Dictionaries | References


   { matiḥ, mati }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
MATI   A daughter of Dakṣaprajāpati. She became the wife of Dharmarāja. [Śloka 15, Chapter 66, Ādi Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : बुद्धि


मति n.  दक्ष प्रजापति की एक कन्या, जो धर्म की पत्नी थी [म.आ.६०.१४]
मति II. n.  एक देव, जो स्वायंभुव मन्वन्तर के जित नामक देवों में से एक था ।
मति III. n.  आभूतरजस् देवों में एक ।
मति IV. n.  भव्य देवों में से एक ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
Understanding, intellect, mind.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
 f  Intellect, mind, understanding.


बुद्धि ; जाणण्याची शक्ति . कशी हीन झाली तुझी मति । - ऐपो १४६ .
मन ; अंतःकरण .
विचार ; हेतु . बुद्धि पहा . [ सं . ]
०चालणें   आकलन होणें . आपली बरीच मति चालते . - विवि ८ . ३ . ४७ .
०प्रकाश वि.  ज्ञानवान ; बुद्धिवान . विनायका अभयदाता । मतिप्रकाश करीं मज । - गुच १ . ११ .
०भ्रम   विभ्रम - पु . चूक ; चुकीचा समज ; बुद्धिभ्रंश . तियें मूर्ख मतिभ्रमें । मी कर्ता म्हणे । - ज्ञा ३ . १७८ .
०मंद वि.  बुद्धीनें कमी ; जड बुद्धीचा ; मठ्ठ . [ सं . ]
०मान   वंत - वि . बुद्धिमान ; शहाणा ; धूर्त . तंव एकीं मतिवंतीं । या बोलाचिया खंतीं । - ज्ञा १३ . ४० .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali
See : बुद्धि


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
मति   a &c. See p. 783, col. 2.
मति  f. bf. (in, [ŚBr.] also म॑ति) devotion, prayer, worship, hymn, sacred utterance, [RV.] ; [VS.]
मत्या  n. thought, design, intention, resolution, determination, inclination, wish, desire (with loc.dat. or inf.), [RV.] &c. &c. (ind. wittingly, knowingly, purposely; मतिंकृ or धा or धृ or आ-√ धा or समा-√ धा or आ-√ स्था or सम्-आ-√ स्था, with loc.dat.acc. with प्रति, or अर्थम्ifc., to set the heart on, make up one's mind, resolve, determine; मतिम् with Caus. of नि-√ वृत् and abl. of a verbal noun, to give up the idea of; आहित-मतिifc. -having resolved upon; विनिवृत्त-मति with abl. = having desisted from)
मत्या  n. opinion, notion, idea, belief, conviction, view, creed, [ŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. (ind. at will; ifc., ‘under the idea of’ e.g.व्याघ्र-म्°, ‘under the idea of its being a tiger’)
the mind, perception, understanding, intelligence, sense, judgement, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (in, [RV.] also ‘that which is sensible’, intelligent, mindful, applied to अदिति, इन्द्र and अग्नि)
esteem, respect, regard, [Kir.]
memory, remembrance, [L.]
Opinion personified (and identified with सुबलात्मजा as one of the mothers of the five sons of पाण्डु, or regarded as a daughter of दक्ष and wife of सोम, or as the wife of विवेक), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Prab.]
a kind of vegetable or pot-herb, [L.]
मति  m. m.N. of a king, [Buddh.]
मति   [cf.Lat.mens; Angl.Sax.ge-mynd; Eng.mind.]


मतिः [matiḥ]  f. f. [मन् भावे क्तिन्]
Intellect, understanding, sense, knowledge, judgment; मतिरेव बलाद्गरीयसी [H.2.86;] अल्पविषया मतिः [R.1.2.]
Mind, heart; मम तु मतिर्न मनागपैतु धर्मात् [Bv.4.26;] so दुर्मति, सुमति.
Thought idea, belief, opinion, notion, supposition, impression, view; ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम [Bg.18.78;] विधिरहो बलवानिति मे मतिः [Bh.2.98;] [Pt.2.19.]
Intention, design, purpose; see मत्या.
Resolution, determination.
Esteem, regard, respect; बहुमतिमधिकां ययावशोकः [Ki.1.9.]
Wish, desire, inclination; तस्य तासु मतिं ज्ञात्वा धर्मात्मा वाक्य- मब्रवीत् [Rām.7.25.17;] प्रायोपवेशनमतिर्नृपतिर्बभूव [R.8.94.]
Counsel, advice.
Remembrance, recollection.
Ved. Devotion, prayer.
An adviser.
= प्राणः q. v.; केन विज्ञानयोगेन मतिश्चित्तं समास्थिता [Mb.14.21.] 11 (com.).
Activity or disposition of the mind; न मतेर्मन्तारं मन्वीथाः [Bṛi. Up.3.4.2.]
Blessing. (मतिं कृ,
-धा, -आधा   'to set the heart on', 'resolve upon', 'think of'. मत्या is used adverbially in the sense of
knowingly, intentionally, wilfully; मत्या भुक्त्वाचरेत् कृच्छ्रम् [Ms.4.222;5.19.]
under the impression that; व्याघ्रमत्या पलायन्ते). -Comp.
-ईश्वरः   an epithet of Viṣvakarman.
-कर्मन्   a matter of the intellect.
-गतिः  f. f. mode of thought.
-गर्भ a.  a. full of intelligence, intelligent, clever.
-दर्शनम्   the faculty of seeing into the thoughts (of others).
-द्वैधम्   difference of opinion.
-निश्चयः   a settled belief, firm conviction.
-पथः   the path of reflection.
-पूर्व a.  a. intentional, wilful.
-पूर्वम्, -पूर्वकम्   ind. purposely, intentionally, wilfully, willingly.
-प्रकर्षः   superiority of intellect, cleverness.
-भेदः   change of views.
भ्रमः, भ्रान्तिः, विपर्यासः delusion, mental illusion, confusion of mind; स्वप्नो नु माया नु मतिभ्रमो नु [Ś.6.9.]
an error, a mistake, misapprehension.
-विभ्रमः, -विभ्रंशः   confusion or infatuation of mind, madness, frenzy.
-शालिन् a.  a. intelligent, clever.
-हीन a.  a. stupid, senseless, foolish.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
मति  f.  (-तिः)
1. Understanding, intellect.
2. Wish, desire, inclination. 3. Memory, recollection.
4. Respect, reverence.
5. A potherb.
E. मन् to respect, &c. aff. क्तिन् .
मन् क्तिन् .

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