजा । भागवत एवं महाभारत के अनुसार, यह इक्ष्वाकु के शतपुत्रों में से एक था [म.स.८.८] । इक्ष्वाकु के ४८ पुत्रों को दक्षिणापथ में राज्य प्राप्त हुआ था । उनमें से नृग का राज्य पयोष्णी (तापी) नदी के तट पर था [म.व.८६.४-६] । नृग ने पयोष्णी नदी के किनारे वाराहतीर्थ में यज्ञ किया था । उस समय इसने एक कोटि के उपर गौ का दान किया । उनमें एक गौ गलती से पुनः एक बार राजा के गोसमूह में वापस आयी, एवं दूसरे ब्राह्मण को पुनः दान में दी गयी । इसनें उन दो ब्राह्मणों में झगडा शुरु हो कर, वे दोनों राजा के पास फैसले के लिये आये । उस झगडे का फैसला देने में नृग को देर हुई । उस कारण, उन ब्राह्मणों ने इसे शाप दिया, ‘तुम गिरगिट बनोंगे’। राजा ने प्रार्थना कर ‘उःशाप’ मॉंगा । फिर ब्राह्मणों ने ‘उःशाप’ दिया, ‘भगवान कृष्ण के द्वारा तुम्हारा उद्धार होगा’। पश्चात् अपने वसु नामक पुत्र को गद्दी पर बैठा कर, यह वन में गया । बाद में कृष्ण के हस्तस्पर्श से, गिरगिटयोनि से इसका उद्धार हो गया [म.अनु.७०] ;[भा.१०.६४] ;[वा.रा.उ.५३-५४] । शौर्य एवं दान के कारण, मृत्यु के पश्चात् नृग को उत्तम लोकों की प्राप्ति हो गयी [म.भी.१७.१०] । इसने आजन्म मांसभक्षण का निषेध किया था । उस की सभा में में विराजमान हो गया [म.अनु.११५.६०] ।नृग (औशीनर) n. (सो. अनु.) एक राजा । भागवत एवं मत्स्य के अनुसार, यह उशीनर राजा का पुत्र था । वायु नें इसे ‘मृग’ कहा गया है ।नृग (मानव) n. (सू.) पद्म के अनुसार मनु के दस पुत्रों में से दूसरा पुत्र । पुराणों में कई जगह मनुपुत्र नाभाग एवं नृग एक ही माने गये है [लिंग.१.६६.४५] । इसके पुत्र का नाम सुमति था । भागवत में नृग राजा की ‘वंशावलि’। विस्तृतरुप से दी गयी है [भा.९.२.१७-१८] । किंतु वह विश्वासार्ह नहीं प्रतीत होती है । नृग एवं उसका पितामह ओघवंत के पूर्वपुरुषों के महाभारत में दिये गये नाम, इस ‘वंशावलि’ में नृग के ‘वंशज’ के नाते दिये गये है । Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani Konkani | | noun व्हडलो दानवीर आशिल्लो असो एक पुराणीक राजा Ex. एका ब्राह्मणाच्या शिरापाक लागून नृगाक शेड्ड्याच्या योनींत जल्म घेवचो पडलो ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benনৃগ gujનૃગ hinनृग marनृग oriନୃଗ panਨ੍ਰਿਗ noun मनूचो एक पूत Ex. नृगाचें वर्णन पुराणांत मेळटा ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:kasنَرگ sanनृगः urdنرگ noun उशीनराचो एक पूत Ex. नृग नृगाच्या गर्भांतल्यान जाल्लो ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:sanनृग Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | noun एक पौराणिक राजा जे मोठे दानवीर होते Ex. एका ब्राह्मणाच्या शापामुळे नृगला सरड्याच्या योनीतून जन्म घ्यावा लागला. ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benনৃগ gujનૃગ hinनृग kokनृग oriନୃଗ panਨ੍ਰਿਗ noun मनुचा एक पुत्र Ex. नृगचे वर्णन पुराणांत आढळते. ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:kasنَرگ sanनृगः urdنرگ noun उशीनरचा एक पुत्र Ex. नृग हे नृगाच्या पोटी जन्मले होते. ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:sanनृग Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | नृ—ग m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of an ancient king, [MBh.] ROOTS:नृ ग of a grandson of ओघ-वत्, ib. of a son of उशीनर by नृ-गा (ancestor of the यौधेयs), [Hariv.] of a son of मनु, [VP.] of the father of सु-मति, [BhP.] of a king (the patron of the philosopher वाचस्पति-मिश्र)°गस्य साम n. (n.also title or epithet).">N. of a सामन्, [ĀrṣBr.] ) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | नृगः [nṛgḥ] A son of manu Vaivasvata, who, it is said, was cursed by a Brāhmaṇa to be a lizard. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | नृग m. (-गः) The name of a king, the son of IKSHWAKU. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 नृग संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | noun उशीनरस्य पुत्रः। Ex. नृगः नृगायाः गर्भात् जातः। ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) Related Words नृग نرگ نَرگ ਨ੍ਰਿਗ নৃগ ନୃଗ નૃગ नृगः ओघरथ नृगा ओघवती सुमति धृष्टकेतु वसु मनु હિલાલ્ શુક્લ પક્ષની શરુના ત્રણ-ચાર દિવસનો મુખ્યત ନବୀକରଣଯୋଗ୍ୟ ନୂଆ ବା વાહિની લોકોનો એ સમૂહ જેની પાસે પ્રભાવી કાર્યો કરવાની શક્તિ કે સર્જરી એ શાસ્ત્ર જેમાં શરીરના ન્યાસલેખ તે પાત્ર કે કાગળ જેમાં કોઇ વસ્તુને બખૂબી સારી રીતે:"તેણે પોતાની જવાબદારી ਆੜਤੀ ਅਪੂਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਨ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲਾ బొప్పాయిచెట్టు. అది ఒక लोरसोर जायै जाय फेंजानाय नङा एबा जाय गंग्लायथाव नङा:"सिकन्दरनि खाथियाव पोरसा गोरा जायो आनाव सोरनिबा बिजिरनायाव बिनि बिमानि फिसाजो एबा मादै भाजप भाजपाची मजुरी:"पसरकार रोटयांची भाजणी म्हूण धा रुपया मागता नागरिकता कुनै स्थान ३।। कोटी ঁ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ۔گوڑ سنکرمن ॐ 0 ० 00 ૦૦ ୦୦ 000 ০০০ ૦૦૦ ୦୦୦ 00000 ০০০০০ 0000000 00000000000 00000000000000000 000 பில்லியன் 000 மனித ஆண்டுகள் 1 १ ১ ੧ ૧ ୧ 1/16 ರೂಪಾಯಿ 1/20 1/3 ૧।। 10 १० ১০ ੧੦ ૧૦ ୧୦ ൧൦ 100 ۱٠٠ १०० ১০০ ੧੦੦ ૧૦૦ ୧୦୦ 1000 १००० ১০০০ ੧੦੦੦ ૧૦૦૦ ୧୦୦୦ 10000 १०००० ১০০০০ ੧੦੦੦੦ ૧૦૦૦૦ ୧୦୦୦୦ 100000 ۱٠٠٠٠٠ १००००० ১০০০০০ ੧੦੦੦੦੦ ૧૦૦૦૦૦ 1000000 १०००००० ১০০০০০০ ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦ ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦ ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦ 10000000 १००००००० ১০০০০০০০ ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦੦ Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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