सु—मति f. f. good mind or disposition, benevolence, kindness, favour (acc. with √ कृ, ‘to make any one the object of one's favour’), [RV.] ; [AV.] devotion, prayer, ib. the right taste for, pleasure or delight in (loc. ), [R.] सु—मति mfn. mfn. very wise or intelligent, [Kāv.] ; [Pañcat.] well versed in (gen. ), [Kathās.] सु—मति m. m.N. of a दैत्य, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] of a ऋषि under मनुसावर्ण, ib. of a भार्गव, [MārkP.] of an आत्रेय, [Cat.] of a son or disciple of सूत and teacher of the पुराणs, [VP.] of a son of भरत, [BhP.] of a son of सोम-दत्त, ib. of son of सु-पार्श्व, [Hariv.] of a son of जनमेजय, [VP.] of a son of दृढ-सेन, [BhP.] of a son of नृग, ib. of a son of ऋतेयु, ib. of a son of विदूरथ, [MārkP.] of the 5th अर्हत् of the present अवसर्पिणी or the 13th अर्हत् of the past उत्सर्पिणी, [L.] of various other men, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] f. (also f(ई) ) N. of the wife of सगर (mother of 60,000 sons), [R.] ; [Pur.] f. (also f(ई) ) of a daughter of क्रतु, [VP.] f. (also f(ई) ) of the wife of विष्णु-यशस् and mother of कल्किन्, [KalkiP.]